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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Could do with a Stubbs to get the cheat charged - but that would mean Dowd getting his eyes tested which would be too embarrassing.
  2. I fucking love goals like that when it's for us
  3. There should be streams - I've signed up for a paid service which has it so I assume its available elsewhere.
  4. There's nowt wrong with having a nasty streak but you have to be careful with all the scrutiny nowadays. This a fair copy which I don't mind as long as the next Rooney elbow gets the same.
  5. For large parts of the period we had the second highest income so you could say being fifth was a "failure". Now we have the seventh highest so are at the "correct" level on that basis.
  6. The problem is that Pardew thought that the formation worked so well against QPR (sarcasm) that he'd hit upon the answer to everything. Hopefully he's now realised it's shit.
  7. I never really gave that much of a shit about Boro but when they started getting such a chip on their shoulder about us a few years ago thinking we cared about them it actually made me hate them. Today theyare simply the team playing the mackems so I want them to win.
  8. No strikers. no delivery, no chance.
  9. I would love to see Carver chin that worky cheating cunt.
  10. If all you want is some fucker who wins the odd header we may as well stop laughing at the Mackems and sign Kevin Davies.
  11. So if the four have become six and we could only ever get as high as fifth in that sense with the right approach how do you think we can improve on that now?
  12. Went to Brighton. Others were before my time. The point is if you try and make out that its black and white between the regimes I'm going to point out they both pulled the same shit at various times. Windows with no money spent, players bought and sold behind backs and pissing on the fans on various issues were/are all too common to both.
  13. you have to actually go to games to understand this point of view. Which proves you didn't go to Leeds the two or three times we only took the corner allocation about fifteen years ago.
  14. Sod's law says one or both will get injured in the dead game....
  15. Of course I've just realised they would have still had to play the third game so it would have been Blackburn.
  16. Fuck - two minutes away from getting the fuckers back for Saturday.
  17. Keegan left because they stopped backing him.
  18. They never spent a penny of their own money. When there was no longer any spare cash because of high wages and low positions they borrowed and strangled the club with debt. When that failed they cut and ran.
  19. I remortgaged last year and the solicitor was just as bad as the two mentioned. I ended up chasing the loan companies I was paying off myself in the end. Even then when they had all the docs the lass said she "might" be able to process it in a couple of days. I spoke to the boss and hit him with a good rant and had the money in my account 20 minutes later.
  20. My view was that David Milliband would have been too tainted by his membership of the government to do well now. I think as others have said Ed is a Hague/Duncan-Smith/Howard type character who will probably lose next time leaving David to take over - at least that's probably his plan.
  21. I think that on the issue of where people live there is a case for stopping claimants moving to an area with high rents but forcing people out who had moved there when they could afford it is a bit much. Of course the lack of social housing underpins this as well but that's been a failing for decades now.
  22. Well if that is all they're getting then no one will be too badly affected by the £26k cap then. 500 pw sounds alright but if they pay 400 pw rent (feasible in London) it becomes a struggle.
  23. My cold light of day thought is that maybe we would have been better off if Santon had been red-carded in the first half - he would proibably then have brought Perch and Gosling on for Shola and probably HBA but I think we would have sat deeper and maybe sneaked it.
  24. Because those people generally haul themelves off benefits as soon as possible as they've too much pride to scrounge, they just need a buffer for the time being. So nobody mentions them, because they're not the issue In the past yes - thing about recessions is that people need longer buffers. Don't get me wrong, I've argued before about responsible family planning which is a factor as well and I do think to an extent that people thinking they have a right to live in Westminster is stupid but in the scale of things this is small beer - it certainly isn't "why the country is fucked" as LM and others put it. The country is semi-fucked because of wealth inequality and pissing about with 270m in order to stir the Mail readership isn't going to change that.
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