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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I also think that the kind of pro-active approach suggested there should be talked up - messing with the climate sounds scary but if the view is that our actions have fucked it then maybe we could un-fuck it.
  2. NJS

    I'm famous!

    Had a look on their web site and it looks worth checking out for when I'm in an old school metal mood. Their "best of" lists do suggest a bias towards the old dinosaurs though (not necessarily bad).
  3. NJS

    I'm famous!

    What's Planet Rock?
  4. There was a lot of shit that Barclays were "happy" with the overdraft for Ashly but not for Moat - in that case why pay it off? (Unless the charges were ruinous which is possible I suppose)
  5. The thing that makes me think the 20m is another blatant lie is that given the reduction in the wage bill and the amount from transfers last summer and the crowds this year, I honestly can't see how another large loss is projected. The only way it adds up in my view is if he has taken money out on the sly.
  6. Basically if the other clubs applied for a winding up order for the transfer money they've failed to pay, the fuckers would be in Admin. The Premier League and the clubs are conspiring to prevent it as opposed to the League who seem to at least adhere to their rules. They don't want the PR of a PL team going TU and will do anything to prevent it.
  7. The thing that angers me more than the naming thing, more than Keegan, more than all the piss-taking is the fucking ridiculous idea that without Ashley there would be no club. It really pisses me off.
  8. Hats off to the sick bastard that thought of that.
  9. Thank fuck we've got a manager then. Pink jumpered, Whitleas cunt.
  10. I cancelled the day after the Derby in February.
  11. I have to admit that "Meerkat Stadium" or "Cole Hole" would see my objections vanish
  12. Bird makes a good point that the only people who could be left calling the ground by its new name will be Sky. Now of course that's the major selling point for anyone but I still think a good campaign underlining that nobody is happy about it along the line of Fish's post about association could mean that the potential suitors would only be ones who don't really care anout semantics or customers. RyanAir comes to mind.
  13. Yeah on a slightly sad note, this means I won't be going to a home game for the foreseeable future. I still intend to go to a few aways after xmas though.
  14. If I saw him counting out £20m in tenners and handing it over to the club's bank I wouldn't believe it. I'm reminded of those Road Wars programmes where all these idiots take out insurance and then cancel the direct debit and claim its valid - he'd be filling out the withdrawl slip with his other hand.
  15. I'd like to add that if the fat cunt says something on the name like "What's all the fuss - they didn't mind the Milburn stand being named" I will seriously consider hunting down the cunt personally.
  16. Hughton can fuck off as well in my view "I'd like to thank cunt and cunter for their support".
  17. My reaction is that I desperately want us not to get promoted. I want the cunt to lose even more, I want him to have to sell for £25m. I'd honestly take relegation to the third if it meant that. You know fine well if we do get promoted he'll want too much and will try and survive on the cheap which will mean relegation and another couple of wasted years. He has now officially joined the list of people whose death I'd celebrate.
  18. I know its a bit childish but I'm a fan of the "if we didn't eat them (ie breed them for that purpose), domesticated animals wouldn't exist" pov. As someone who eats a lot of fish I suppose I'm a bit lazy in thinking the stocks are inexhaustible which I know they aren't.
  19. That's pretty much my stance - my pesky conscience keeps trying though. I keep having these feelings of solidarity with the rest of the human race and admire a lot of our achievements only to actually interact with others and realise it's not worth it.
  20. It's one of these things that will only work with a one world order - I know its defeatist but anything that doesn't involve China, India and the US is completely pointless when it comes to global change.
  21. I'm sure they couldn't kill all the food animals in the 20-40 years I have left so I'm not too worried. Going forward I'd expect either off-planet colonization or climate control via science to be reality.
  22. I'm surprised he hasn't had them all immunized what with being Mr Science.
  23. My reservation was always that his teams were football murderers - especially Leicester. I'm not sure about Villa. The last time we could have got him was ruined by timing on his wife's illness iirc.
  24. I suppose the naivity is thinking any politician/government can be any different to its predecessor - New Labour's promise of an ethical foreign policy being a good example and now the Tories outrage at ID cards/freedom restrictions which you know they won't change one iota. Having said that I expected Obama to at least make a stand on something - maybe he has and I've missed it but it seems cyniically disappointing so far.
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