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Everything posted by NJS

  1. NJS


    I had one out about 8 years ago when I had a dentist who was quite a small (and very attractive) Indian lass who had to give up half way through and call her husband (the other practice dentist) in to get the fucker out - even then it was a struggle. I think I've mentioned before that one of the reasons I hate Everton is that I had my first ever root filling on the Saturday before we played them in the cup in 95 and I associate the mind-numbing agony that entailed with them. Since then I think I've had another 3 - 2 were fine - no worse then an extraction but the other was agony as well.
  2. Still liking the Kindle - find myself reading 3 or 4 books at once - maybe it is a little too easy to buy new ones direct from it.
  3. A lot of the criticism (joint thing aside) seems to be that it will disengage the well-off from the welfare state with the view that if people feel "part of the system" it enhances community or something - there may be something to this but I'm not convinced. If this is true I could see this as a deliberate attempt to do just that - to again demonize everyone on benefits so you can't use the "well you're happy to get CB" view.
  4. I spotted the deranged fucker on his bike last week heading into Liverpool St station - first "celeb" I've seen in London for ages.
  5. I have no objection to trying to get people into work and would love it if they could end the "generations of scum" - the problem is I still can't see the neceesary jobs being created in the present climate.
  6. I seem to remember the the Tories introducing internal markets into the NHS in the 90s - a mate of mine (who was/is a Tory) was living with a nurse at the time and described them via her as disastrous. As far as I know you can choose your GP even now (within reason) - I don't see how introducing the notion of a free market can work - you can see "We do stomach staples for fatties unlike the other lot" type of ads in some sad competetion for patients and hence resources. I and others have already said how the actual aim is to open the door to BUPA etc to "manage" surgeries for GPs leading to further selective care.
  7. Its so the press will concentrate on that while the real cuts that hit the real poor start next Monday and will be ignored.
  8. The joint thing is stupid. People in the office discussing this just won't be told that 45k is a huge salary to millions of people - it isn't "middle income" - the median is something like 24k which means millions earn that or less.
  9. I have to admit feeling like an idiot for questioning his performance last week. I also admit to an old "sod reality" reaction when he sort of clashed with De Jong very late on and I was screaming "stamp on his knackers" with no thought to the suspension that would have brought.
  10. Believing the Tories on healthcare is like believing Brian Kidd that De Jong "isn't like that". I also seriously worry about anyone who can watch Cameron and not think he's a twat - its just basic human nature imo.
  11. I hope the way Tiote was having a word with De Jong means he's going to sort the cunt.
  12. I'll get my complaint in about Pleat now - save me time later.
  13. I grew up pretty much only eating peas and carrots as an accompanyment to meat - however my Mam certainly did sprouts and broccoli occasionally and I don't remember expressing a preference so I must have done so pre-memory. As an adult I've been able to eat just about everything and found nothing unpallatable so I guess my palate has changed.
  14. Now there's a thing. This board is already divided over the Standing/Sitting arse wiper debate - can we have a show of hands for the pro-sprout crew please? Buttered with bacon… mmmmmm I find all greens questionable in terms of whether the effort of putting them in your mouth and eating them is worth it - I get the benefit argument but it still seems like hassle. I'm not a complete carrnivore - I don't mind tatties in all their form and the odd green - I used to work with a lad who was virtually meat only.
  15. NJS


    I'm going to see my Senior Manager tomorrow to see if I can volunteer for redundancy. If not I'm leaving anyway - I'm guessing he'll say no as with other departures I've become too important from a knowledge/support pov. As mentioned above we're in the middle of a downsizing and more of the "bright" future is being revealed everyday and it's not a pretty sight. If I get the redundancy I'll go back to contracting, if not I'll just look for permanent stuff. I activated my CV on Jobserve the other day and I've already had 5 recruiters on the phone asking to put me in for stuff. The only downside is having to deal with these idiots again (no offence to Stevie).
  16. I would put the original Wicker man into the category of films that seemed quite scary when watched on a Friday night when I was a kid but when I attempt to watch them now I find them a bit cringeworthy. Things like Village of the damned and the original Thing come to mind.
  17. NJS

    Tony Curtis

    RIP Can't help thinking about the quantity and quality of the women he'll have had.
  18. Can someone change the thread title and/or deport KD before I go insane please? (Yes I know I have a problem)
  19. Never said that. We said if it does turn out to be complete nonsense like the Old Trafford thing then we have the right to ask what they were doing without them just being able to say "none of your business". but you do. You say it all the time. How do you know it's nonsense ? What rubbish. It's "nonsense" if it's prevented...........think about what you're saying. The Old Trafford and Heathrow scares produced no charges. Now you can think they just couldn't quite "get the bastards" but I think its because there were no plots and the stories were simple propaganda. There have been plots foiled which have resulted in charges which is completely legitimate and worthy of praise. However the "we're sorry we tortured you and ruined your life but we were wrong" cases shouldn't go with just your shrug of "they were probably guilty anyway". It's the latter beleief and its underlying reason that I object to.
  20. Never said that. We said if it does turn out to be complete nonsense like the Old Trafford thing then we have the right to ask what they were doing without them just being able to say "none of your business".
  21. Anti-colonial terrorism has usually won (Malaysia, Israel, Zimbabwe, USA) - NI just took the longest because it was the closest to home - in the end the coloniser gets sick of the hassle and negotiates. What's difference now is there's nothing you can really give them - I don't think an Israel/Palestine peace would make that much difference - As I've said before the best way to de-radicalise militant Islam is to corrupt them with Western decadent values.
  22. Given the fact they weren't "being open and wearing uniforms in a proper battlefield" or whatever it is you say about Muslims then I'd say yes.
  23. The US has been attacked by foreign terrorists on its own soil once in 60 years of fermenting conflict around the world. Now either they have the best intelligence agencies in the world - almost perfect bar one slip-up - or the day to day threat is actually practically nil. (The truth is somewhere in the middle but towards which end is open to debate) Now why do you think they need to exaggerate the threat to the point where millions of people accept execution squads beyond the law without question?
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