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Merry Christmas fellow Toontastic-ers

Dr Kenneth Noisewater

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Hope you all have a happy and peaceful Christmas and that 2007 brings bigger and better things.


Stay safe whilst you're on your secret mission, Mr Hips, and come and have a belated Chrsitmas drink with us when you get back. ;)


That I will, Cath ;) First game next time will be the Zulte Waregemmill game on Thur 22nd Feb and then the smog game on Sat 3rd March. Line them up, mine's a double :icon_lol:

My Birthday is that first one. :icon_lol:


I'll buy you a Vimto B)


Looking forward to being a teenager?? ;)

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Hope you all have a happy and peaceful Christmas and that 2007 brings bigger and better things.


Stay safe whilst you're on your secret mission, Mr Hips, and come and have a belated Chrsitmas drink with us when you get back. :icon_lol:


That I will, Cath :icon_lol: First game next time will be the Zulte Waregemmill game on Thur 22nd Feb and then the smog game on Sat 3rd March. Line them up, mine's a double B)

My Birthday is that first one. B)


I'll buy you a Vimto B)


Looking forward to being a teenager?? ;)

I'll be 22 you cheaky fecker. ;)


How's your daughter doing these days? ;)

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