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Ugly Mackems

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  1. Cracking game. And still the utter shithouses walked out on 82 minutes (3-2) Membership needs binned.
  2. Can Eddie survive losing to the team second bottom on 8 points? We shouldn't but IF we do....
  3. Got both my memberships for this. One for Saints. Already more than the whole of last season. maybe check your spam if you haven't already. Although i gather they'll email regardless.
  4. A good few players were in my local club filming an advert for Adidas on Wednesday gone.
  5. I'll be down for the game. Anyone fancies a straightener I'll be at the cricket club for 1ish.
  6. Absolutely horrendous tattoo. I appreciate he's probably not on big big wedge just yet but fuck me going to £50 an hour tattoo artist gets you that! When he gets that BIG contract he'll get a cover up ASAP.
  7. Tickets for Dortmund are apparently going to be collected in Dortmund the day of the game. None by post apparently. Madness!
  8. Bus to Paris £125. Day trip to Dortmund £360 (flights) NUSC
  9. Vid of lascelles (allegedly) going around involved in street brawl. Hope it's not him but the way his haymaker missed everything and everyone it could well be.
  10. So, the club have began to tackle what they call touting. Making misery for the away support. Season ticket holders can "sell" their unused ticket back to the club and get effectively face value (1/19th of ST cost) They then sell it on at more than they paid for it. Tickets on various ticketing sites selling for a more than decent profit are being supplied by players and corporates. The only way they can advertise tickets that have yet to go through the ballot. They need to put their house in order.
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