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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Not on the basis of the money which is trivial in the scheme of things, I find it amazing more people don't recognise how fundamentally wrong the whole concept is. We seem to have moved a bit away from the nauseous cap doffing of older generations (though there is still too much) towards a "they're harmless really" attitude but the apathetic acceptance sickens me.
  2. NJS

    James Perch

    That's my view - and I don't care what the Scabs say.
  3. Star Trek (2009) I quite enjoyed it but would point out that there was a reverence for the future that was nonsensical given the fact it was an alternative history/narrative. I suppose you could argue a reverence for the characters within that alternative does give them licence for a new series though. Plus points also for not going for the obvious time travel to put everything back on course plot. I would also point out that I found the Kirk/Spock/Uhura thing slightly amusing given I watched a porn parody a couple of months ago which finished with those 3 in a threesome
  4. Beardsley above all but also loved Waddle, Gascoigne, Lee, Cole and Ferdinand. Slightly below the radar come John Anderson, Kenny Wharton and Steve Carney.
  5. When you look at how ugly the people in the 80s were I'd agree. I bet she had a fuckin proper hairy minge though. Better than who Dennis ended up shaggin in Ally Frasers villa though. She had teeth like Borussia Dortmunds strip when they won the Champions League. She's German= triple muff. 1 on the chuff and 2 under her arms. Not according to my missus when we stayed in camp grounds touring around for the WC in 2006. Hairy armpits and a lot of wax on, wax off clunge. I was out with a few people from work last week and when a German lass said her hair was now her natural colour I asked if she'd mind proving it - "there's no evidence there" was her frank reply
  6. Confirmed as just the semi on SSN.
  7. I thought it was amusing when she stood up for the first goal and then looked around to see if it was okay to do so - then for the other 3 she didn't give a fuck if she was the only one.
  8. Wasn't bothered who won until they mentioned Mensah playing for the Mackems - hoped he missed obviously.
  9. I used to work for someone who argued that as he'd opted out of the NHS and state education for his kids, he should pay less tax to avoid paying for both - I suggested he go the whole hog and contract out all aspects of "society" including the emergency services. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Tories harboured plans to at least think about the healthcare/NHS angle. (And btw, sounding like a complete Tory twat I'd guess I pay more NI than most on here )
  10. At some level yes - but I think the division it sets up where the people who can afford healthcare (or education) get the good stuff and the rest are left with a begrudged token effort as the US seems to be like is a much greater wrong in my opinion. I don't suppose there are many people like me though - people I work with are generally happy to take advantage and I don't hate them for it - it's just not for me. As I originally said as well, being an honest human if something did crop up I'd probably go for it but I wouldn't use it for something "trivial" - I had a problem with my sinuses a couple of years ago which nearly went as far as getting them drilled but I was happy with the excellent service I got from my GP/local hospital.
  11. PP: I don't see your view as a dig though I don't agree. My view is its a matter of conscience - I honestly would feel extermely uncomfortable using their service as private healthcare and education are probably the two aspects of modern society I disagree with most. The actual membership for me is "free" (you pay a subsidised rate for family members) but that doesn't mean its more attractive. The idea that if I did use it, I would be somehow saving NHS resources actually puts me off the idea more than making it attractive. Of course it's not a choice but I'd rather have the premium as salary.
  12. It's easy to run a profitable business when some other mug pays for all your staff's training. If they had to fund it themselves, their policies would be beyond almost everybody and it certainly wouldn't be provided en masse by Employers. Agreed. I'd still rather use them for treatment though. Wait for 6-12 months for an op on my nose or go through BUPA via work and get it done in 3 weeks (granted by the same surgeon) in a clean, comfortable environment. Easy choice. Despite being a preachy lefty, I know I'm a hypocrite at a personal level having spent my working life in two industries I generally abhor (Personal financial services and banking) but I do take a moral stance in not having signed up for the company BUPA scheme. Maybe if I did get something nasty or if I had a family I'd reconsider but it's a line I never want to cross.
  13. It's easy to run a profitable business when some other mug pays for all your staff's training. If they had to fund it themselves, their policies would be beyond almost everybody and it certainly wouldn't be provided en masse by Employers.
  14. I would guess that's part of any business - I've certainly seen it wherever I've worked. If you could come up with ideas to get rid of management bollocks in the NHS you'd be able to (and probably would) name your price to work in the private sector. One of the biggest Tory myths is that the private sector is inherently more efficient that the public.
  15. I think "too many managers, not enough doctors and nurses" is very much a Mail line similar to the "Asylum seekers get free cars" with the added high regard for the frontline staff used as a sweetener.
  16. This depends on what industry you're talking in the private sector. A cull in the public sector is way overdue and should have been performed prior to any deficit reduction plan. Social services, the NHS, etc etc are so top heavy with middle/upper management it's untrue. The proportion of public sectors jobs in the total did not change significantly under Labour. There may be "cullable" jobs in all departments but having mates who've been civil servants since before Labour from what they say things haven't ballooned or anything like that. I think the "managers in the NHS" pov is generally a media driven agenda. As I and others have argued, culling any waste during a recession is doubly dangerous because it cuts demand and lessens the chances of those losing their jobs being able to find another.
  17. That growth in private sector is a massive assumption. Businesses aren't investing at the moment and austerity budgets in trading partners won't change that.
  18. I'm sure one of the commentators or maybe Hansen said something about "going into what is effectively a cup final and playing for penalties - madness". Made me think of Dalglish in 98 made worse by the fact there would have been a replay as well before the pens. Going back to last night, it was also incredibly stupid taking Almeida off
  19. I think there are a few natural footballers around of the type which would lead to better international teams but they are forced to fit into systems and patterns in the PL which supresses the talent - players like Andy Reid at the mackems come to mind. This is especially true at the "shit" clubs like Stoke, Bolton and Wolves which is a result of the pressures to stay up imo - which goes back to money. I think what we need is more managers who are brave enough to play football - this of course being another crime of Keegan's demise - both from the man himself and the setting of an example.
  20. I have the Dutch in the office sweepstake but find a bit of reluctance in supporting them due to the Scouse contingent and the cheat Robben.
  21. If it's a slagging you're after, then mention Nicky Butt (or Alan Smith)
  22. I think going to the games is a benchmark of whether you care enough to rise above the shite - the number of wankers following England is immense and I have mates who acknowledge this but still embrace it. Even with my lack of the patriotism gene, I couldn't associate myself with England game goers even admitting that Newcastle's crowd has a fair proportion of similar elements - my tolerance passes that benchmark.
  23. I think Terry was exposed because of Ferdinand's absence - Terry for me is a better version of Steven Taylor - doesn't read the game at all but is good at reacting and the do or dive blockes etc. Without a game reader he was shown up for that - especially by "clever" players. Of course England really need Woodgate but that's a different pisser.
  24. Carrick? Aye but he's been off the boil for about 2 years. I suppose you could add Hargreaves as well in the same context. As someone else said, the reverence for Lampard and Gerrard is a stumbling block - especially if you then won't even play one of them where he's useful.
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