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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Do you think it could survive on its own without US help DG? (I mean economically not militarily).
  2. A guilt therapist's wet dream. The only thing you said which I'd question is that if most Israelis are liberals and/or sympathetic why do they keep electing leaders like Netanyahu? Or is this another argument against PR/coalition governments?
  3. haha, I was the same when we got Sky+ HD. I just spent a day watching Bio HD. My Sky HD is fucked and I'm getting that fixed tomorrow as well. BTW if anyone is within driving/pick up distance of Chelmsford and fancies a 3 year Philips 42" 1080i LCD going cheap, drop me a PM.
  4. I'm not naive enough to think there wasn't an element of provocation/shit-stirring in sending this aid with the "Loonies" as LM would call them aboard but fucking hell - sending commandos onto ships in International waters has to be some kind of line crossing thing doesn't it?
  5. Got the rest of the week off to sort a few things around the house so feeling pretty good. Also hate to sound all geeky but I'm getting my new fuck off TV tomorrow which will make me very happy.
  6. RIP I enjoyed him as a psycho but think my favourite film of his is Flashback.
  7. Only read about this today - claiming the rent for two years after his bloke had bought a house is surely fraud? I don't see how they can call it a "personal tragedy" just because he's gay - he's trying to say he never thought of the bloke as his "partner" so thought it was okay - what a load of shit and I'm sure it will upset his bloke..
  8. I had a soft spot for Cunningham - not because he was good - he certainly wasn't - but he just had a happy give it his all kind of commitment that I've seen far too many players lack completely. I don't really know what you're trying to say there btw - nobody I know thought he was good and that was in the contest of a time when people recognised Beardsley as something special so we did have an idea what good meant. As I've said before I think Ameobi is fucking shit and it saddens me to the very depths of my being that he's made a living out of football.
  9. Making it "illegal" for businesses to speculate commercially with loans sounds dodgy from an EU law pov.
  10. are you advocating Newcastle United taking a stand against a paper which constantly prints anti - NUFC agenda too, along with the latest disgraceful racist slurs against NUFC supporters ? After all, "racist" comments are a particular bone of contention with you and others ? Or does slating England bid to host the World Cup hit harder home for you My view is that general "Geordies are thick cunts" articles a la L Taylor are regrettable and should be questioned/slagged off/ apology demanded as a matter of course. However even as someone who isn't a fan of National football, I think the Triesman thing was beyond the pale and deserves a different response. It was a despicable, callous attempt to sabotage something quite tangible for the good of this country and I think everyone involved (especially the cunt of a woman who did it) should be held up for what they are.
  11. The initial ban for slagging Ashley (presumably) is pathetic, however I'd echo those who say this taking a stand on the Triesman thing is actually pretty good.
  12. I always took the "wiped off the map" to be more conceptual than literal - though accept the latter view is probably held by some. Also the "continual invasions" number 2 as far as I can remember - 67 and 73.
  13. Again with no denial about shite in the 80s I'd point out that another couple of things always shown as examples need a context - there was a game against West Ham in 87 I think where George Parris was booed after a vicious "accidental" head butt on Andy Thomas which caused him to have to leave the field - it's always shown as "classic" football racism without the context. The same applies to booing of Gary Bennet and Howard Gayle on NYD 1985 - both were mainly "normal" abuse for players being sent off for disgraceful tackles thoughh admittedley there were some monkey chants as well.
  14. The thing is even if you ignore the Cole crap, to write an article on Asian footballers' failure to make it without mentioning Chopra just adds to the laziness/shitness view. Either the author and Taylor are unaware of Chopra or his background or they decided not to include him as it spoilt the dig at Newcastle. The former is lazy, the second would be a bigger crime than including the Cole lies.
  15. Didn't his family - in particular his Grandfather - make their fortune selling arms to the Nazis in the 30s?
  16. Got 10 minutes and Swindon in a game we lost because the ref let them get away with murder, made his debut at home to Notts Co 1 goal in a 4-0. I love it when journalists print hearsay which fits their story - getting a good kicking in the comments though.
  17. I'd like to see an end to their school type holidays before anything else - I'm sure they will insist they "work" in their contituencies during all the weeks of recess but I'd love to see timesheets. I also don't see why they should get "employee" benefits - especially if the fixed length of their "contracts" is firmed up as is planned.
  18. I remember noticing in either 83 or 87 when Sunderland first staring doing the first declaration thing that their main rivals were Torquay. The Sunderland poll count was 85k and the Torquay one was 47k iirc. Equal numbers sounds fair but I think it should also reflect complete communities if that makes sense.
  19. I never bothered with it - I had the first series ready to watch but got the feeling it was a making it up as you go along kind of deal whcih I don't like. I don't mind series which fit character development and filler episodes into season or series long arcs but if its sold as a series with a cunning plan then it has to make sense and I get the impression Lost wasn't tight enough on that basis.
  20. The only good that could have come from it was the fat cunt selling up - that hasn't happened and in fact it may have firmed up his intention to stay and bury us further into the tar pits of history. But a few people who don't know any better thought beating Scunthorpe et al was enjoyable so I'm obviously wrong.
  21. Surprised it hasn't happened before tbh - then again more likely as he gets older.
  22. There were a few thing Labour promised pre-97 in opposition like an ethical foreign policy (including no arms sales to cunts) and a public enquiry into Hillsborough. As soon as they got in and I presume were visited by the coppers and mi5, all of those were soon dropped - I expect the same thing to happen now. Cancelling things like ID cards which haven't been passed is one on thing - removing powers already in use by the services is another and I can't imagine any government of any hue doing it.
  23. Is it just me who thinks Diane Abbot was quite sexy when she first appeared but is disappointed she's turned into the unfortunately stereotypical fat West Indian older woman?
  24. NJS


    No trips to the Hill?
  25. As they point out - those agencies rated the sub-prime shit in the US as AAA - then again GS and the rest would have had an influence on these "independent" agencies.
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