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Decent electricity & Gas suppliers

Jusoda Kid

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Anyone recommend one, I'm currently with Npower who I'm sure are having my eyes out but I don't understand the bills so I'm not sure.


Is £130 a month excessive for a 2 bedroom flat, I wouldn't say i use that much gas and eleccy and it's a 1 year old combi with all temperature controlled radiators etc.


I'm sure the fuckas are having me over ;)

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I pay £55 for both through Southern Electric (2 bed flat). Works out to be a bit more that than that. Going to move back to British Gas though. Sick of ringing them up after they have over estimated my bills by £100 each. Donkeys.

Edited by Holden McGroin
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We've just switched to British Gas thinking it would be better than Npower, bastards are charging us 115 quid for gas only from the start of October to the middle of November. They are fucking kidding me aren't they!?!?!?!?!


Wor lass has a bath most nights and now it's a bit colder has the heating on for at least 3 hours a night but still 115 quid just for a month and a half's worth of gas!

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The newer companies basically know nowt, make up an amount, charge you it and then make a massive adjustment either way after a period of time. Figures plucked out of the air tbh.


Not that British Gas are sainted either.

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Just been looking at that site, reckon i can save £350 a year by going with scottish power.


Npower have just had SMO over as well, I think he thought he was getting his for nowt with his lass shagging the gas man :)


The uswitch site is very good because you input all your usage information from an existing bill and it will advise you which is the best solution for you based on that. (think moneysupermarket.com does the same thing).


Scottish Power are supposedly the best there is but there was something on the news the other day about them possibly being taken over by a Spanish outfit so the good rates may not last forever..


British Gas are thieving arseholes - at the end of the day the pipes that are supplying gas to your house are exactly the same, the only difference is that you're sending your money to another firm.

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We had Scottish and were paying about £100 a month (in total for both) for a 2 bedroom house and there's never anyone in through the day.

So we just changed to Atlantic and we now pay £20 for gas and £25 for elec (might be the other way round).

I think what they will offer you depends on where you actually are. I've been looking into changing our electric at work and that's what I was told. And we were with Scottish and they were taking our eyes out.

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You should use the uswitch web site to get the best current deal




they all pretty much buy their gas in the same market and the real difference in price is due to what they bought when - if they have a lot of gas supply at (say) 2004 prices then they can offer lower prices than if the gas was contracted in Feb 2006. The problem comes when their 2004 contract runs out and they have to replace it with 2007 gas - your bills will shoot up



Electricity pricing is more complex but there is significant oil & gas contribution to it so if gas prices are up so will be electricity prices



Personally I wouldn't sign up for a long term fixed price deal right now - oil prices are languishing and gas supply from Yurop is impoving so prices should drift lower

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