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This new road pricing malarkey


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the whole point is NOT to raise cash - its to stop people from driving



If you really believe that I've got a bridge to sell you. :secret:





Really the whole point is to rake and cash and IF it reduces congestion then that is a bonus (although it won't).


Just look at how much the charge for motorbike licences relatively, even though they would cut both CO2 emmisions and congestion if widely used (athough they'd probably bankrupt the NHS.... although solve the pension crisis at the same time :unsure: ).

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the whole point is NOT to raise cash - its to stop people from driving



If you really believe that I've got a bridge to sell you. :secret:





Really the whole point is to rake and cash and IF it reduces congestion then that is a bonus (although it won't).


Just look at how much the charge for motorbike licences relatively, even though they would cut both CO2 emmisions and congestion if widely used (athough they'd probably bankrupt the NHS.... although solve the pension crisis at the same time :unsure: ).



if they want the money they could just whack it on Road Fund licences or Petrol duty TODAY and save all the time and money on developing road pricing

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the whole point is NOT to raise cash - its to stop people from driving



If you really believe that I've got a bridge to sell you. :secret:





Really the whole point is to rake and cash and IF it reduces congestion then that is a bonus (although it won't).


Just look at how much the charge for motorbike licences relatively, even though they would cut both CO2 emmisions and congestion if widely used (athough they'd probably bankrupt the NHS.... although solve the pension crisis at the same time :unsure: ).



if they want the money they could just whack it on Road Fund licences or Petrol duty TODAY and save all the time and money on developing road pricing



1. that would probably end up in a revolt, a new system suitably confuses and intimidates "the rabble" long enough for them to get use to it, and for the politicians to say it's here now live with it.


2. they'd also leave themselves open to political and media criticism of not being forward thinking and green thinking enough which seems to be the moments "trendy thing" (next years "trendy thing" will probably be Brown trying to up "Britishness" to the hilt to try to stop Scotland voting for independence).


3. the pay by the mile system also has other benefits for the Government such as speed enforcement and monitoring of our movements (the whole sleep walking into a surveillance state issue).





The reality will be much like the NHS “reform” or school reforms, pump shortlived cash into it, then stop the cash, making the system collapse and close everything and go private instead.


Expect to see privatised roads in the UK within 15 years IMO. B)

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if they work do you mind?


the french & the yanks have decent M-ways and they pay for them - why not here???


Not really, IF they'd work.


But a big difference between say the French and US models and ours is they tend marry good infrastructure to charging methods, and both those countries have a MUCH lower population density than us (France less than 1/2 ours and the USA even less than that)


We're not actually looking at investing anything much in our road system (just stopping people using it allegdedly) and our public transport system is both very expensive to use and unreliable/slow (not to mention it doesn't go many of the place you need to go) and is looking as decades of massive investment to really be a replacement for the car.


Not to mention that our poplulation density is forcast to still rise still futher over the next 50 year with current trends.



As an example think about the difference an extra lane would mean to the A1 all the way between Newcastle and York, yet it's probably never happen.

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very few people live in the countryside - lets just build over it


Where do you think they're going to put the needed 500,000 houses? :lol:



Ashford and Kent Thameside


categorically not countryside



Aye a large proportion, but that's just for now, with the 3 billion growth (+33% on current) in population world wide in the next 50 years, the UK will be pushing 100 million people soon enough.

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