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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I was just talking to someone the other day how generally we've gone wrong since about the 17th century in that the people who run wars never get involved or suffer and things would have turned out differently if instead of thousands of cannon fodder dying, hit squads had just gone in and killed people like the German Kaiser or more recently Martin McGuinness (and his equivalent). hmmm.......advocating the murder of "innocent until proven guilty" people by SAS/SBS teams then ? No I'm talking about bringing the war to those obviously responsible on a personal level. That does not include people where there are doubts or collateral civilians.
  2. I was just talking to someone the other day how generally we've gone wrong since about the 17th century in that the people who run wars never get involved or suffer and things would have turned out differently if instead of thousands of cannon fodder dying, hit squads had just gone in and killed people like the German Kaiser or more recently Martin McGuinness (and his equivalent).
  3. Yeah but I didn't get the impression they were simply Israelis with European passports - maybe my mistake.
  4. Surely the Israelis wouldn't need outside contractors? I suppose it could be a double bluff of deniability.
  5. Blackcurrant jam - though I haven't particpated for years.
  6. I was reading something a few weeks ago which was about how airport and airline staff are really starting to get off on their new found power which is backed by some pretty serious laws. It mentioned another case in the US where a bloke complained a stewardess was rude to him only to find himself met by fedaral marshalls on landing and being accused of crimes akin to terrorism - it took the intervention of 5 other passengers backing his side of the story for them to back down.
  7. Just started using this in the gym after being pointed in its direction by Brock a few weeks ago and its great: SanDisk
  8. I wouldn't expect the Yanks to be shy - I remember going to the Navy museum in New York which has a submarine you can go in and they have a hatch/doorway thing on the quayside with a sign which basically says "If you can't get through this then fuck off".
  9. I can see the logic of the policy when you get those more than 25st people but Smith was never that as I said. I went to Singapore with work 5 years ago in business class and the bloke next to me on the way back who was Samoan was a proper fat cunt - he needed a seat belt extension and couldn't operate the recliner. It was a little awkward but if it had been in economy it would have been a nightmare.
  10. I saw him about 4 years ago and while certainly fat, he wasn't a "stereotypical American fat bastard" then.
  11. They always mention 1948 as being the date when their ideal racial mix existed - I suppose there were a couple of tokens about which means they can justify the membership thing at a push. It will be funny to see Sikhs or whatever claiming they are part of British culture whereas the real enemy (Muslims obviously) aren't.
  12. This might be the place to describe a completely fucked up dream I had the other night. It involved me somehow being given immense power over things - the American President (not Obama) and the Pope of all people (not the Jorman) both "handing over" their titles to me which then saw me trying to negotiate the purchase of NUFC - not from the FCB but from John Hall and Shepherd who arrived in a helicopter flown by And & Dec. I was handed a piece of paper saying I had £271m to spend but then Hall said he'd sell for £30 cash which I didn't have on me but a quick whip round produced. A conversation then started talking about contacting all of these managers - Ancelotti being the only name I remember but then I just said "what the fuck are we even talking about this for - Keegan's going to be the manager If the parallel universe theory of dreams is true then all the suffering in this one is at least balanced in others - or I'm in serious need of psychiatric help. Happy birthday KK.
  13. I think so - not a bad thing - surely we can get some kind of decent form for when we play them
  14. I find it amazing how many teams in this division which I still class as poor, have midfields generally filled with players who are better than ours at football basics like short passing and retaining possession. I have a lot of time for Nolan's stuff about the team spirit and he does epitomise the pretty good way the team have responded to going down but the bloke is a fucking shit footballer and he's really starting to piss me off. I'm also getting pissed off with how Guthrie has started doing too many Parker-esque pirouettes.
  15. I've said before I don't care about England - though I wouldn't mind seeing them do well - slightly schizo there I admit. Cole is the epitome of why I hate so many footballers - great player but the periphery is fucking horrible.
  16. That was the theory with Owen (and as I've said before he deliberately took his comeback easy imo) but it can lead as in that case to being prone to niggles and/or more serious injuries. I have to admit to a part of me being happy if the odious piece of shit misses the world cup.
  17. NJS

    The Euro

    Agreed but tempered by lack of any empathy/sympathy for UK farmers.
  18. NJS

    The Euro

    Does that include the benefits to industry or just from a state viewpoint?
  19. NJS

    The Euro

    As I understand the principle was to ensure the economies of all the states were broadly in line - a supposed requirement for joining in the first place. Unfortunately as was perhaps inevitible, the gap between France and Germany (and the UK if we had joined in) and countries like Greece has become over-stretched.
  20. There are a lot of aspects of Islam I despise (I presume that's where you're going) but its very simplistic to say they are uncaring - the respect for the family and the way they look after older relatives is one aspect a lot of western countries could learn from. he's stated his case and he is correct. People like you spout on about those among us in the west not being prepared to encompass Islam and say it is "racist" yet you turn a total blind eye to the fact that they do not and will not adapt to any other culture anywhere. I just don't get why you defend these racists and continue to do so at every opportunity. You're right LM, over a billion people are hereby judged as backward, racist scum who hate the west and have no redeeming features whatsoever. the use of "these racists" is fucking breathtaking.
  21. NJS


    I can understand the boards position and wouldn't like the task of dealing with a bunch or reprobates on a dailiy basis but banning anyone still doesn't sit easily with me. I hope there's a way back from this because I've seen this kind of thing happen elsewhere and it can be a complete pisser for everybody.
  22. There are a lot of aspects of Islam I despise (I presume that's where you're going) but its very simplistic to say they are uncaring - the respect for the family and the way they look after older relatives is one aspect a lot of western countries could learn from.
  23. Possibly the UN is hopeless - but that's mainly down to a lack of will from the US (and others) who'd rather go their own way. If you trust the US to only ever act in our interests that;s fine but there's no guarantee they will - imagine if Palin is elected and starts invading countries just for the hell of it. Again the first Kuwait war was picking on one side of a dispute because of politics rather than principle - the US only cared about Kuwait because Saudi felt threatened - they didn't care when he invaded Iran. How about we don't sell weapons to obvious cunts? Then again I wouldn't bother with it - if the coal or shipbuilding industries were subidised as much as BAE, the NE would have full employment.
  24. Aside of the usual anti-west comments again [what is the problem here, why do you always take this stance] are you suggesting such decisions should be left to the UN and that decision abided by. Iraq invaded Kuwait in the first instance by the way, and Saddam Hussein had oppressed and used chemical weapons on his own people. Why do you think we should sit back and wait for him to do it again, stockpike more weapons, and develop them ? The last war wasm't about Kuwait but you do know that Kuwait is a historical part of Iraq sort of like Northern Ireland is part of the UK (to some people)? That aside - yes that's the whole point of the UN - there was a process in progress which would have led to resolutions but the UN appointed inspectors could not find evidence of WMD - that's what the US/UK jumped the gun on. The sanctions from the first war (which incidently killed thousands of children) meant that Saddam was incapable of developing weapons - this has been comprehensively proven by not one being found or any evidence of any development processes. As for gassing the Kurds, it was terrible but the Yanks, Israelis and the Russians have done worse since WWII with no comebacks. If you want an honest world police force that stops shit like that then I'm all for it - but beware what it will uncover - especially who sold the weapons and chemicals.
  25. I have to say my lack of sympathy relates to charging £30 for seats bolted on to an open terrace with no plans for a new ground for years until recently. Also got a minor kicking/chasing in 84.
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