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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Absolutely diabolical policy. Blatant bribe as she thought homeowner = Tory, assets sold for a fraction of their worth, revenues ring-fenced so drastic shortage of social housing which has led to house price inflation which has caused probably 2 major recessions ans still results in millions struggling to find somewhere decent to live. But a few thousand people made a tidy sum so of course it was good. But at the time, those in social housing jumped at the chance to own. Also, apart from first-time buyers, I don't remember too many complaining when the value of property soared under the Labour administration. I don't blame the people for taking advantage - that's human nature but it doesn't make it right. Housing value increases are one of those things that gives everyone a nice warm fuzzy feeling and what I think is the illusion of wealth (if you sell you still have to find somewhere to live) but in the big picture Housing bubbles are bad news. People stretch too much to afford mortgages even if they aren't first time buyers and it can lead to crises like the one in the US that caused the shitstorm. I'm not saying everyone should live in council houses but a mixed approach and one encompassing European rental models leads to a much more stable economy than the "buy at all costs" mentality that has arisen as a legacy of this policy.
  2. RIP Just downloaded a full Rainbow discography a couple of weeks ago (I have all the vinyl) so that's this weeks train listening sorted (with the Sabbath albums as well obviously). Also first concert I ever went to was Sabbath with him in 1980 - great night.
  3. Bank collapse would have caused more civil unrest and cost more than a few fat sweaty coppers claiming overtime? Everyone was covered upto £50k, there'd have been no civil unrest. Do you think they'd have all collapsed? I said in the other thread I'd have setup a national bank, which would give the government the ability to inject money into small businesses on a regional level and give mortgages out to first time buyers. The surprising thing that came out of the NR thing was just how inadequate the 50k thing would have been for thousands, if not millions of people. Also simple failure of the cash machine network would have caused chaos. They wouldn't all have collapsed at once but Lloyds and RBS would have started a domino effect. I agree with you about a national bank (funnily enough Tony Benn created one but the Bitch sold it off) but that's a policy for anytime and wouldn't have solved an immediate crisis of that size.
  4. Bank collapse would have caused more civil unrest and cost more than a few fat sweaty coppers claiming overtime?
  5. Absolutely diabolical policy. Blatant bribe as she thought homeowner = Tory, assets sold for a fraction of their worth, revenues ring-fenced so drastic shortage of social housing which has led to house price inflation which has caused probably 2 major recessions ans still results in millions struggling to find somewhere decent to live. But a few thousand people made a tidy sum so of course it was good.
  6. Push - not great but mildly enjoyable - I like lasses with thick eyebrows and the lass in it (Camilla Belle) has some pair on her. In other perv related news which I can just about get away with as she's now 16, I think Dakota Fanning will be top quirky totty in a couple of years time.
  7. There are lots of semi-arbitrary percentages used for things like takeover bids and changes to articles of association and common ones are 90%, 75% and 66% so I'd guess the Scottish one was picked on that sort of basis. The key here is not 55% but 45% - the fact that the Tories have 47% stands out even to an ultra-cynic like me as a complete cunt's trick - and as such so very Tory.
  8. How could that possibly benefit him at all? Particualarly if in 5 years time, the Tories are again the largest party but again without a majority. Can't see the Lib Dems siding with him again if it follows your suggestion. If he has confidence in "real" undiluted Tory policies then why not? - if they work he can fight on that record on a "we don't need anyone else" platform. Of course it would be a gamble but at least he would be able to rule on "principle".
  9. If they are so confident it will work in any case, why have they agreed to a forced position that means it has to?
  10. Which has been the case in all the elections that have resulted in a majority government... Yes but in this brave new world of constant coalitions that everyone seems to want, the Liberals have effective given up their magic bullet - if they completely fall out with the Tories, we're still stuck with them. In fact if I was Cameron I'd wait until the day after this law is passed and sack all the liberals and tell them to fuck off and run as a "minority" government. (Edit: they can then just use the "stability/national interest" argument to try and get their bills through.
  11. It's actually taken me till reading Renton's post to realise what they've done (feeling dull this week) - I just hadn't realised that the 47% they have on their own means only a rebellion can cause an election - what a bunch of twats.
  12. They've postponed the Tories 1m raise until the Libs 10k tax threshold is achieved (I'd guess 2 or 3 years)
  13. I think liberals will be torn between actually having power (or the illusion of it imo) and unease at dealing with the Tories. I was going to say it might depend whether they are old school like Hughes or new generation but there's an article by Shirley Williams (traitorous bitch) in the Guardian where she seems enthusiastic.
  14. There was an urban myth that went around during the 80s about Yuppies crashing sports cars after picking them up from the dealers and I used to work with a lad who actually did it (though in about 97) . it was a 911 and not a roundabout but he lost control at a T junction with traffic lights and hit a lorry on the other side of the road - total write-off.
  15. Cash, credit, works access and rail ST - though I'd add driving licence which isn't strictly necessary. A universal works access card would be hard like.
  16. Without going all Sci-Fi geek and obviously ignoring the fuck-off big brother aspects, I've always thought one card that does everything would be incredibly useful.
  17. I hate to go all LM regarding the source but I find the several articles in the Guardian which presume that all the civil liberty laws will be repealed to be asbolutely fucking hilarious. No governement of any hue ever repeal laws which control people.
  18. I know it's a forlorn hope but how can UEFA sanction the country when "Beitar have never had an Arab player" - it's like the old firm 20 years ago.
  19. Good point - I think they think it guarantees them 5 years of "working thing out" rather than snap votes thereatening everything every month
  20. I thought they had a "Well at least we got to the final" look about them from the off - a shame like.
  21. Maybe for another thread but you're wrong - modernisation was never fought especially in new areas like Selby. Other countries (Germany and Norway for example) took the view that subsidising "uncompeitive" industries was actually beneficial overall when communities and related economies were included. Thatcher's view was not only to destroy them without considering that view, but to not give a seconds thought for what would replace them apart from a "the market will provide" line. As HF said earlier its a lot harder for places with a history of over-reliance on concentrated economic providers to change overnight compared with an are like the SE which has always mainly worked on a more individual economic basis. I would add that even those who can be convinced of the long term benefits of the closures in hindsight cannot forgive the absolute relish the bitch and her cohorts exhibitited as they did it.
  22. What do you think the Tories have conceded? The inheritance tax change is still there but postponed so apart from the cabinet positions and a commitment to a referendum on PR which as far as I can see isn't binding in implementation terms I don't see how the Tories have been "moderated".
  23. This is still what concerns me - fair enough there was a gap between the two main parties but if say 40 seats hadn't changed and the Libs had got a few less then as I said earlier with reference to Major's time, you could even have the government being decided by the various Nationalists which is even less fair imo. Even if AV is adopted it will still be the Liberals usually choosing the government from two bigger parties.
  24. It's about time someone produced an opinion poll of Liberal voters on whether they'd still have voted that way if they knew the outcome. Obviously there will be people like Meenzer (I think) who sees this outcome, whether backing the Tories or Labour, as the whole point but I'd like to see how many "I actually voted anti-Tory" views there are (or even anti-Labour).
  25. Properties worth more than £2m - fucking hell.
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