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Everything posted by NJS

  1. If we'd kept Bellamy somehow and then still gone for Owen (quite possible with Shepherd) how far would he have thrown the toys out of his pram (again)?
  2. I thought Jim Kerr was supposed to have the biggest.... oh I see - I agree.
  3. Dance, Jazz, Hip Hop/Rap, whats called R&B which is actually just black pop. The music I find most painful is "Castles in the air" Ibiza shite - I do honestly find it painful. Also Elton John and Phil Collins. Pink Floyd - I just find to be too mastubatory, too LSD, too hippy. I don't get the "35 million people" argument either - I think thats one of those albums that wankers who call themselves "music fans" have to have - I doubt anywhere near that have actually listened to it that many times.
  4. Apart from a couple of good games against Arsenal, Robert never performed against good teams - including in Europe. Luque's crime? - signed by Souness.
  5. Graham Oates. Pat Heard. John Trewick. John Cornwell. Rob MacDonald. Frank Pingel. Fumaca. 10 seconds thought. Faye is a poor player and I'd shed no tears if he left but a. He did okay last season and b. He's a million miles from the worst.
  6. My two standard answers have already been given - stop selling or I go elsewhere and I'll buy another one.
  7. As Rob suggested there's no way the armed forces would be happy to become some kind of probation/community service. They have been trimmed in recent years (probably correctly) to a lean, professional outfit - why divert them from that just because scum parents don't teach morals and schools are too weak?
  8. Previous generations who did have national service were all morally better than us. There were no murders, no rapes and so much respect for the establishment that crime was almost unknown. This was of course also the generations that generally ignored child abuse, sent rape victims and single mothers to asylums and then lectured subsequent generation on loose morals. BTW The Krays were rotten evil bastards, anyone who defends them is an apologist for murder.
  9. Julie Newmar - the original Catwoman - was the first female to perk my interest. Never really fantasised (ie wanked) over anyone famous though - always preferred "real" women I know (of course "know" can be a pretty loose term).
  10. NJS

    Laptop screwed

    Is it on battery or plugged in? - maybe your battery is completely screwed.
  11. Season ticket The contents of a draw which has all the tickets from memorable matches and gigs I've been to. An envelope which has some momentos of my Dad.
  12. NJS

    Laptop screwed

    The film could just be the layer of thermal compound that a CPU should have between it and the heat sink. I had a similar problem with my laptop which I eventually found was due to the partition on the HD not being activated. Can you actually get into the bios and if so is the HD recognised? If its not then it may be the same problem I had. I fixed mine by booting with a CD with FDISK on it and re-activating the HD.
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