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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Easy application of red shirt rules for Dean of course.
  2. Remind me why there's ever any debate about hating these cunts?
  3. Added fuck up of giving people a couple of days grace - my lass has been inundated with requests for pet paperwork from posh cunts fucking off there before the weekend.
  4. The stupidity of herd immunity in the face of new variants is obvious - even if they'd achieved it with delta we'd still be fucked.
  5. Another one this morning.
  6. My line manager, our project manager and one other teammate who were all in last Wednesday and Thursday have now tested positive with LFTs.
  7. I saw a suggestion we could sell Hendrick to some Saudi team for 250m
  8. I know it hadn't happened by 1980 but it might have been interesting to see if they'd reunited deaths aside - considering the offers ABBA have had over the years it would have been frightening money wise.
  9. I was rough with the first two (moreso the second) but only had a sore arm with the booster.
  10. Any mention of either Glasgow club should be prefixed by "Pub league team..."
  11. Boring competence with some non-tory policies would be better. (The climate change stuff is decent).
  12. It's the one in his actual flat in November that's the magic bullet imo. They can still deny it for now.
  13. The problem was the fuckwits wouldn't pay people enough to isolate because they thought a few charvers playing the system was worse than thousands of deaths.
  14. We had started going into the office on Wednesdays and Thursdays a few weeks ago but last week I made the cautious decision to not go in which I extended to this week. Someone on one of our related teams came in on Wednesday it turns out after his wife tested positive which was against advice and the stupid twat came in yesterday as well before going home ill. I'm expecting loads to start dropping within the next few days if it's omicron though of course the office is off limits from Monday.
  15. I'd add that the electoral commission obtained WhatsApp messages proving Johnson lied about his flat refurb - look for evidence and ye shall find Cressida, you useless twat.
  16. That's what I said - it looks now like the parties under scrutiny may have only involved the little people rather than cabinet members with security but they must still have entrance/exit logs.
  17. I'm smart homed to fuck - had that bug for years and this year I upgraded from x-10 to z-wave. All controlled by a pc and alexa enabled including lights, cameras and all AV equipment. Still need to do my central heating though.
  18. If the stupid twat had sent his u18 team and lost 12-0 they wouldn't have been relegated Typical ex-manc arrogance - now where have we seen that again closer to home?
  19. Maybe she'll get the Marr gig.
  20. The company that bought the Strawberry place land from the FCB has gone tits up. Buying it back for £1 would be pretty sweet.
  21. Cummings has stated lobby journalists were at the covid party. I'd love to seem them put on the spot and asked.
  22. There are a lot of pop/rock bands who I'd group together with them like The Who and The Stones on to stuff like Fleetwood Mac and Springsteen who I think turn out half decent music that just does nothing for me. Maybe it's just not enough guitar up front and centre that's the key for all of them for me.
  23. I recognise their contribution to music but in general can't stand them and never listen to their output.
  24. More draws involving other teams in or near the shit the better - more in it means more to catch.
  25. This Downing St party thing is quite amusing - why would the Met investigate a crime they're 100% complicit it? They must have entrance logs as well as security detail shift details so I'm guessing it was fully authorised at the top. The quote about not investigating retrospective crimes is so wonderfully stupid it must emanate directly from Cressida "he vaulted the barriers" Dick.
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