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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I'd imagine the idea is to make people feel part of society and not left out because they are poor (as its targetted at people with no internet access) - not that bad an idea imo. I know it all adds up but £5m is peanuts - expecially for something that could affect 10000 people.
  2. NJS


    I'm sticking to the notion that they are "happy" that they have come into power in these circumstances as it gives them the opportunity to go mental with idealogically driven cuts. I think they'll go too far as LM suggests. I wouldn't be suprised if they also extend VAT to cover everything. Phil you really need to do a bit of reserach on how indirect taxes affect the lower paid disproportionately.
  3. I don't play games but the other activities I do in different locations/situations with an appropriate device. I just thought I'd try one specific device for one use. I also tend to read in bed which of course I could use an iPad for but again I wouldn't be doing anything else from your list at that time. I also don't think Apple products are good value for money.
  4. If it was your arse in the box doesn't that mean you entered it before the exit was clear?
  5. Yeah I ordered the 3g one just for the hell of it - it has a rudimentary web browser as well which would kill two birds with one stone. There's also an email delivery system for subscriptions to papers and magazines which looks useful. I've been meaning to start reading on the train for a while but can't be arsed to carry anything - especially in the summer.
  6. Did anyone ever get one of these? I've ordered the new one for delivery at the end of the month as I'm currently sorting out my house and apart from boxes of old computer parts, I've realised I have too many books taking up space. I don't like to bin them as I tend to re-read them on an on-going basis. It seems as if theres enough content out there now going by their new Kindle book store.
  7. Jimbo heading to Texas with a book on conspiracy theories under his arm. Patsy in the making imo. Well, now you mention it me and Mrs Jimbo are headed to Dallas at the weekend to visit Dealy plaza and the school book depository, it's set up exactly as it was on the day of the shooting, so accurately it doesn't even have a Lee Harvey Oswald at the window. You'll have to check the Bill Hicks classic about not allowing you right to the window because it would take two seconds to say "no fucking way".
  8. NJS

    James Perch

    Could have not bothered with Perch and Simpson and just signed Beye back.
  9. We're going to kill ourselves? How's that work? Sorry, you misunderstood me. I meant the big United. I've only once previously used the fuck off kevin in a half joking manner - now its serious - fuck off you stupid cunt. The kid is a lonely WUM. Surely everyone must see this by now? Yes but I thought the Wummery was accidental as he was/is just a stupid kid - no excuse for this faux pas though.
  10. We're going to kill ourselves? How's that work? Sorry, you misunderstood me. I meant the big United. I've only once previously used the fuck off kevin in a half joking manner - now its serious - fuck off you stupid cunt.
  11. I watched it when it was shown and found the way people's fates were only revealed as the programme progressed to be particularly effective - ones you though were goners survived and others... well fucking hell.
  12. I;m no expert on the music/circumstances but it worked for Tupac.
  13. Anyone know the source of Wolves' money? If it's based on borrowing/Sky money I could see another Pompey.
  14. Just started reading Christopher Hitchens' autobiography which has been made poignant by his preface where he talks about having to get it done before death (it was written before his diagnosis).
  15. I had the first Twilight on my sky planner but then watched the YouTube thing which takes the piss by mixing it with Buffy. I realised it would be a pale imitation of the real thing (I'm a shameless Buffy fan) so I deleted Twilight. Nothing I've seen written or clips I've seen of it or its sequel make me regret it.
  16. NJS

