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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Don't you pay a premium for being in NI anyway?
  2. I disagree, we look in better shape than we did last season imo. We have lost Nolan and Carroll but gained Ba, Marveaux and Cabaye, also will have Ben Arfa and Gosling who weren't exactly available last season. Don't see how we haven't improved but maybe I just have my 'head in the sand'. If Taylor comes in and a decent forward, then Enrique leaves and maybe Best, Smith etc then I think we will be stronger as a squad and first 11. I think the midfield has been nicely improved but I'm gravely concerned about the attack and the defence.
  3. Not a fan of boxing at all and I realise the macho pre-fight posing is part and parcel of the whole thing but I caught about two seconds of a PR event from a couple of weeks ago where at the end Klitchsko offered Haye his hand and he refused - I instantly thought what a wanker and I hope you lose.
  4. The funding for which is coming from where exactly? The wide-boys who ran the Life and Pensions industry in the 80s and 90s have a lot to answer for - they signed people up on 13% growth rate illustrations which now surprisingly look like the con they were. Indeed they do. Still doesn't answer where the funding is going to come from today though. Unfortunately it puts the onus back on the individual to make their own provision.
  5. Plus the usual lovely tactic of questioning her "credibility" as the report goes which I guess will either be based on her immigration status or sexual history.
  6. The funding for which is coming from where exactly? The wide-boys who ran the Life and Pensions industry in the 80s and 90s have a lot to answer for - they signed people up on 13% growth rate illustrations which now surprisingly look like the con they were.
  7. Actually I'd count them as fixed term contractors and make them all self-employed and pay them for their actual attendance and work. How you get a pension for life for what could be 5 years of work is beyond me.
  8. The LM West Brom equaliser/Carroll&Nolan sale paradigm
  9. If Pardew is telling the truth about only two more players being brought in, one of whom is Taylor, then regardless of any departures we will be in a relegation battle.
  10. Boringly my initials - though it does have a history of being used as a team name extensively in pub quizzes in South Shields before 1996 (though strangely I think my mates still use it at one to this day).
  11. Almost every time you mention Muslims you refer to bombing or terrorism - when it was pointed out that that leaflet actually came from an organisation that condemned terrorism you posted something about "that won't help when the fuckers bomb you". Even above you imply that the majority of immigrants don't want to integrate - as I said complete and utter bollocks. There are a stubborn number who do match that view but they obviously stand out making you ignore those who are fine. On social and economic cost I could point you at studies which show immigration on the whole has a positive economic benefit but it would be pointless - you would just dismiss it as being trumped by your "life experience".
  12. sorry NJS, but that wishy washy stuff you say there is the whole point Stevie is making here. Eh? I specifically describe the targetting of young lasses as evil and I'm wishy-washy? I honestly don't believe you can read. difficult to tell with you sometimes, when you also talk about "flawed data" and making excuses for their culture. The point surely being that, such attitudes are incompatible with ours and recognise it and firmly keep the door closed. Is my view anyway, rather than show "understanding". Same as Fish. What does it matter what they do in Pakistan ? They are here now. Well if you did explain what your issue is, I don't mind replying but a simple "you're wrong" isn't very helpful. There are problems with the data which mean the picture isn't as clear as it looks at first glance but that doesn't mean I don't accept that there is a problem - as I said. You should also realise that if 26% of cases do involve Asians that means 74% involve the rest so any attempt to imply that the problem is unique to that group is wrong. When you mention "our attitudes" it suggests that no native British men ever do this shit which is bollocks and of course the vast majority of Asians will think this prectice is wrong as well. It's these generalisations that people object to - you imply that those who aren't terrorists at least sympathise with the cause, now you imply that a sizeable proportion of Asian men as a whole are abusers which is bullshit. You also mention what happens in Pakistan not mattering which I accept but it shows that you think all Asians/Muslims are first generation immigrants which isn't the case - my point is that there is no overnight switch to force integration that you wish for - it will be to a large extent a natural process much like it has been for West Indians. I do think it will take longer for Asians due to their culture but it will happen as thats what humans do - probably not in your or my lifetime but eventually. Of course I realise you wish they wern't here at all which to some extent when it comes to Pakistanis I agree with you but they are here and adopting an attitude of mistrust won't help anyone. see, its when you come up with this sort of statistical stuff that you are attempting to appease and find excuses - 74% "do" in no way justifies the 26% that "don't" . Likewise "first generation immigrants", you are constantly looking for ways in which you think we should "accept" this sort of stuff. Basically it isn't acceptable, at the end of the day, what you are doing - you might call it "educating" but in reality it is watering down our own standards and values. The simplest way would have been not to throw open our immigration doors so wide in the first place, and leaving them wide open is not going to do anything more than increase the problem. Even when you say "it will take longer for Asians due to their culture", you completely miss the point that - and I'm not talking about this particular question but integration generally - they do not WANT to adapt and if they don't want to, then they won't do it. No - 74% of abusers are not Asian - do you really think 26% of Asians abuse kids? I don't accept child abuse in any form - what I'm saying is that your implication that our culture is fine and theirs is wrong is on this issue bollocks - there are abusers of all types - if there is a dispropotionate number from one area then it should be addressed but that doesn't get away from the fact that hundreds of white blokes have abused kids as well - what's their "excuse" if you can't put it down to them being from the wrong culture? There are a shit load of immigrants who want to and have integrated. That doesn't mean there aren't a load who could do more but again its your suggestion that "they're all the same" that opens you to the obvious accusations.
  13. Well the ethnicity of the abusers wasn't recorded in 32% of the cases which undermines them a bit as all of those could by one group. Obviously if the proportion was the same as quoted of that 32% then the figures would be fine Also they didn't include figures from all over the country so say for example all of the abuse in East Anglia or the South West (two areas with low numbers of minorities) was by white blokes then that would increase the white percentage in the total whereas if they only covered the North West and/or London then the figure would be skewed the other way. As I said I think there is a problem which should be addressed regardless of the accuracy.
  14. sorry NJS, but that wishy washy stuff you say there is the whole point Stevie is making here. Eh? I specifically describe the targetting of young lasses as evil and I'm wishy-washy? I honestly don't believe you can read. difficult to tell with you sometimes, when you also talk about "flawed data" and making excuses for their culture. The point surely being that, such attitudes are incompatible with ours and recognise it and firmly keep the door closed. Is my view anyway, rather than show "understanding". Same as Fish. What does it matter what they do in Pakistan ? They are here now. Well if you did explain what your issue is, I don't mind replying but a simple "you're wrong" isn't very helpful. There are problems with the data which mean the picture isn't as clear as it looks at first glance but that doesn't mean I don't accept that there is a problem - as I said. You should also realise that if 26% of cases do involve Asians that means 74% involve the rest so any attempt to imply that the problem is unique to that group is wrong. When you mention "our attitudes" it suggests that no native British men ever do this shit which is bollocks and of course the vast majority of Asians will think this prectice is wrong as well. It's these generalisations that people object to - you imply that those who aren't terrorists at least sympathise with the cause, now you imply that a sizeable proportion of Asian men as a whole are abusers which is bullshit. You also mention what happens in Pakistan not mattering which I accept but it shows that you think all Asians/Muslims are first generation immigrants which isn't the case - my point is that there is no overnight switch to force integration that you wish for - it will be to a large extent a natural process much like it has been for West Indians. I do think it will take longer for Asians due to their culture but it will happen as thats what humans do - probably not in your or my lifetime but eventually. Of course I realise you wish they wern't here at all which to some extent when it comes to Pakistanis I agree with you but they are here and adopting an attitude of mistrust won't help anyone.
  15. sorry NJS, but that wishy washy stuff you say there is the whole point Stevie is making here. Eh? I specifically describe the targetting of young lasses as evil and I'm wishy-washy? I honestly don't believe you can read.
  16. Don't think rape is that tolerated but they do have a tendency to be even more judgemental about the woman's "fault" than even western cultures are.
  17. Elements of the culture are fucked up where women are expected to be virgins whereas blokes are expected to know what they are doing - having said that there was a similar view when I grew up although reality was a bit different. If you uproot a culture that has those views then there are bound to be conflicts where blokes see women who aren't part of their community as fair game - of course if it was just blokes going out on the pull reflecting how locals do it then I'd actually think it was a good thing as that would be a form of integration. However targeting vulnerable young lasses - usually victims of broken homes is fucking evil. Having said all that and with recognising it as a problem the actual data was pretty flawed.
  18. NJS


