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Or get straight to the yolk of the matter with this:






(I'm only half-joking actually, the recipes are pretty rudimentary and student-oriented (helped me through the first term or two away from home, mind you!) but there's some decent tips on how to prep veggies, how long things should be cooked for etc. Nothing you can't find on the internet these days I suppose, but it's useful to have it close at hand - referred to it on Sunday just to remind myself of the temperature/timing for Yorkshires for example.)

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Or get straight to the yolk of the matter with this:






(I'm only half-joking actually, the recipes are pretty rudimentary and student-oriented (helped me through the first term or two away from home, mind you!) but there's some decent tips on how to prep veggies, how long things should be cooked for etc. Nothing you can't find on the internet these days I suppose, but it's useful to have it close at hand - referred to it on Sunday just to remind myself of the temperature/timing for Yorkshires for example.)

You make a valid point Meenzer.

It's great fun ripping into CT's culinary naivety, but if you've never really cooked before, it's a daunting task stepping into a kitchen.


The govt , etc, can bang on about 5 a day until they're blue in the face, if people can't cook without burning water they'll get nowhere.


As I write this I've been thinking " who taught me the basics?", and as cliched as it sounds, it was Ma & Pa Fist. Just simple things, but essential.

I clearly remember asking about cooking veg- does it go in cold water or boiling water? Mam told me if it grows underground it goes in cold, if it grows above ground it goes in boiling.



I reckon CT is cooking boiled eggs as he can't crack raw eggs yet and is sick of ending up with a face dripping like a bad porn star.

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2 out of 3 Smart arses aint bad :lol:


Im sure very few people have heard of cooking an egg off the heat as it happens.


Anyway, wife made a massive pan of broth today however it went really wrong (Something about not the right pan on induction bla bla bla)....Anyway, I rode in to save the day with Alex's pasta sauce and my Garlic and basil Linguine. :shades:

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Want to make a curry without leaving the house!!!


Have onions, mushrooms, curry powder, vegetable or beef stock cubes, various spices......


Can it be done :lol:


Yes. Take the ingredients above and make a curry with them. Easy.

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Looks and smell fairly rank but we'll see.


For future ref you can make a nice curry with those Patak's pastes. I'd recommend hoying some extra stuff in though. Fresh coriander, fresh chillies, ginger paste etc.

Also, blend the onions and tinned tomatoes (if you're using them). That way you get a smoother, more authentic curry sauce.

Edited by alex
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One major difference is by making them at home you can use vegetable or sunflower oil whereas the ones from the take away use ghee (clarified butter). I love the ones from the take away like but I make a pretty decent one at home (I think). I make a Sri Lankan style one (after a fashion) - use Madras paste and add extra coriander, fresh lime juice, creamed coconut and chillies. Had a one last night as it happens. Can't really go wrong with the pastes though and you can experiment a bit one you get the hang on it. Thai ones are nice too and you can make them quite healthy by using reduced fat coconut milk.

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Aye, pastes are definitely a good middle ground between doing everything yourself and just using a flat-out jar of sauce (which are often hugely sugary/salty when you look at the stats). Gives you room to experiment with ingredients and figure out how it all works.

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Marks & Spencer opened a shop here at the end of last year, went down yesterday and stocked up on curries, sausages, bacon, pies, pancakes, shortbread, crisps :lol: Fuck you January.


They do a fabulous balti curry in a tin as it happens. Seems wrong, taste lush.

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Chicken fadge eaters for me tonight.


My old man calls a certain kind of bread fadge- anyone else heard this used, or is he just a filthy bread perv?


Edit; just googled, and fadge is another name for Oirish tayto bread, but he used it for a kind of stottie.


Btw, just driven to Warrington and back to price a job, can't be arsed cooking so Taste of India will be getting a call later.

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Curry turned out really really tasty and served up with healthy chips. Not bad for a cupboards bare job.




Why's there a random roastie in there?


Ha Ha, just an end bit of the taty I was chipping. Waste not, want not.


Also chucked several cherry toms in which were spot on.


Our lass who is fussy as anything just polished a plate load off and even wiped the plate with a slice of bread.



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