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  Holden McGroin said:
  catmag said:
  Holden McGroin said:

For reference, i normally use a sponge onmy ringpiece. :razz:


That's lovely :razz:


Do you then use it to wash your face? <_<


Nah, start at the top then work my way down. Hopefully, my flatmate does the same! :razz:


You share an arse sponge with your flat mate????? :P

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  Renton said:
  Holden McGroin said:
  catmag said:
  Holden McGroin said:

For reference, i normally use a sponge onmy ringpiece. :razz:


That's lovely :razz:


Do you then use it to wash your face? <_<


Nah, start at the top then work my way down. Hopefully, my flatmate does the same! :razz:


You share an arse sponge with your flat mate????? :P


Only a bit of soap and bum fun Rents...

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  Renton said:
  Holden McGroin said:
  catmag said:
  Holden McGroin said:

For reference, i normally use a sponge onmy ringpiece. :razz:


That's lovely :P


Do you then use it to wash your face? <_<


Nah, start at the top then work my way down. Hopefully, my flatmate does the same! :razz:


You share an arse sponge with your flat mate????? :razz:


I was wondering what the benefits of his mate working from the top down were too. Given that McGroin will be using it on his face just after his mate's had it buried in his crevice. :razz:

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I've just had a horrible thought. manc-mag stayed at my house once and he had a shower in the morning. I forgot to remove the squeegie (just what ARE those things called?!) from the bathroom. Gawd knows what he did with it..

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  catmag said:

I've just had a horrible thought. manc-mag stayed at my house once and he had a shower in the morning. I forgot to remove the squeegie (just what ARE those things called?!) from the bathroom. Gawd knows what he did with it..


I don't think there's any doubt what he did with it. :razz: You've used it since, haven't you? <_<

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  Gemmill said:
I'm always amazed at the number of times Cath has mentioned having to sort out arse abcesses on young lads. What the fuck is wrong with these people?



I guess she just likes talking about it. <_<

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  Holden McGroin said:
  Matt said:
  Gemmill said:
I'm always amazed at the number of times Cath has mentioned having to sort out arse abcesses on young lads. What the fuck is wrong with these people?



I guess she just likes talking about it. :razz:


Hidden bum fetish tbh. :razz:


Nowt wrong with a nice arse on a bloke <_<


I draw the line at nice arses with abcesses on though.

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  catmag said:

I've just had a horrible thought. manc-mag stayed at my house once and he had a shower in the morning. I forgot to remove the squeegie (just what ARE those things called?!) from the bathroom. Gawd knows what he did with it..


You can have the end of it back if you've been looking for it?

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  manc-mag said:
  catmag said:

I've just had a horrible thought. manc-mag stayed at my house once and he had a shower in the morning. I forgot to remove the squeegie (just what ARE those things called?!) from the bathroom. Gawd knows what he did with it..


You can have the end of it back if you've been looking for it?


He pm'd me at the time to say he washed himself using your cats so your squeegie thing is safe, he said he found using Florence to clean his knackers particularly effective!


He did the old between the leg drying trick too with the poor bastard, grabbed it by the whiskers at one end and by the tail at the other and dried his undercarriage with it. <_<

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  Smooth Operator said:
  manc-mag said:
  catmag said:

I've just had a horrible thought. manc-mag stayed at my house once and he had a shower in the morning. I forgot to remove the squeegie (just what ARE those things called?!) from the bathroom. Gawd knows what he did with it..


You can have the end of it back if you've been looking for it?


He pm'd me at the time to say he washed himself using your cats so your squeegie thing is safe, he said he found using Florence to clean his knackers particularly effective!


He did the old between the leg drying trick too with the poor bastard, grabbed it by the whiskers at one end and by the tail at the other and dried his undercarriage with it. <_<


Meanwhile I had Cath scratching at the bathroom door to be let in.

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  Wacky Jnr said:

Gemmil's that clean he bleaches his arsehole, or did he say he's had it bleached, I'm not sure now but it maybe the latter ;)


I think Cath did it once for him with toilet duck.

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  manc-mag said:
  Wacky Jnr said:

Gemmil's that clean he bleaches his arsehole, or did he say he's had it bleached, I'm not sure now but it maybe the latter ;)


I think Cath did it once for him with toilet duck.


Is that why the bottle is shaped like it is, to get under the rim

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  Wacky Jnr said:
  manc-mag said:
  Wacky Jnr said:

Gemmil's that clean he bleaches his arsehole, or did he say he's had it bleached, I'm not sure now but it maybe the latter ;)


I think Cath did it once for him with toilet duck.


Is that why the bottle is shaped like it is, to get under the rim


Dunno, she reckon's she was in upto the elbow.

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