Fellow Toon sufferers.
I have something. I never do these forums but by god do I have something. You may have heard of it as it's quite big now but a mockumentary podcast called 'The Offensive'
Basically The Thick of It/The Office but set at boardroom level of a PL team called Ashwood City. IT IS PERFECT. Loads of Mike Ashley mocking. Perfect satire of modern football club owners. I know it sounds like it's going to be no good, but I promise it is.
Listen, enjoy and give some feedback if you wish. This is perfect therapy for being a Toon fan! YOU HAVE TO LISTEN. I promise you'll laugh. And by episode 5 you'll probably cry.
Podcast: http://playpodca.st/the-offensive
website: www.theoffensivepodcast.com
twitter: @TheOffensivePOD