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Questions for the male members of this board


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1. Why do men enjoy farting loudly in public?

2.Why do men like explosions? e.g. as in Brainiac and top gear?

3.Why do men not use a bag? i mean, how do you manage to carry around your money, cards, ciggys, phone. keys? surely its so uncomfortable all crammed in your pockets?

4.Why do you prefer to burn rather than use a sun cream lotion?


Theres more to follow!

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1. Macho Bravado

2. See 1.

3. Get bigger pockets or a smaller phone, etc

4. Again to do with part 1, the "I don't need that shite" attitude.

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1. Why do men enjoy farting loudly in public? = Farting, I'm sure is the true mating call of the human male, in the company of other males it is a sign of power and dominance, a long lingering fart is often applauded by other males.


2.Why do men like explosions? e.g. as in Brainiac and top gear? = You've forgotten Mythbusters too ! Explosions, like farts, are cool !


3.Why do men not use a bag? i mean, how do you manage to carry around your money, cards, ciggys, phone. keys? surely its so uncomfortable all crammed in your pockets? = Sadly for me the only time a woman comments on the size of my bulge in my trousers is when she is refering to the contents of my pockets, its a substitute of a bulging groin.



4.Why do you prefer to burn rather than use a sun cream lotion? = Can't answer that, I burn anyway, then peel and go back to my natural brilliant white.

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  Jimbo said:
3.Why do men not use a bag? i mean, how do you manage to carry around your money, cards, ciggys, phone. keys? surely its so uncomfortable all crammed in your pockets? = Sadly for me the only time a woman comments on the size of my bulge in my trousers is when she is refering to the contents of my pockets, its a substitute of a bulging groin.


I knew someone would make that reply!

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  Toonraider said:
  Jimbo said:
3.Why do men not use a bag? i mean, how do you manage to carry around your money, cards, ciggys, phone. keys? surely its so uncomfortable all crammed in your pockets? = Sadly for me the only time a woman comments on the size of my bulge in my trousers is when she is refering to the contents of my pockets, its a substitute of a bulging groin.


I knew someone would make that reply!




You can count on me for the low-brow comments.

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  Jimbo said:
  Toonraider said:
  Jimbo said:
3.Why do men not use a bag? i mean, how do you manage to carry around your money, cards, ciggys, phone. keys? surely its so uncomfortable all crammed in your pockets? = Sadly for me the only time a woman comments on the size of my bulge in my trousers is when she is refering to the contents of my pockets, its a substitute of a bulging groin.


I knew someone would make that reply!




You can count on me for the low-brow comments.



Yes, im getting to know you all now :D but i think i fit in just fine B)

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1 Farting is funny. I dont understand why women dont get this in public. My Mrs laughs like a drain when she farts at home but when I let one rip at her aunies I am well in the dog house.


2 I am not a big explosions fan but this is due to my near demise in the army.


3. Lots of pockets. I utilise on average 8 pockets at a time. If I am wearing a suit or tux then I just take cash in a money clip. When wearing my Kilt I use my sporran.


4. I sunblock to buggery. Really the wife laughs at me covering myself in factor 50.

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  Toonraider said:
1. Why do men enjoy farting loudly in public?

2.Why do men like explosions? e.g.  as in Brainiac and top gear?

3.Why do men not use a bag? i mean, how do you manage to carry around your money, cards, ciggys, phone. keys? surely its so uncomfortable all crammed in your pockets?

4.Why do you prefer to burn rather than use a sun cream lotion?


Theres more to follow!



1. It's a sort of release, and amusing because it annoys the women

2. Because we think of someone we would like to drop a bomb on

3. Some men do, but they get funny looks from others

4. Can't answer that, I don't do either I'd rather sit in the shade with a beer, although I do like walking around with shorts on.

Edited by LeazesMag
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  Scottish Mag said:
3.Why do men not use a bag? i mean, how do you manage to carry around your money, cards, ciggys, phone. keys? surely its so uncomfortable all crammed in your pockets?


I carry a bag.. :D





A brifcase type? A satchel? Good for you anyway, it makes sense to me!

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  Toonraider said:
1. Why do men enjoy farting loudly in public?

2.Why do men like explosions? e.g.  as in Brainiac and top gear?

3.Why do men not use a bag? i mean, how do you manage to carry around your money, cards, ciggys, phone. keys? surely its so uncomfortable all crammed in your pockets?

4.Why do you prefer to burn rather than use a sun cream lotion?


Theres more to follow!




1) cos its funny.


2) cos the bigger and louder they are - thge more impressive they are. a bit like farting.


3) why use a bag when youve got pockets


4) nothing makes you feel more like a man than having a sunburn, bulging pockets and letting one rip whilst watching a huge fuck off explosion on the telly.

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  Kevin Carr said:
1 Farting is funny. I dont understand why women dont get this in public. My Mrs laughs like a drain when she farts at home but when I let one rip at her aunies I am well in the dog house.


2 I am not a big explosions fan but this is due to my near demise in the army.


3. Lots of pockets. I utilise on average 8 pockets at a time. If I am wearing a suit or tux then I just take cash in a money clip. When wearing my Kilt I use my sporran.


4. I sunblock to buggery. Really the wife laughs at me covering myself in factor 50.



Im refusing to ask the obvious question concerning the kilt B)


Im glad you sunblock, my hubby just wont wear any, he says its slimey and greasy, so he regulary burns his neck and face, it drives me mad. My dad has had 2 melanomas removed yet hubby still wont wear any :D

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  Toonraider said:
  Kevin Carr said:
1 Farting is funny. I dont understand why women dont get this in public. My Mrs laughs like a drain when she farts at home but when I let one rip at her aunies I am well in the dog house.


