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Everything posted by westendlad

  1. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt on this one and take that comment as a joke. What comment particularly ? I see that stevie also agrees with me. What is the point of these internationals ? Calling it the "Celtic Cup" strikes me as being motivated by bigotry, which is why I would rather it didn't happen.
  2. Casting the line into deeper waters? Keep at it, you'll get a catch soon enough. deadly serious, tbh Why are you so obsessed with NOT using your Leazesmag account. This isn't me giving any "admin secrets" away (you've admitted loads in the past that LM and Westendlad are the same person). You've actually been missed on this board regardless of what some people might say. Just use the Leazes account though eh perhaps if you stop childishly meddling with it eh ? BTW, I used the name westendlad long before I used the name LeazesMag, on rivals in particular, and the old howaythetoon when grassroots ran it, at the time. And I told everybody when I changed too, you're right, it was never a secret. You'll never EVER accept that I've never altered anything on your account will you. Welcome back by the way. (although I'll change your members badge on LM back if you want, which would count as the first alteration if you'll allow me? ) I've never meant you personally. Anyway, thanks for the welcome, I see you've changed it already, and I'll pm you now.
  3. who ? Elisha Cuthbert, or muslim women ?
  4. why the "Celtic Cup" ? Are these irish wannabee tramps having an identity crisis again, the Taffs - and the northern irish too - should tell them to go and get stuffed, and I hope England continue to keep a wide berth.
  5. Casting the line into deeper waters? Keep at it, you'll get a catch soon enough. deadly serious, tbh About as realistic as you getting your end away with Elisha Cuthbert, tbh lets just say one would be a dream, and the other would be a nightmare
  6. Casting the line into deeper waters? Keep at it, you'll get a catch soon enough. deadly serious, tbh Why are you so obsessed with NOT using your Leazesmag account. This isn't me giving any "admin secrets" away (you've admitted loads in the past that LM and Westendlad are the same person). You've actually been missed on this board regardless of what some people might say. Just use the Leazes account though eh perhaps if you stop childishly meddling with it eh ? BTW, I used the name westendlad long before I used the name LeazesMag, on rivals in particular, and the old howaythetoon when grassroots ran it, at the time. And I told everybody when I changed too, you're right, it was never a secret.
  7. Casting the line into deeper waters? Keep at it, you'll get a catch soon enough. deadly serious, tbh
  8. I must admit I can't imagine how horrible the UK would actually be with 110,000,000 people in it (especially as the population would still be concentrated into certain areas - with places like the Highlands and Mid Wales still being relatively low density). of which a minimum of 55,000,001 will be muslims. The white British population is decreasing by 100-150,000 a year, people are leaving. There's no way white people will make up half the population. In two generations time we'll have a red white and blue crescent on our flag, you mark my words and the 55,000,001 will respect the views of the minority, allowing themselves to be told what they can say, do and think. Oh, and women will be 2nd class citizens.
  9. I must admit I can't imagine how horrible the UK would actually be with 110,000,000 people in it (especially as the population would still be concentrated into certain areas - with places like the Highlands and Mid Wales still being relatively low density). of which a minimum of 55,000,001 will be muslims.
  10. not sure if I agree with that Alex, there was a lot of people booing at the end of the Wolves game when we only finished 5th. With hindsight, I would say he shouldn't have been sacked, but thats because none of his replacements were anywhere near as good.
  11. I agree with most of this. But the absolute proof will be determined by how well the team does on the pitch, not how much money they spend down the quayside in their PR drive.
  12. This owuld be the same Steve Bruce who turned us down a few seasons ago to stay at the same Birmingham that royally turned us over at home last year would it? I guess his excuse then was "I dont want to make such a giant step up" Steve Bruce was not offered the chance to take over NUFC. And if he had been, it proves that a lot of the pubescent knee jerk reactions predominant on here and other sites that all claimed such shite as "nobody else would be as stupid as us to appoint him", is actually nothing other than exactly what I have said. ie Pubescent knee jerk reactionary shite. As for the one off game against Birmingham, such comparisons are bollocks. Why don;t you go on the Barcelona message board and look for somebody complaining that they were beaten in 1997 by some shitty little team in England who had a board of directors who called their fans wankers etc etc and such a defeat proved conclusively that they had the worst directors it is possible for a football team to have, so much so that they didn't give a toss who replaced them as everybody else everywhere had proved or would prove they would be better. Bollocks ?? Of course it is . I'm only pleased it hasn't been me thats spouted so much shite. You could also go to the Hereford site [ and dozens more in fact] who beat us in one off cup games, when we had a shite board for 30 years, and claim that as a result of that single game it proved that they were a better club with a better structure etc in every department. Which is absolute bollocks, and whats more you know that it is. BTW, this is the depths you can sink to when you have a shite board. Vastly different to playing in the San Siro in the Champions League. But I'm sure somebody somewhere will try to disagree with that.
