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Everything posted by NJS

  1. NJS

    Osama Bin Laden

    I'm delighted the bloke's dead but still laughed at Obama's "they started it, we finished it" shite.
  2. I'm hoping Arsenal do Man Utd over and Chelsea sneak through to regain it. Anything but Manchester fucking United. There's an Aussie I work with who's a Chelsea "fan" who's been calling for Ancelotti to be sacked all year and I've been telling him he's an ungrateful spoilt twat - would be alright by me if they won it just to shut him up (I do think he'd be happier if they didn't win it perversely).
  3. 15-20 I only listened to metal so did diversify later (actually just started to get into other stuff at 19 or 20) - being hypocritical for a moment my favourite time for music was probably the 90s when I was 26-35 but I did mature late (if at all).
  4. Apart from the first Black Sabbath album which was probably recorded just before the decade end I don't own a single piece of music from the 60s and never will. I think I've said this before on music threads but people need to get beyond the whole "the only good music just happens to be that from when I was young and before my brain died". That's not a dig at you BTW but is a dig at CT. All decades since the 70s have had great music imo.
  5. when he goes to games again, and sees for himself, I might. Until then I'm not really arsed what he says mate as he spouts crap and I've made my point over 3 years ago about Ashley. I'm sticking to my guns. Can we have a breakdown of the number of games you attended from say 1980 to 2010 (you can include the 70s if you like) so we can decide what weight to give your views. Windaz lives in Ipswich - how many games did you go to when you were exiled?
  6. Remind me where Prince Phillip was born and where his parents came from again - or is citizenship for certain immigrants now okay with you? would that make me a "racist" ? Kind of disproves your wild, but typically left wing lunatic insinuations doesn't it ? No - just one rule for people you think are useful and one for those you don't. Of course your failure to accept that many, many immigrants you do object to are useful as well is another matter.
  7. Remind me where Prince Phillip was born and where his parents came from again - or is citizenship for certain immigrants now okay with you?
  8. The "Blair for president" argument used to be used with Thatcher - its the argument of an absolute fucking cretin. Can anyone argue with someone like Mary Robinson who was Irish president? Can anyone name the president of Germany who I understand is the dignified head of state we could have without the inbred soap opera? (cue the cretins mentioning Hitler).
  9. Spot on. If it was just a wedding then they could have that in Windsor chapel. Instead its a celebration of fuedalism and oppression. I'd also mention the religious angle - they aren't just taught their position is a birthright they are taught (and it is the official dogma of the religion which no doubt people on here were happy to identify themselves in the census) that they are literally appointed by the grace of God. If you don't find any of that offensive then like I said you have no pride in yourself on any level.
  10. I assumed they paid him said bonus in return for what they saw as the PR worth of the request.
  11. Gaddafi may be available soon, if you fancy an alternative. There are worse people there today who were invited with no problem. Saddam ? Whoever represented Saudi, Bahrain, Yemen, Zimbabwe, a few other African countries and Indonesia would be a good start.
  12. All NE's that don't start with 3 are fine One thing I didn't mention, if it is £5 billion, and I knew it wasn't 10's of millions as NJS said, put this in to perspective. The cut backs in our country, where the effects haven't fully hit home yet, and will cost tens of thousands of jobs, are only saving 6 billion. One billion more than we've sacrificed for this on this scandalous day. It's actually obscene. All of this bollocks about how much the money the Royal Family bring in to the country via tourism, as Ketsbaia said on twitter, how the fuck do you calculate that? I thought I may have read a figure of £2bn somewhere but couldn't be bothered to search which is why I put 10s of millions. Being honest I think these things can be exaggerated as describing "lost sales" doesn't mention you could just go and buy whatever it was tomorrow. I suppose businesses that rely on other businesses being open like restaurants etc would be hit hardest. Having said that I know where I work the obvious purpose is to trade to make money every day so any lost chance represents a miss. The tourism one is a hard one as its obvious to me that people would still come here if it was abolished today. The standard argument is that the palace of Versailles is the biggest tourist attraction in Europe despite the French doing the right thing 230 years ago. Having said that I wonder how many thick yanks wouldn't bother if they didn't think they could actually sit down to tea with the Queen.
  13. Gaddafi may be available soon, if you fancy an alternative. There are worse people there today who were invited with no problem.
  14. I don't really give a shit about the economics - its the principle of position by birth that's abhorrent and anyone who doesn't realise that cannot have any pride.
  15. I'm not happy about it - just realistic as I know there's nothing that can change it - certainly nothing you've suggested anyway.
