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Everything posted by NJS

  1. The danger in recognising the community role of "nice" religions like the CofE which I wouldn't dispute is that it leads people to assume its the same everywhere for all faiths - this is Harris' view of the moderates "protecting" the extremists.
  2. Good post - minor irritation on the Manc post - "Newcastle United top league.......with United second"
  3. There tend to be two sides imo - a genuine quest for spirituality/meaning which is often combined with the control side mainly due to historical/political reasons. I have issues with both but only object to the former when it's used irrationally to affect others - or indeed as in this case as an opt out from mainstream rules/laws.
  4. I'd also add that why doesn't he address this at Liverpool or Pompey fans - or are we the only ones who are deluded or moan?
  5. Fucking hell the attitude of "you have no right to question my knowledge" is one of the most arrogant things I've read anywhere. I think I'm pretty good at my job but I know there are people out there who know more and a shit load of them will be amateurs - what the fuck has employment got to do with it. He still can't address: Name any other club within a million miles of the top of football with a Barcelona type scheme. Where would day to day finance and expertise come from Does he stand by his claim that passion is only measured by financial involvement. etc, etc. I think he's leapfrogged Taylor, Woolnough, the fat tramp and the other fat cunt off the back page to be my most hated journalist - some doing.
  6. Got the 50Mb today. I didn't use the new router at first as I don't use wireless but was getting poor speed so isolated the router and found it was crippling it. I installed the new free router and after some IP address pain I've finally now got it up to fiull whack. 680Mb file in under 2 minutes - porntastic. It also doen't qualify for traffic shaping btw.
  7. Tories to end Welsh free prescritptions This is the kind of thing that sounds sensible at first glance - those who can afford should pay goes the argument. This then becomes a thin end of a wedge - why shouldn't people in work pay a fee to see a GP like they do in Ireland? etc etc. More to come if/when they win the Westminster election.
  8. My take is one of simple query - everything else aside, do they not think how stupid it is that such a rule exists? Why would God care about lights? It's the simple obedience without question that saddens me.
  9. By that logic only Barcelona have passionate fans. I'd love him to explain that to fans of Celtic, Rangers, Marseille, the Belgrade clubs, Athletic Bilbao and Dynamo Kiev (chosen because they are the miost passionate I have come across) or indeed the fans of any one of thousands of fans across the world. Unless you put your money where your mouth is you have no rights to anything - a wonderful philosophy.
  10. So are you back to wearing glasses already? No, where does it say that? My eyesight is still very good. They do warn you that it is possible as a "natural" consequence of ageing - much like anyone with perfect vision from birth can still need glasses late on.
  11. Can't watch the vid but when I describe the process most people balk when I mention being able to smell the burning lens flesh and it smelling like pork cooking
  12. 18 to 90000 is one hell of a leap.
  13. Genuine concern or naked self-interest?
  14. Had it done 11/12 years ago - one of the best things I've ever done. In my case it was unpleasant in that I had to have 2 ops on one eye (a year apart) and on all 3 occasions I had a bad 24 hours afterwards which I coped with by sleeping as best I could (plus TLC from my Mam) but it was still well, well worth it. I also think the techniques have moved on which would even take that unpleasantness away.
  15. Excuse my ignorance but I thought the whole point was the lad used us as a stepping stone to bigger things - how come the third one has owt to do with us?
  16. NJS


    I read this on Pharyngula (PZ Myer's site) and it followed a couple of similar cases in the US with religious fucktards who insisted on prayer as the only valid treatment for their kids with predictable results. Myers made the point about feeling sorry for them as parents but surely you have a "duty" to do everything you could for your kids even if it goes against your beliefs. In a similar situation I'd like to think I'd try anything and everything no matter how extreme but as you say when its something "trivial" like eczema or in the religious case like diabetes which are 100% proven to be treatable I think as you say sympathy is stretched.
  17. NJS


    Try this one as well: Homeopathy kills No chance for placebo to work on an infant. Bastards.
  18. Sames as Russell Brand for me - in chat/quiz type situations they both come across as unfunny twats but their standup is quality imo.
  19. I've read loads of people saying what a respected journalist this cretin is - I've always thought he was just another idiot. Let's say we did this - how would the ongoing business then be financed? how would transfers be financed? - do Barcelona fund transfers from their membership? Amateurish, bigoted bullshit.
  20. chkdsk sorts out simple file corruption. go to a command prompt and try: chkdsk /r - it may say it'll schedule it for next start up
  21. You should have command prompt under accessories or you can do "CMD" from run. If its on yout hard disk that message does suggest corruption - you may need a chkdsk - if its a removable disk try removing it and plugging it back in.
  22. I instinctively want to defend Brown/new labour and sometimes I can setting aside what I see as the almost complete waste of 12 years of power in terms of doing actual good. What I would say on the economy is I feel a bit sorry for him - imagine if he had said "Right I'm going to completely regulate the city and stop them making billions just for the hell of it" as many have suggested - he would have been absolutely slaughtered. On his spending I think you should remember thats what generally was in the manifestos - if the Tories had been in the money would still have "gone" in the form of tax cuts - probably leading to an even more over-inflated property market than the one which caused the crunch.
  23. On a serious note I've wondered when Ronald Reagan had his Alzheimer's diagnosed and if it was during his time in office whether anyone had the guts to see the signs. In hindsight it explained a lot. On topic I hope the bitch is in pain.
  24. Maybe he's taken 20k a week. I was wondering to myself what it would do for team spirit if the new manager made a rule that he and every player in the squad would get the same base pay....say £15k a week...and all other pay was made up of bonus payments.....but everyone is on the same bonus structure (per goal, clean sheet, win, draw appearance) all clearly stated. Never happen like, but it's more workable in the championship than the premier league. Andt if anything, it would be nice to stop the fans attacking players for what they earn, rather than how they perform. Been saying that for years - once you get to a certain figure (probably 20k pw imo) it's all just a pissing contest rather than the actual money from the player's pov. I'd like to see the club provide houses and maybe cars and then pay them all 5k pw (iused to say 1k but inflation is a bitch) but then I'd allow "ridiculous" bonus payments - say 1m each for promotion - as well as the other basics as you suggest.
  25. Wild guess but maybe they've been sounded out about their level of committment to playing in the league and Smith was up for it - that would explain Butt/Duff as well. Or they just forgot him.
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