  13. you know what Jon, I didn't want to come on and harp on about this like this, but I'll answer you, even though you haven't answered me, then hopefully put it to bed unless you do answer me. I'd rather you did answer me, truthfully, honestly, and without putting personalities into it, because I'm talking about how to be successful, in a general sense, and how other clubs have been successful, which is what we have to copy and emulate. We obviously needed a good manager to get us back on the right track, playing wise. I am not sure if getting rid of Allardyce is a good idea, whoever the chairman is [which is pretty much irrelevant], for a variety of reasons. We need stability, we need to give him time, but we don't know how serious the situation is inside the club.
  14. how many teams don't have debts Jon. Debts are part of football. Everybody has debts. Our debt on the ground was taken out based on season tickets sales and income, like a mortgage. Do you have a mortgage ? Its a manageable debt. Most financial people say it was a well structured loan. Would you rather we had not extended the stadium, an answer to this question would be preferred if you don't mind. We were closer to folding in 1991 than we will ever be. That is as a result of running the club like a corner shop business, rather than a speculating multi million pound one. I realise that YOU don't understand this, so you are just going to have to take my word for it. We have made more good and correct decisions than most clubs over the past 15 years. That is how we have done better than most of them, believe it or not. This is logical, even for you, or should be, if you look at the facts. It never ceases to amuse me that people like you seem to think that everybody bar us has won cups and trophies in the last 15 years, when there are only 3 domestic cups a season.
  15. Sadly for you, you obviously don't give 2 shits about the formula to make a successful football club either, tried, tested and proven, as its been put right in front of your eyes for you. If you think buying average players for cheap fees, will ever match the top 4, you'll always be blinkered. Until we have an unambitious board that is, which we may well have now but hopefully not. This is the truth. Its too bad for you if you haven't the sense to read it and take it in. Where are Leeds now with this tried and tested formula? Fact is you need the right people in charge to pull off this tried and tested formula not some idiot who employs and "backs" other idiots. Like I said, we have appointed some good people, otherwise we would have had a last 15 years like someone like Birmingham for example. This Birmingham example is proof that having a rich owner doesn't make you successful if they aren't ambitious for the club. Do you think that running the club as a business ie not bringing in the quality "trophy" signings like the trophy winners themselves do, will ever lead to matching them. Yes or no ? What do you think of this rich owner of Birmingham and Dave Whelan bringing in the idiot Bruce ? [the same Bruce that Shepherd would have been slated for ie nobody else could be so daft blah blah blah]. Like it or not, there is every chance that Ashley will never match the Champions League places we have achieved, and we may never seriously attempt to buy the top players like the last board did. If you don't accept this, you're a mega retard. I sincerely hope you don't learn the hard way, what utter tripe you are spouting. I bet there is a Leeds forum packed with poster going "Ah well at least Risdale gave it a try". We didn't go on to be a Manchester United or Liverpool, why is this? Yes we got close then we made two massive mistakes. Who made these mistakes? The same person who would be on his third failue in succession if he was still in charge and decided to sack Allardyce because he though it wasn't working. Yes teams like Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool have spent a lot of money to get their success but then they have also got the right people in to deliver that success which in turn brings in the money for them to be able to continue purchasing "trophy players". Do you honestly believe under Shepherd we were going to the right way to get to their status? Really Jon, I can't explain it any simpler than the "if you don't buy a ticket you won't win the raffle" comment. Average players = mediocrity. Quality "trophy" players give you a chance of winning. If you want to challenge the other top teams, the only way you do it is to have players that they themselves want. I can see you aren't going to respond properly, so I'm not going to ask again. If you don't understand, then its your problem. You can condemn Shepherd [and Hall] for their mistakes, and I would agree that they made mistakes, but I wouldn't be too harsh until you see Ashley doing better, although I realise you think its automatic that he will. You might miss by miles, but if you don't try, you'll never succeed.
  16. Sadly for you, you obviously don't give 2 shits about the formula to make a successful football club either, tried, tested and proven, as its been put right in front of your eyes for you. If you think buying average players for cheap fees, will ever match the top 4, you'll always be blinkered. Until we have an unambitious board that is, which we may well have now but hopefully not. This is the truth. Its too bad for you if you haven't the sense to read it and take it in. Where are Leeds now with this tried and tested formula? Fact is you need the right people in charge to pull off this tried and tested formula not some idiot who employs and "backs" other idiots. Like I said, we have appointed some good people, otherwise we would have had a last 15 years like someone like Birmingham for example. This Birmingham example is proof that having a rich owner doesn't make you successful if they aren't ambitious for the club. Do you think that running the club as a business ie not bringing in the quality "trophy" signings like the trophy winners themselves do, will ever lead to matching them. Yes or no ? What do you think of this rich owner of Birmingham and Dave Whelan bringing in the idiot Bruce ? [the same Bruce that Shepherd would have been slated for ie nobody else could be so daft blah blah blah]. Like it or not, there is every chance that Ashley will never match the Champions League places we have achieved, and we may never seriously attempt to buy the top players like the last board did. If you don't accept this, you're a mega retard. I sincerely hope you don't learn the hard way, what utter tripe you are spouting.
