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Everything posted by NJS

  1. It depends - the nostalgia for eras like the 50s forget the homophobia, racism and sexual hypocrisy which were rife - in those areas I think today's society is a lot more moral. You could also argue for the increase in volunteer work and other charitable giving as modern life gives more free time/disposable income. I've also seen figures that show more murders and violent crimes a hundred years ago than now - maybe the statistic collection is suspect but the idea of some utopia at some point in the past is an exaggeration.
  2. Particular strain of magic mushrooms according to something I saw.
  3. I find the usual "God will provide" argument which I've read in the past particulary odious when it comes to over-population but I didn't realise there was an appetite for the rapture among that many catholics. As an aside I've been browsing the documentary channels on Sky lately and always seem to stray too far into 580+ (God territory) where they become very rapture focused and I find myself drawn in by the depths of insanity on view. Apparently the credit crunch is another sign from Revelation.
  4. Point me to the persentage of the bible which advocates anything decent which isn't contradicted totally elsewhere Traditional "christian" values are just the condensation of the pervading morality of any civilised society imo.
  5. Just had a call off the club - took my CC details for the discount - no discussion/sell and I still haven't had a letter off the Casino Crook. I presume the lack of resistence was because I was pro-active in cancelling.
  6. A general rule of thumb (ooh err) when it comes to the Abrahamic religions is that women don't matter in the scheme of things. Actually I should add that they actually believed that the "seed" contained everything needed and a women was only an incubator - they didn't realise there were ova.
  7. To an extent - I'd say "seen a few, seen them all" - I've been watching quite a few episodes of House recently and have come to the same conclusion on that. I still think Miami is worth watching occasionally on the basis of Emily Proctor.
  8. It is - theres a document they produce which I read once which explains why they oppose "artificial" contraception which displays a lack of understanding of biology and evolution so profound it makes believing in geocentricity look eminently sensible. As for his comments I'm with the "well he would say that" camp and I've come to relish any such idiocy - it can only harm their cause.
  9. They probably think 9 0-0s will be okay.
  10. NJS

    Spuds beat Villa

    They spent money in January - we didn't.
  11. The only way out of the nightmare is for Ashley to sell and a premier league team is easier to sell than a championship one - that's why from a practical pov I hope we stay up. My nastier side wants us to go down.
  12. Nothing to lose versus a point is a good result mentality - criminal stupidity.
  13. I wrote to them at the start of February to cancel and asked them to ring me so I could use my card to repay the discount. I've heard nowt. Ive heard today about a bloke who wrote to cancel after they took the first months DD of £59.98, they have now written to him stating that he owes them the first years discount of £60.00 and threatening to take him to court. As far as he, me and everyone else can see he owes £0.02 (which Im sure Mr Llambias will agree would cost more to administer, seeing as £17 per season ticket is too much to administer according to him) I was going to let the first DD go so that it just about evened up as you say but thought the payment would represent "starting" the scheme so just cancelled it before it was taken.
  14. I wrote to them at the start of February to cancel and asked them to ring me so I could use my card to repay the discount. I've heard nowt.
  15. Everybody is relying on the idea we will beat Fulham, Boro and Pompey. Of those 3 Fulham can be a good team on the day and could be a tough game. We have also singularly failed to beat other shit teams at home this season. There is also the idea that because we don't have a bad record at Spurs that ones in the bag. The idea we will outfight Stoke on their ground is laughable. If the 4 games against the good teams go as predicted we will get 36 points if we are very, very lucky - I think we won't and will go down.
  16. I now expect to be in the bottom 3 by next Saturday tea-time if Pompey get something against Everton and that's where we'll stay - we won't win another game imo. It will be appropriate that Kinnear comes back for the Stoke game where we'll probably go second bottom which should see the end of the "Joe's sorted them out myth" - Ashley will be so proud.
  17. Excellent trip, cowardly fans, corrupt refereeing. I still think it would have been the ultimate in ironic victories if the ref had fallen for Bellamy's dive instead of booking him.
  18. There is a direct correlation in the US between the states that teach abstinence only and the "wait for marriage" stance you are suggesting and the highest rates of teen pregancies. I think in this country people are frightened culturally to really talk about sex and that's what causes problems. I also think the root cause of the baby/benefit culture is more complicated than sexual morality - it comes down to education, poverty, class and opportunities. There is no such thing as "real" poverty in this country, I agree on the class thing though, but only in so much as there's an underclass and no amount of opportunity will change them. Poverty is always relative though - in the last 30 years it has been ingrained into people that only having a house/plasma/car/holiday makes life worth living and when you have no chance of that by "decent" means then other methods appeal. That doesn't mean I think that having those items/lifestyle is "wrong" as such - I'd just try and ensure they are gained by better means.
  19. There is a direct correlation in the US between the states that teach abstinence only and the "wait for marriage" stance you are suggesting and the highest rates of teen pregancies. I think in this country people are frightened culturally to really talk about sex and that's what causes problems. I also think the root cause of the baby/benefit culture is more complicated than sexual morality - it comes down to education, poverty, class and opportunities.
  20. I generally enjoy comic book stuff without having read a single one though sometimes they are too reverent to the comic as if they fear backlash from the Steves of this world Having said that Sin City is one of my favourite ever films. .
  21. I know she did. She essentially died of ignorance/lack of knowledge. She thought you had to drink loads of water when you were on ecstasy even though she was in the home and not out dancing in a club. Her kidneys couldn't cope. What a waste of a life. But the overwhelming message of the UK anti-drugs campaign in the aftermath of that was telling people one pill could kill you. The people doing it were clued-up enough on the risk of that to ignore that message altogether. I read about the rest of what you said too. The debate never seems to be able to be based on cold hard facts. It has to be emotional for some reason. My view is that the increase of drugs use reflects a recognition of the hypocrisy of the establishment and a lessening of the authority it has. I think in the past "drugs are bad m'kay" was taken as correct by the majority of society as they were conditioned that government knew best. Nowadays however, people can see that drugs aren't as bad as made out and recognise the argument of comparing them with alcohol and tobacco - the argument from authority has been lost. I see parallels with how religions teach about sexual morality - people are recognising that taking responsibility for your actions which harm nobody else cannot be "wrong" or "sinful". This only leaves fear of prosecution as a deterrent which is wrong - laws should be "obviously" about harming other people - ie they should stand up to a moral test.
  22. Leah Betts died of drinking too much water - not due to the actual drugs. A drugs advisor got into trounble a couple of weeks ago for having the temerity to state that more people die pursuing horse riding (which could be said to be adrenalin based) than did through ecstacy but was then bullied into withdrawing the remarks.
  23. Don't know if this is the right place but I caught a TV ad for the new Annie Lennox collection last night where she was absolutely raping Shining Light by Ash - based on the clip I'd have no qualms with having her shot.
  24. There is supposed to be a "sister" album coming out later this year which I hope isn't just b-side like as they've been almost universally shit at "spare" tracks over the years.
  25. I'm starting to think that I don't have that much of an appetite for new songs. For me they did as much evolving as I wanted by the time they did Achtung Baby and went too far for my tastes with Pop and Zooropa as I said. The return to more traditional U2 was welcome but in all honesty if they did a Rolling Stones and just said they were going to tour all the time with their back catlogue I'd be happy. I've said before that Bono does do a lot of good (while looking like a cock) but the price of that is 4 or 5 years between albums which again if I'm being honest means I expect something more when they do come along.
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