    Dickless shitbags walking around with dogs as substitute penises is something the world could well do without My next door neighbour has an alsation and a yappy little shit as well who bark evertime there's the slightest noise in the street or surroundings - I'd quite happily have the fuckers shot. In fact everytime I see those adverts for adopting a tiger for £3 a month I think about phoning them up and offering more if they can ship one over so I can sic it on the fuckers - then we'd see who's barking. Well I hate yappy dogs too, my mate has 4 of them and I hardly ever go over as a result. A lot of people get small dogs as they think they'll be easier to look after, but the exact opposite is actually true. My dog never really barks and if he does its one bark which is very low and gruff, so I think your perception of dogs is skewed due to having those one's living next to you. I dont agree with the bit in bold at all tho. Well destroying all fighting dogs and other charver accessories would be a start.
  19. NJS


    Hopefully to be replaced with robots soon.
  20. NJS


    Dickless shitbags walking around with dogs as substitute penises is something the world could well do without My next door neighbour has an alsation and a yappy little shit as well who bark evertime there's the slightest noise in the street or surroundings - I'd quite happily have the fuckers shot. In fact everytime I see those adverts for adopting a tiger for £3 a month I think about phoning them up and offering more if they can ship one over so I can sic it on the fuckers - then we'd see who's barking.
  21. NJS


    I sort of respect cats as they're independent semi-wild animals whereas dogs are just dumb shitting machines but overall all pets are pointless. Animals should only be domesticated for food imo.
  22. That's a great comeback, but bravo for not using any swear words in your reply I'd say it was a mild one depending on the generation - when my niece and nephew were kids (less than 10) they used to semi-innocently wind my Mam up by talking about "willies and fannies" (not in a sexual way of course) and someone from her generation did think of those words as impolite.
  23. Gordon Lee left and the players "forced" the club to appoint his assistant - Richard Dinnis - who was shit. Following relegation Bill McGarry was aoppointed with the remit to get rid of all the troublemakers.
  24. I don't think it's a bad idea to have a "doomsday" swear word which you know will offend if used in the right way. Fuck has certainly lost its power over the years which I think in some ways is a shame. Swearing should be about enhancing the language by effect/offence - if all swear words become like "flipping" then we have lost something imo.
  25. And some of us grew up watching Blazing Saddles. whats wrong with saying Nigger? Black people say it all the time (either as a mark of respect or of distaste). To say that white people aren't allowed to use the word is inherently racist. paki = shortened term for pakistani. same as brit = short for british. cunt = cunt however. I still dont get why people find it more offensive than other swear words. The argument goes that those who have been called Nigger and Paki have the right to deem it offensive as historically they were very much insults. It does make sense to me - again context is the key. It's a bit like "Mackem" - anyone who tells you that was their invention is an idiot.
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