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the having a shit day


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I hate Mondays. :lol: My team leader is back tomorrow after a week off so I'm desperately trying to hide things in cabinets etc, only more stuff keeps coming in so I'm going to have to start actually doing some work. :lol:


Plus I've been full of cold all weekend and now I've lost the hearing in my right ear. Grr.


Sounds like the cold I've just had. Started off as a sore throat, progressed to sneezing and coughing, fever, and left me deaf as a final departing present.


That's the one. Started with a sore throat last Monday, had a horrible cough for most of the week then got the sneezy/fever bit over the weekend, now my ears are playing up.


I'm not normally one for calling in sick - hate it when other people do it for a cold - but would've been very tempted last week had we not been short staffed at work anyway.


But still, Ted Maul's post above has reminded me it could be (a lot) worse.

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I might delete this thread as I'm having a great day :razz:


Still true? :razz:


Tennents 50p a can courtesy of Mr Sainsbury,


plus, found a fiver on the way home, so that's basically 10 cans for free :lol:



oh, and I spent all day playing with lego with nubile young chics :razz:

Edited by Invicta_Toon
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just got in from job hunting. :razz:


popped around a few agencies and the like not much joy, mostly call centre suicides, so popped my head intot he bars and restaurants to see if they were looking for any kind of full time staff...


ended up at 3pm in a cocktail bar come Argentinian/Brazilian/Mexican restaurant called Iguana's. It's one of a chain apparently.



anyhoo after spending all afternoon evening and night in there, also spending £90 I've got to pop by tomorrow(today) for an application form




Edit(ok Toplass, Toonraider?? this is how you manage to post when you're not sober.)


P.S. is the word Sesquipadalian an antonym?

Edited by The Fish
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