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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I've just connected to Perth via NordVPN and can get to that and looks like I could sign up.
  2. He just doesn't get it - I can't remember who it was but there's an interview where the bloke says to him that he resigned for lying to Michael Howard and he says "that's not true" and the bloke quotes his resignation letter and he still says that he didn't lie.
  3. "Is there someone here called Batman?" "Yes I'm Batman" Classic.
  4. Would only need a shallow trench for him to go over the top from.
  5. I know I'm too cynical sometimes but I tend to think all "amateur" charities are at least tax avoidance schemes and possibly more (no pun intended). Same as when I seen "non-profit" on things like BUPA.
  6. That swastika /abortion post is peak broken Mackem. Also the team that brought the world "NE top dogs" now use the "Glastonbury Cup" as a thing.
  7. He's been forgotten and will probably leave but I'd prefer Fernandez to Lascelles in that role.
  8. Was going to ask who's going to explain the Sven Adult Botman moniker to him them realised being Dutch it's possible his dad starred in some of said books.
  9. He'll have to watch those with cheats like Salah around.
  10. They've been plotting this for decades man and at least 2 democrat presidents have done nothing to stop them.
  11. The pointless centrist bastard won't even try and do anything apart from trying to get his vote out in November and even if that works he won't do anything. Too late, fuckwit.
  12. He's right but has a nerve using "lying".
  13. It's the idea that the UK is at war which I find objectionable.
  14. It was set to pass at the last conference but a last minute deal with the nec and either unison or unite scuppered it by a small percentage.
  15. The membership is and some of the unions but surprise, surprise the MPs are dead against it so when Starmer changes the rules to protect his own position, he'll ensure PR is off the table.
  16. I agree but I don't think there's a game Corbyn could have played that would have got them on side - he had his failings but too many people decided they couldn't allow any kind of serious change to this country.
  17. Starmer has been cosying up to the press recently but should learn from the Curry thing that they'll turn on him in an instant.
  18. It's the tour de France soon - drug cheat post from beyond the grave incoming.
  19. Not bad - just not as fantastic as hoped and suggestive of a hung parliament in line with polling. I would be very surprised if Labour win a majority at the next election but they need to come closer to that than this and some of the narrower polls suggest - I noted someone posted the one with a 12 pont lead but not the one where it had narrowed to two. Take the Johnson factor out and I'm worried.
  20. I was speaking figuratively about the people around him who had no interest in the unions other than finance and conference votes.
  21. When they announced the Newcastle result for the EU referendum, even though remain won, the margin suggested it was time to worry. You can call me negative if you like but Wakefield looks the same to me - as suggested by Gemmill's post above.
  22. As I said the precedent for Starmer undoing nothing is the fucking nothing Blair undid. "Nobody needs unions in the 21st century" said the neoliberal scum. Well guess what? By the way "massive vote in favour of rejoining" - think a-fucking-gain: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_on_the_United_Kingdom_rejoining_the_European_Union_(2020–present)
  23. Yup, there my be a lot of "Boris" fans but polling shows a lot of people hate him as well. It's hard to pick a "better" option though.
  24. I suppose it depends on whether the economy grows to support more commuters to make up for it but I agree they should reconsider "old normal" projects including skyscrapers etc as well as transport.
  25. The determination to bring that 20% fall in passenger numbers back in the face of more home working is a bit desperate mind.
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