2 I am not a big explosions fan but this is due to my near demise in the army.


3. Lots of pockets. I utilise on average 8 pockets at a time. If I am wearing a suit or tux then I just take cash in a money clip. When wearing my Kilt I use my sporran.


4. I sunblock to buggery. Really the wife laughs at me covering myself in factor 50.



Im refusing to ask the obvious question concerning the kilt B)


Im glad you sunblock, my hubby just wont wear any, he says its slimey and greasy, so he regulary burns his neck and face, it drives me mad. My dad has had 2 melanomas removed yet hubby still wont wear any :D



I go proper scotsman. (Even though I am from Durham the wife makes me)


Get some of that spray on stuff.

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  Toonraider said:
  Scottish Mag said:
3.Why do men not use a bag? i mean, how do you manage to carry around your money, cards, ciggys, phone. keys? surely its so uncomfortable all crammed in your pockets?


I carry a bag.. :lol:





A brifcase type? A satchel? Good for you anyway, it makes sense to me!



Most of the time its a small quicksilver bag




It makes sense especially when travelling to Newcastle and i have my wallet, seaon ticket, railcard, ipod, camera etc..


Other times i use a satchel or as earlier stated my sporran :D



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  Scottish Mag said:
  Toonraider said:
  Scottish Mag said:
3.Why do men not use a bag? i mean, how do you manage to carry around your money, cards, ciggys, phone. keys? surely its so uncomfortable all crammed in your pockets?


I carry a bag.. :lol:





A brifcase type? A satchel? Good for you anyway, it makes sense to me!



Most of the time its a small quicksilver bag




It makes sense especially when travelling to Newcastle and i have my wallet, seaon ticket, railcard, ipod, camera etc..


Other times i use a satchel or as earlier stated my sporran :D




thats cool.

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  Toonraider said:
1. Why do men enjoy farting loudly in public?

2.Why do men like explosions? e.g.  as in Brainiac and top gear?

3.Why do men not use a bag? i mean, how do you manage to carry around your money, cards, ciggys, phone. keys? surely its so uncomfortable all crammed in your pockets?

4.Why do you prefer to burn rather than use a sun cream lotion?


Theres more to follow!



1. I don't do it and wouldn't think it was funny if i did, however if soembody else does it at a very embarassing time then i'd probably laugh!


2. Never been a big fan of explosions


3. How much stuff can people need to be carrying around, pockets are more than enough


4. Not a fan of the sun so i'm never out long enough in it, but if i am then i'd have cream on as you look like a tit if you get sunburned, it hurts and its not good for you!

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Yes, why do men feel the need to spit? :lol:

and why do most men have a thing about lesbians? :D


Im sure i have more, i will post more tomorrow when my brains not fuddled with red wine B)

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  Toonraider said:
Yes, why do men feel the need to spit?  :D

and why do most men have a thing about lesbians?  :lol:


Im sure i have more,  i will post more tomorrow when my brains not fuddled with red wine  B)



I don't get spitting at all?


The lesbian thing, from a point of view of watching porn or sex/kissing scenes on tv/film? Well most men like watching that sort of stuff so its better to watch two people you fancy having sex than a woman and some hairy arsed bloke going at it :D And its a bit different and more exciting i suppose!

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  Toonraider said:
Yes, why do men feel the need to spit?  :D

and why do most men have a thing about lesbians?  :lol:


Im sure i have more,  i will post more tomorrow when my brains not fuddled with red wine  B)



Because if I have an excess of saliva in my mouth I prefer not to swallow it. And it's more hygenic.


I think the more pertinent question is why do some women feel the need to spit? :D

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Farting- never seen why its funny to be honest. Equally, if we didn't do it then we'd end up doubled over in agony. It just happens.


Explosions are GREAT. Demolition too. Perhaps is a symbol of the destructive power of mankind? Some of the Brainiac ones are clearly fake, though.


Bag- get a coat, jacket with plenty pockets. If you've not got room then simply dont take all that shite out with you in the first place. Cards, cash, phone, season ticket, keys. All you need for a Toontastic day out.


Suncream- I burn easily, peel for weeks and get no tan, so I just chuck factor 100000 on. That P20 stuff is the business too.


Spitting- if you're running or doing something athletic fair enough, but I've never understood these kids who spit non-stop.


Lesbians- two for the price of one! It's an aesthetic issue, rather than a conceptual one.

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  Matt said:
Bag- get a coat, jacket with plenty pockets. If you've not got room then simply dont take all that shite out with you in the first place. Cards, cash, phone, season ticket, keys. All you need for a Toontastic day out.



Not if you have between 8 and 9 hours travelling...

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  Scottish Mag said:
  Matt said:
Bag- get a coat, jacket with plenty pockets. If you've not got room then simply dont take all that shite out with you in the first place. Cards, cash, phone, season ticket, keys. All you need for a Toontastic day out.



Not if you have between 8 and 9 hours travelling...



I thought that's what the sporran was for?

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  Matt said:
  Scottish Mag said:
  Matt said:
Bag- get a coat, jacket with plenty pockets. If you've not got room then simply dont take all that shite out with you in the first place. Cards, cash, phone, season ticket, keys. All you need for a Toontastic day out.



Not if you have between 8 and 9 hours travelling...



I thought that's what the sporran was for?



Aye but it has to be one fuck off sporran that can carry money, keys, wallet, railcard, season ticket, mobile, ipod, camera etc

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