    What do you prefer

    I was going to say that but tbf he did say "female body" and not just "female". Smile is missing for me.
  17. So where was the Brazilian "woman" sitting in a two seater car?
  18. You missed the part where I said I was talking in general about prison care - I don't think he should or will ever be released. I also know you don't agree, but if every child murderer before him had been executed it would not have made the slightest difference to his actions. How do you know it would have made no difference to his actions ? Edit. In actual fact, if the Death Penaly isn't a deterrent, then perhaps the prospect of a miserable life behind bars and the occasional lynching by fellow inmates would be ? Firstly because I think its safe to say that people like him are suffering from some form of mental problem which wouldn't be that much influenced by any punishment scenarios - whether death or life sentence. I don't know about him but serial killers like Sutcliffe certainly see themselves as untouchable by the law who they consider their lessers. Secondly something like 95% of more general murders are spur of the moment loss of control actions so again fear of punishment doesn't really come into it. Thirdly there is no correlation in the US murder wise between states with and without the death penalty - it doesn't work as a deterrent full stop. Of course the revenge angle exists which I accept as a view but just feel morally you can't say "killing is wrong so we're going to kill you" and maintain any kind of just stance.
  19. You missed the part where I said I was talking in general about prison care - I don't think he should or will ever be released. I also know you don't agree, but if every child murderer before him had been executed it would not have made the slightest difference to his actions.
  20. Death penalty aside (which I reject) and not withstanding who it is, I think its fair enough to question the "duty of care" owed to prisoners. I know some may like the idea of prisons being free for alls where bastards can get their come-uppance but I think they should be reasonably safe places. I would have been happier for example to see Fred West spend 50+ years locked up rather than the convenience of turning a blind eye to his suicide. We've all seen Scum and presuming some truth in it I'd hate to see people who may be inside for pretty minor offences brutalised by a system which would only turn them into even more useless members of society on release. As I said I realise this doesn't really apply to Humtley but in general I don't think prisons should be "thunderdomes".
  21. I used to have 3 old pcs (in fact I still have them) filled with large (at the time) IDE hard drives - I had about 2tb in total. Last year I bought a Drobo and as the prices of drives came down, I filled it with 4x2TB drives and it works a treat - works out at 5.4TB storage fully protected. Having said that I recently used the two interim 1.5TB drives I'd bought while the big ones were still too pricey in a QNAP 2 drive NAS which is fucking superb - though using tradition RAID so only that 1.5TB available - the software with it is better than the Drobo and the transfer speed is about twice as high. The QNAP wasn't cheap though - about £140 "empty" IIRC.
  22. 1. Sunderland - the enemy - I just don't get people who say they mean nothing or don't care about them - what's the point of football without a rival? 2. Liverpool - dodgy days on and off the pitch -, I wouldn't trust any of their fans (who are scousers) as far as I could chuck one of their cathedrals, also hate all the Irish and other foreign cunts who support them. 2. Man Utd - summed up by one word - arrogance - maybe they have the right to some of that but a club built on sympathy for an air crash - remarks on foreigners also applies - especially the sight of cunts in Singapore etc. 4. Spurs - I hate all cockneys but these fuckers have always had that extra edge. 5. Everton - "you've never won fuck all" - scum Scouse Mackems. 6. Arsenal - despite the football, still despicable cheats and their fans are boring twats. 7. Man City - expect everyone to like them because they aren't "united" - actually fucking scum. 8. Villa - "Where were you..." - at Villa park in 86 in a crowd of 12k watching you, you fucking boring brummie cunts. 9. Blackburn - celebrated too much for my liking when Fenton beat us - now the extra "benefit" of the fat cunt. 10. Bolton football murdering pointless cunts. 11. Fulham - should have been relegated years ago for their ground not being up to scratch. 12. West Ham - don't mind them now but dodgy memories of visits there persist. Can't really rank the rest - hate them all equally.
  23. I've read a few articles from British science teachers saying that they face increasing hostility from Muslim kids when evolution is raised - one of the disadvantages of the more fundamental Islam we seem to be engendering in the UK (probably as a result of immigration from Pakistan) is that on this issue it seems less enlightened than more mainstream versions. I also think there's a "bloody-mindedness" at work where some Muslims are deliberately embracing tenets which they know will annoy western liberals the most. Of course the fact that a lot of Muslim schools are being funded by Saudi Wahabbists doesn't help as they tend to be as much towards the fuck-witted end of the scale as US evangelical creationists.
  24. That's fair enough. But how do you define the bolded? If it's stuff like what The Fish is talking about, well, I'm a schoolteacher myself and rest assured I want religion to have no part in schools or government. Although he's failed miserably on pandering less to the religous lobby since he got in, there was a clip of a speech Obama gave when he was only a potential candidate where he stated that he saw secular politics as one in which if you took a position on abortion say you had to give non-religous reasons for your stance rather tha just "because I'm a catholic". There's nothing wrong with people being "driven" by a faith to do good but I think they shouldn't nail their colours to a faith mast as such.
  25. I'm against religious identity as a general concept but we should use next years (last) census to get all the daft ones in there just for a laugh.
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