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Everything posted by NJS

  1. A lot of wingers seem to suffer from the same problem of an inconsistent final ball - I think its a price you sometimes have to pay for their other attributes like scaring the opposition - Gillespie, Fox, Franz Carr and Routledge are all pretty similar in that respect. I think I'd prefer more of a footballer like Sellars who wasted a pass a lot less often.
  2. I always seem to forget how much I dislike Spurs - it's nice to get a reminder every now and then and the sight of the saggy faced cockney cunt sitting forlornly on the bench at the end was fucking sweet.
  3. Cardiff was the one I remember which was a daft gift.
  4. Continued that trend with Phantoms and have also re-bought Night Chills which I think was the first book of his I read. It has a premise of subliminal conditioning enhanced by drugs which allows the baddie to speak a phrase and put someone under their complete control - I first read this as teenager and it led to quite a few sordid wank fantasies
  5. I've said before I find people who go swimming with their glasses on irritating for no reason but I'd add people who swim with gold chains on.
  6. NJS

    Malcolm McLaren

    I can see how it was shocking in the context of the times but when I've seen it since I've just thought what a bunch of wankers - like kids swearing at the back of the class to look hard. Always though McLaren was a twat but I recognise his place in the scheme of things.
  7. I've done a few of these quiz things and its interesting that with my left wing leanings, I'm being directed to the Lib Dems and the Greens. Say's a lot about New Labour.
  8. I've always thought that on NI - if a business budget for new staff works out that an extra £500 (don't know the exact figure) tips the balance so that its not worth it then the margins are too tight. I think in general it just means slightly less profit which is understandable but not the end of the world if you are expanding as you say.
  9. When I was a kid and then when I started going to games, it was all about the simple enjoyment - going to new places, meeting up with people, drinking, sometimes the buzz of going somehere dodgy and occasionally the football. As a kid as I was aware that we had a history that suggested at least occasional cup success but I never for one moment expected us to be a "top club" and win the league. I think Keegan changed that - I know LM will say it was Hall but in 93 I very much doubt that the latter actually thought we would challenge as we did - it was certainly a surprise to me. I think the disappointment of our "fall" since 2005(ish) is that if we had been able to maintain that level, we'd be well placed with a decent manager (God knows who) to maybe still challenge even in a more frugal environment (see Arsenal). The problem now it that having fallen so far, the only way to get back up to even a Birmingham/Fulham/Villa level would be to spend a lot or hope Hughton does have the ability to build a decent team with nothing over 4 or 5 years (at least). The problem with the latter imo is that despite the denials, I don't think the fans as a whole have the patience for that or the acceptance of our new place in the world. I know I've been overtly pessimistic about the immediate future but I'm afraid without a "good" sale I can't see much of that simple enjoyment in football happening again.
  10. Probably should also note the Mackems finished lower last year (with shit loads more spent).
  11. Mackems were in Division Three for a season, were they not? Good old Lawrie McMenemy. And marvellous old Gillingham I think I've said before - Charles Harrison: "Oh my God, Casacarino has scored again" is my favourite line of commentary ever.
  12. It's times like these when I fantasise about being head of SSN (sad I know) - it would take them half an hour (on my orders) to rustle up a clip sequence showing him up for the hypocrite he is. See also Steven Gerrard: "I never cheat".
  13. I watched the last 30 minutes are so which I normally wouldn't but I wanted to revel in the result - Brackley: "this is excruciating" - no - its fucking great.
  14. NJS

    Laptop Advice

    Don't know about recently but I worked at a place that used Acer laptops a few years ago and they were excellent value for money.
  15. It's strange how only a few people think like this - I was just sayiing last week that if someone gave me £900m I'd give NUFC at least half of it, possibly more and was looked at as if I was an Alien. The response was that you should enjoy your wealth which seemed to involve investing it and checking to see whether it grows rather than spending it - madness. On the "spree" if someone wants to do an N-O style how much will the net spend be in the summer poll, I'll vote for less than zero - especially if Guttirez has a decent world cup.
  16. Blackpool as that's one less relegation place for us to "aim" for next season - although they'd be the best of a very similar bunch.
  17. I was just thinking today that they stopped picking us for their live games when it became obvious we weren't going to fail.
  18. In my mind when he whinged the ref said "I just fucking warned you, you thick, fat Yorshire cunt"
  19. I don't think we've kicked a decent ball all season so that's quite appropriate. I'm usually an optimist but unless we're sold I see absolutely no reason to celebrate.
  20. Not all teams who have spent have gone as bad as Leeds - but West Ham, Boro, Sunderland, Villa to an extent and being harsh Newcastle are all in bad shape financially without anything but near misses to show for it. I'm not saying its wrong to try but the spend and be damned attitude is coming home to roost now and I can see a lot more clubs struggling.
  21. You imply that our income and or potential should make debt an easy option - as I said if genuine income only adds up to an "average" amount to spend then debt would be the only option. Of course what I'm happy to see and what I see as reality are two different things - that's why as I said I'm resigned to mediocrity.
  22. How is asking where the money would come from a unacceptable question LM? What budget for transfers/wages do you think even a maximum level of STs and merchandise + TV Money gives? - I'd guess not enough for survival - maybe £20m. So where would your money come from? The alternatives are Ashley speculating which is a fair demand but unlikely and debt. It looks like a few special cases aside, large debt would not be a possibility. A request for credit in 2010 is infinitely different to a request at anytime under Shepherd. Your suggestion that Ashley or anyone else could simply ask for £50m say is a non-starter. I think large debt being available now is unlikely as it was pre-Hall. So Man City type purchase aside, maybe the only hope we have for the future is to concentrate on youth development etc - I've certainly accepted that the days of spending millions on players which you seem to suggest is feasible is a non-starter. This isn't a defence of Ashley btw - I think he either needs to sell up quick or he really does need to speculate to make his money back - the halfway house we're heading for will result in relegation imo but we also have to consider what happens if he does go - a Barry Moat type takeover would just lead us directly to the scenario I describe above.
  23. Anyone see Gannon mention the league cup win in his interview? - you beat the kids you stupid cunt - now fuck off back to where you belong.
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