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Everything posted by NJS

  1. We did a big system upgrade last October which involved late nights and weekends with hotels/take-aways all on expenses and the best scran we had was from a Syrian Kebab shop at the bottom of Shoreditch High St. It broke the myth that Kebabs are only edible with copious alcohol on board.
  2. I always loved when our "indiscretions" of recent years were repeated by them but suddenly became different - The drive by BB shootings and the porn vid being the best examples although Titus' latest run in with the law was the most recent. They love their history so it would be simple to answer this underlying morality jibe with a question - have NUFC ever been found guilty of illegal payments?
  3. To save me from watching the film, can anyone tell me why/how the Earth is ran by Apes when Mark Whalberg gets "home" at the end of Planet of the Apes - just watched the last 2 minutes and its bugging me. (Can't imagine anyone being bothered about being spoiled).
  4. I get the point of the thread but I still would.
  5. As I mentioned at the time the LD campaign where I live was entirely based on "Labour can't win so the only way to stop a Tory is to vote for me" - doubly pathetic given the coalition.
  6. I just think the current system is unfair. Labour's votes per seat ratio compared to the Tory's and especially the Lib-Dems just isn't democratic to my mind. Obviously you have to be careful about the details of any system which replaces the current one but I would really prefer one vote to equal exactly that across the country as a whole in a general election. It seems ridiculous to me that someone living in a marginal has a more valuable vote and a far greater say in the outcome of the election than someone in a safe seat. They sell the idea of an MP representin an area which imo is a barrier to true PR. Again I'm in two minds as I know a couple of lads who lost their jobs at Inetrconnect in SS a few years ago who received excellent help from Milliband - whetehre that help would be allocated to some regional level of representative is the big question for me.
  7. My natural instinct is thet PR sounds right but even if ranking is voluntary the I'd struggle - if your second vote isn't one of the other two main parties then it's just s wasted as now. If I'd voted liberal as second choice last year then it may have swapped one Liberal for a Tory - the question is would that have made any difference?
  8. Ali had his wedding (re-)blessed at the mosque in Sooth Shields I think. And aye, Jimmy Carter was around then as he was still president when he came. Waved to a mate of mine from his open top bus on the way.
  9. This is an oft quoted and somewhat shocking allegation. Can someone get the BBC to investigate or something? All of the money supposedly spent On Newcastle/Gateshead is peanuts compared to how much Nissan have had. (I realise its not just Mackems who work there)
  10. They really hate it when the older ones mention the 73 DVD and the "Geordie" chants.
  11. The thing that annoys me most about the SMB is the bit where they claim to be "County Durham's team" - it takes the piss out of people in the south of the county as well as places like Stanley and Consett and much more offensively South Tyneside and Gateshead. For this reason alone I'd love to see a tactictal nuclear weapon used on the cunts.
  12. Read that but seems strange with them signing Bentley.
  13. True. Never had a proper drink in Liverpool itself.
  14. They'd chopped down half the Roker end by 85 - it has to be said the full Monty was one hell of an end. They choppped it down in 1981 so that was the early 80s so technically it hadn't changed from then. I remember after that game feeling like there was gonne be a Hillsborough, everyone went for the exit, and they locked us in and everyone was pushing against the door, I was right near the front down the stairs and couldn't move for 5 minutes, proper scary experience. The worst one for that in that era was actually Hillsborough itself - we played them first game in 1980 I think and there were about 10k there and SYMM did the classic of locking the gates after the match. There was a huge crush which went back to the stairs. There was a bit of bother seperate to that but a lot of people and coppers got hurt in the crush and the police injuries were reported as if it was a riot.
  15. They'd chopped down half the Roker end by 85 - it has to be said the full Monty was one hell of an end.
  16. I don't think I've ever seen the dynamics of Newcastle and Sunderland's support base, ethic, and catchment particulars explained better than that in terms of the football clubs and cities. Your're right Stevie - I know we've sparred about people from ST but I know SAFC fans from Shields who fit that description to a tee and everyone I know who supports NUFC is proud/comfortable of the association with the city.
  17. Theres always hope..... Had a quick flash there of the end of the Tom Cruise War of the Worlds and the missile getting through his shield then seeing his blubber-ridden hand emerge from the wreckage.
  18. Finished with .com after the Hughton debacle. I may go back with my tail between my legs in the close season. Have barely read it of late but what was their take on the Hughton carry on? Similar to mine - nice bloke but not important in the context of Ashley running the club.
  19. I'm not generally a pessimist but I always expect to lose derbies - not trying to be clever so wins are a bonus or anything but just because I know they've got the better of us when we've had better teams on paper in the past. I know they have problems but I'm worried by their thirst for revenge - though that could mean them going overboard - in that sense it might have worled better if Cattermole had played (don't know what the case is with him playing).
  20. Not me but when we played Brentford in the promotion season a mate just tipped the helmet off a copper as a line of them made their way through the crowd - it just looked like something you'd do in Infants school - got chucked out but paid to get atraight back in with no comebacks.
  21. Was on RTG a while ago about 20% of their screen names were FTM at the end, and they did a poll about email addresses and 4 in 10 had FTM in them. Anyone who has SMB as their email address is a mug. Still trumped by the cunt who has "Ricky George" as his name - weapons grade bitterness as they'd say on Skunkers. Sunderland could win the Champions League and the SMB would be less joyous than when we lost to Marseille.
  22. They hit "bottom" about 4 albums ago with Lifeblood but since then they've picked up imo - although I prefer the more Bible-esque Journal for Plague Lovers than the last one which has a more expansive Everything Must Go type sound. Going to see them next Saturday and really looking forward to it.
  23. If we now lose this badly because of Pardew's stupidity I'd quite happily have the twat hanged from the tyne bridge with a p45 in his pocket.
  24. If it was a malfunction it would have been selected out. Since it wasn't there must have been a regional advantage dependant on environment.
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