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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Get it all cat 6 and fibred up if you can - maybe hdmi as well.
  2. The door to get in and out is quite clever though.
  3. One lazy Saturday a couple of weeks ago I caught a repeat of Auf Weidersehen pet on one of the sky channels and there was a warning before it that it included "language and attitudes that may not be appropriate in the current world" (my response was fuck right off) but I did actually think of Raw as something that would cause whoever wrote that warning apoplexy.
  4. I'm struggling to think of a decent film he's made since the first one - though I thought the first Dr Dolittle one was okay.
  5. Of course because he called it too late and confused it with the Xmas advice the bodies did pile high in their thousands anyway.
  6. Dyson benefitted by them changing the rules so he could move back to the UK and work without losing his non-dom status As other have said, "real" ventilator manufacturers who offered to ramp up production with help were ignored for the cheap headline of Johnson "fixing it" by involving brexiteer, donor cunts.
  7. One question about his corrupt mistress and Johnson has abandoned his west wing style Q&A press conferences.
  8. Has anyone mentioned that if it goes ahead it won't be long before they invite American or Chinese teams with megabucks to join? Maybe that's why "our" Saudis are supposed to be ambivalent about it as they think they'll get an invite in a couple of years and they can create a team from scratch.
  9. I noticed Klopp said he was against the new uefa proposals as it meant too many matches - I'll bet when he's persuaded to back this shite, he won't object to 20+ games on top of of the domestic league when they work it out. (I'm a cynic, when this much money's involved it'll happen).
  10. Had my first swim since December this morning and also just got back from having my hair cut. Life is slightly better.
  11. It's about time someone went for the jugular and asked Hancock (and the rest) directly how much they've pocketed from the pandemic. For example there's no way he gave 30m to his pub landlord mate without a couple of million going the other way.
  12. NJS

    Yes Gemmill...

    When all the shit was being spread about Diana and Charles, my Mam told me that it was "common knowledge" that this Thursday club that was mentioned in some of the stories yesterday about Philip was pretty much a front for a blokes shagging contest and he was well at it but it was just conveniently kept out of the press. This is what also led to the suggestion which is "out there" that Prince Nonce was the result of an affair Liz had with a courier as she sought solace for his shagging.
  13. The worst bit is still where they changed "born to reign over us" to a supposedly more palatable "long to reign over us" not realising its the fucking "reign over us" that's the fucking problem. That's as well as the "God" bit considering the census numbers for religiosity.
  14. They said in January they were going to trial mix and match but I haven't read any outcomes. Always suspected it would be trialled "live".
  15. Trump would've slaughtered him but for the pandemic.
  16. Strangely I read that used as an argument against the flag in that school demo story whwre Black kids were saying it didn't represent them.
  17. In general yes but Blyth's margin was about 1000 and 1500 who'd voted Labour voted Green and LD - probably down to Corbyn - so he needs to start with those before getting to switchers to the tories. Taking brexit out of the equation will help but he still needs to show people what he stands for which is where he's failed so far.
  18. The demographics don't help - "dying" towns in the North are losing young people and as the percentage of old people increases, the criteria for getting votes changes. The tories are happy to appeal to those "values" to the point of denying institutional racism (as an example) because it knows it solidifies those votes.
  19. My lass's parents got the exact 12 week date thing but she had hers this week at the same place and was just told 4-12 weeks and they'd be in touch. Might be more doubt about supplies in the medium term now I suppose.
  20. I think the AZ one suggests the longer gap but the Pfizer jury is still out on that point. Mid May for me for second one - I wasn't given a date but was told it would be 11 weeks. I was happy to get the Pfizer of the two but the gap is slightly worrying.
  21. Fair point. I have to say the use of race in this context is something I'm also unsure about - race is mainly a social construct and I'm not sure European Jews who've been here for hundreds of years could still be defined as Middle Eastern which points to the religion being the common factor. That hasn't stopped the persecution of course which again I accept.
  22. And thats my point - why does the ethnicity of your ancestors matter so much? I know my ancestors are English and Irish as far as I know but I don't feel it means that much in the scheme of things. Maybe it should but I just don't get it. Your kids are 1/4 Jewish (making an assumption about your lass, apologies if wrong) so it's likely within 3 or 4 generations that fraction will be very small - why hold one identity above the rest? It always amuses me when Americans describe themselves as one eighth Irish or whatever describing someone they never knew - I know being an immigrant nation explains that to some degree but I honestly don't get the obsession with ancestry. Of course I'm not dismissing an identity but I think that comes from more immediate relatives and other influences on your life.
  23. Don't get me wrong I think it was strongly weaponised by Corbyn's enemies including some in the party and by a lot of people who don't give a fuck about jews but I do think he had a blind spot which was a lot to do with the argument that he saw racism as punching down and saw anything about Jews as punching up which is obviously wrong. Unlinking Jewish identity from the religion as Baddiel does is a little troublesome for me however - I think people can overthink ethnicity instead of just accepting what we have in common - obviously he has grandparents who were holocaust victims which is understandably personal.
  24. I haven't read it but I follow him and broadly agree with his arguments.
  25. The tories have given up on selling policies and now are following Trump in just being a "Values" based party designed to appeal to the old and fuckwitted. That's why Starmer's focus groups are telling him to fly the flag and not oppose anything police power related like that spy legislation and the latest bill until they realised the women's angle had changed perceptions a bit and forced them to vote against. Problem is its not really working for him and he's going to lose young voters to the greens.
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