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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I thought "You're one sick little fucker" in this context and in that "tone" was a compliment.
  2. Quite good - brings to mind a rough Gillan era Deep Purple which is a good thing in my book.
  3. I saw a Daily show where Stewart fitted Beck up like a Kipper a few months ago - showed him stating US healthcare was the best in the world and anyone wanting to change it was commie/nazi/muslim traitor then showed a clip of him a few years ago when he'd just had surgery bemoaning the fact that his care was sub-human.
  4. NJS


    I've done 7am-3pm rather than 9-5 but thats the limit - never done full-on shifts. I quite liked getting done and dusted by 3 - leaves more of the day. One of the things that's currently pissing me off is that a third party company who did a DW for us went tits up last year so since then I've had to be available for phone/dial-in support either 2 or 3 nights per week until 8 - usually nowt happens and theres no call but it can still limit plans occasionally.
  5. 2 thoughts: 1. I think SSN described it as "stepping up from DOF to manager" - that shows our fundmental problem. 2. Thank fuck we didn't get Wise as manager.
  6. NJS


    Hmm.. I think multinationals like that always "embrace" a recession as an excuse to take the piss out of staff. I've never understood why capitalists love to cut jobs for "efficiency" - we have a staff freeze on at the moment which just means people want to leave more leading to more pressure on those who stay - theres no way it can improve profits.
  7. NJS


    Who do you work for HF if you don't mind me asking?
  8. You can't have a midfield with four Riquelme's, regardless how creative it is, you need pace and movement, we had none, we were static and that is the real core reason. Yeah - I usually think of pace/movement being synonomous with "creative" - that term doesn't have to mean just a playmaker - we need a mix.
  9. The core reason we were relegated imo was an uncreative midfield and the problem still exists. The only difference is Nolan has scored goals this year. I also see the fact that good strikers with no service have been replaced by average/poor strikers with no service - something else that would need to be addressed even if we signed a new midfield.
  10. Fair enough but I think making a 1.5% margin instead of a 3.5% margin would fall under normal competition imo - as long as they did make a profit then it should be up to the other banks to stop their price fixing cartel.
  11. I think one of the things NR should have done when they were nationalised was to introduce some anarchic ideas like proper free banking to attract customers - they could even have offered 2% mortgages and got a shit load of customers. Illegal unfortunately. Which part/how?
  12. I remember being told when I started working in 1987 that legally you could insist on cash - I've no idea if that still stands. I know a lad who's a bit weird who takes all his wages out as soon as they go in to his account and keeps the money at home - he doesn't trust the accounts or any kind of cards.
  13. I think one of the things NR should have done when they were nationalised was to introduce some anarchic ideas like proper free banking to attract customers - they could even have offered 2% mortgages and got a shit load of customers.
  14. What a fucking pathetic defence. "I can't admit to this murder as I will be prosecuted for it". This reminded me of the SOS court case for bond holders - moving fans was a pisstake but the small print said it was okay - similarly the T&Cs of bank accounts are agreed to by customers (as they have no choice). I hope the OFT continue the case though.
  15. Right, I don't care if they do go on and win the Europa league, going out at this stage represents abject failure for the divine-righting cunts. Get the fuck in.
  16. NJS

    PNE 0-1 NUFC

    Poll on how long before that statement is regretted. I'll take 14 minutes into his comeback.
  17. NJS

    PNE 0-1 NUFC

    The away performances/results have been better than I expected on the whole but I'm a bit worried that we've struggled in a couple of homes games whereas West Brom seem to have had an easier time at home. A couple of 3 or 4 nils would do wonders.
  18. I think there are three notions involved in sex: 1. Things that give you pleasure 2. Things that you do that you enjoy because you know it is giving your partner pleasure 3. Things that because of taboos or inspired by porn, you think sound like a good idea. I see nothing wrong in trying anything in section 3 "for a laugh" with full consent. Some things work, some things may turn out to be completely shite and some might dissolve into hilarity (and go either way) but I'd hate to think that most reasonable people wouldn't be at least willing to try.
  19. NJS

    PNE 0-1 NUFC

    3 in one game against a shit team at home (inc one pen) - of course that's harsh but anyone expecting him to score consistently has been on another planet for the last 10 years.
  20. NJS

    PNE 0-1 NUFC

    Canny assessment there Fish - what does give me a tinge of hope for this season is that we have coped with a few injuries which I though would fuck us quite well so far. As for the point about promotion or bust - as I've said before another summer of attempted sales with a last minute decision to stay on the cheap is what I really fear - that would set us back years.
  21. NJS

    PNE 0-1 NUFC

    I used to say the same about Andy Cole and heading - coaches have a lot to answer for imo.
  22. NJS

    PNE 0-1 NUFC

    I was just thinking this morning how little pleasure I get out of football now. Beating shit teams is all well and good but theres just so little to get in anyway excited about and that's not going to change given that the only "light" on the horizon is the return of Shola fucking Ameobi. As regarding Gutteriez I'll reiterate my long standing point - any "professional" player who can't hit the target from in and around the 18 yard box on a regular basis should be sacked - Hughton should have walked on to the pitch at full time and handed the cunt his P45.
  23. They'll probably try and tell you the money you've paid would be "wasted" if you stop it which is bullshit. Another thing is that an IFA will encourage you to cancel it but will also try and get you to take something else out as those theiving bastards get the commission up front. (I used to write software in that industry).
  24. Anyone read Flood by Stephen Baxter? The premise is that a catalysmic amount of water in the mantle is released into the oceans and over the next 40 or 50 years the entire landmass is enveloped. The scramble for resources in terms of the higher ground etc makes an interesting story - it fades a bit before the end but there is a sequel out which I'll be reading.
  25. Yes but supposedly the only use of the nutrients is in semen production - so the benefit would only apply to blokes. I'm not sure I've still got the range. I was talking about swallowing (I read this in the context of "but its good for you") but I suppose the range thing still applies.
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