  16. I've tried. I'll leave this to someone else, your hatred really burns you. No doubt some meaningless babble about "increasing revenues" you picked up from elsewhere that you can't explain because you don't understand it. don't you understand what increased revenues and being 14th in the rich list means ? It's pointless this, you are brainwashed by Mike and Dekka just like those tits on skunkers. If the turnover was 100m and you increased revenues 10% (a huge deal for a business that size) would 10m buy you an assault on 4th? If you take the cost of an assault as a very conservative 100m how feasible would it be for a club to double its revenue? Dis being 14th on a list mean we could spend 100m?
  17. It's going to generate 107m for the economy. not a bad return on 25m. in fact. it's about the best return on tax money one could ask for. An extra public holiday costs the economy 10s of millions - I'd be astounded if the overall balance was positive.
  18. I've tried. I'll leave this to someone else, your hatred really burns you. No doubt some meaningless babble about "increasing revenues" you picked up from elsewhere that you can't explain because you don't understand it.
  19. what the fuck are you babbling about. Your posts are filled with irrational hatred and no common sense, they are almost as nonsensical as the idealistic political rubbish you spout. What has the Halls selling the club got to do with Mike Ashley dragging it downwards from "punching above its weight"? That became Mike Ashleys direction and his problem from the moment he bought it, and surely that means you should be more appreciative of the Halls ? Oh, of course, you resent anybody making money don't you. Ashley thought he was buying a viable business - the debt meant he wasn't which is what they knew and why they wanted to sell. I'm pretty sure Ashley's intention was to make a success of the purchase but he's now had to spend probably all the money he was willing to to get to here. That money has been increased by his own incompetence but to suggest he set out 4 years ago to run the club down is fucking even too stupid for you. Again you're happy for them to make that money at severe cost to the club we all support - says it all.
  20. In reply to your edit, you've stated we can't compete with Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal and Man City - the realistic level now is the 6/7/8 division - if that's Everton, Bolton and maybe SAFC then yes, that's our level now. Again how can we change that in a way that doesn't involve fantasy?
  21. So no answer as to why you think we should be competing on a consistent basis with the clubs I named? No answer as to why the Halls cut and ran?
  22. Funny thing was as I said in reply to that Scouser, his first team at Liverpool when Beardsley and Barnes were at their best was a fantastic football team - I think it was only after he'd gone to Blackburn that he became a football murderer. His rejection of Beardsley was his biggest mistake in my view.
  23. Teams with higher all time averages than NUFC: Man Utd, Liverpool, Tottenham, Arsenal and Chelsea. Teams who have won more trophies than NUFC: Man Utd, Liverpool, Tottenham, Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton and Villa Do you think 5 or 6 years of Sky based turnover figures when some clubs who would get bigger crowds if they weren't limited by their grounds somehow overwrites 130 years of Football history? What basis do you have for thinking we should be competing with those clubs? Some opinion that Liverpool's crowds are shite when they drop so somehow that makes us bigger? The ironic thing is you spout off about Sky era fans but its you who embodies the cliched Geordie who thinks we're a big club who win things. Under Shepherd we did nearly get relegated, did finish 13th a couple of times and 11th a couple of times - we followed what was a microcosm for the clubs whole history - overall failure with brief moments of glory - its the delusion that you think we now have the "right" to expect success as the norm that is truly laughable. The seeds of the decline we see now were sown by the Halls and Shepherd - the fact that you can't see that economic times were changing and have changed when the men involved did themselves and got out before the real shit hit the fan just shows you up for their sap.
  24. Your view of Carroll's transfer was that we shouldn't have sold him to Liverpool because you see them as a team we should be competing against - surely the same applied to the sale of Hamman? The board/PLC thing is a load of shit - its obvious all major decisions such as managers and transfers were taken by Shepherd with reference to Douglas Hall - if you think Shepherd was contacting non-entities who only exist because for accounting reasons before sacking/appointing managers or deciding on who to sell players than you're even blinder than I thought. The club is going in exactly the same direction it was when Ashley bought it - even the Halls didn't believe your "re-grouping" nonsense and sold out to a scumbag as quickly as they could. Any answer on the Liverpool position thing? any answer on the champions league and european qualifications thing ? Easy - we used a great time for the club with a great pair of managers to punch above our weight for a few years. That CANNOT happen in the present economic climate without Man City like money which isn't going to happen so unless he sells or wakes up and decides to spend his money we might be extremely lucky and scrape a 7th in the the next few years and make it - exactly as would have happened under Shepherds latter tenure. Any clarification needed?
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