  17. Sadly for you, you obviously don't give 2 shits about the formula to make a successful football club either, tried, tested and proven, as its been put right in front of your eyes for you. If you think buying average players for cheap fees, will ever match the top 4, you'll always be blinkered. Until we have an unambitious board that is, which we may well have now but hopefully not. This is the truth. Its too bad for you if you haven't the sense to read it and take it in.
  18. Unfortunately, the club did makes some good moves and appointments, othewise we would have stayed alongside the mackems for the last 15 years instead of striding ahead of them. Along with other clubs. This is the truth. As you appear to think that everybody makes good decisions except Newcastle, what do you think of the owners of Birmingham, among the richest people in the country, running their club like a business so even the likes of Steve Bruce thinks Wigan is a step up ?
  19. ever heard of the phrase "if you don't buy a ticket you won't win the raffle". If you think clubs can win trophies and qualify for the Champs League - I assume you do want to do this - by bringing average players into the club for small fees above clubs who are bringing in the likes of Tevez, Torres, Ronaldo, Rooney, Drogba, Essien etc etc.....think again. If you think this, then you are a retard. Not attempting to win also = a financial loss. Take my word for it. Once upon a time in a land far far away there was a team called Liverpool. Who decided to implement certain new standards and bought other clubs best players, and won lots of cups and trophies, and they found a manager called Mr Shankly, then a Mr Paisley, who made good judgements, and they dominated europe because they made good judgements. But the strength of the club, and the underlying reason for their success, was because they were backed by their board, who trusted them, and speculated so enabled them to buy these players. Because they were successful, they filled their ground, expanded their fanbase, and built a dynasty. Many clubs have tried to copy this route to success, but they can't all be successful. However, all the clubs that did not attempt to follow this path, never got anywhere near it, especially a big club in the northeast part of the country, who wallowed in no mans land for decades, despite having an even bigger fanbase, because they were fed up of the club not attempting to be successful so stayed at home watching television on saturday afternoons instead. Or spending their money down the pub instead. This was the path towards wilderness, and the dark beyond, and only brightened up when the club tried to follow the Liverpool way. For a while they got close, ultimately couldn't quite make it, like some other clubs did, but they got close. But they tried. The morale of the story is, if you don't try, why bother turning up. And true to form, if the club dont' try, people will again not turn up. Just like before, and just like before, the road back to the top can be a long road, especially if you choose not to attempt the climb. Well said Gejon. Excellent, you're learning.
  20. ever heard of the phrase "if you don't buy a ticket you won't win the raffle". If you think clubs can win trophies and qualify for the Champs League - I assume you do want to do this - by bringing average players into the club for small fees above clubs who are bringing in the likes of Tevez, Torres, Ronaldo, Rooney, Drogba, Essien etc etc.....think again. If you think this, then you are a retard. Not attempting to win also = a financial loss. Take my word for it.
  21. Will he want to use an obscene amount of it knowing that if things don't go well and the fans are beginning to demand his head on a stick he'll have to pay up on a fat contract? Somehow I doubt it, he's not Fat "How much do you want" Fred. we'll have to do without Mourhino then. Unfortunately, yes! aye, good job Fred has gone, otherwise we probably would have paid MORE compensation and put us even further into debt. I agree. We don't want to be in debt like Manu and Liverpool do we.
  22. Will he want to use an obscene amount of it knowing that if things don't go well and the fans are beginning to demand his head on a stick he'll have to pay up on a fat contract? Somehow I doubt it, he's not Fat "How much do you want" Fred. we'll have to do without Mourhino then. Unfortunately, yes! aye, good job Fred has gone, otherwise as skol says, we might have Mourinho as manager Nowt like missing the point Leazes you mean me ? Your point was crystal clear, and I've made it even more so.
  23. Will he want to use an obscene amount of it knowing that if things don't go well and the fans are beginning to demand his head on a stick he'll have to pay up on a fat contract? Somehow I doubt it, he's not Fat "How much do you want" Fred. we'll have to do without Mourhino then. Unfortunately, yes! aye, good job Fred has gone, otherwise as skol says, we might have Mourinho as manager Would be a disaster, don't want him aye, he'd only want to buy these terrible trophy players and thats not running the club as a business
  24. Will he want to use an obscene amount of it knowing that if things don't go well and the fans are beginning to demand his head on a stick he'll have to pay up on a fat contract? Somehow I doubt it, he's not Fat "How much do you want" Fred. we'll have to do without Mourhino then. Unfortunately, yes! aye, good job Fred has gone, otherwise as skol says, we might have Mourinho as manager
  25. Will he want to use an obscene amount of it knowing that if things don't go well and the fans are beginning to demand his head on a stick he'll have to pay up on a fat contract? Somehow I doubt it, he's not Fat "How much do you want" Fred. we'll have to do without Mourhino then.
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