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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I would like to see more players doing that. I'd almost forgotten how much I fucking love beating these cunts.
  2. I know this will backfire but when they've destroyed us in the past it's been by pushing Gerrard right up - I can't believe how much they're wasting him. Maybe he hasn't got the legs anymore - I fucking hope so.
  3. I think just about everybody would love us to spend 100m on players but the question is where does it come from. Even if it were possible, borrowing it would be madness and a change of heart from the fat cunt in putting his own money in would fall foul of the rules. Sadly steady progress on and off the field is the only real way forward . I think the question to LM is if Carrol and Nolan hadn't been sold where would the money to sign any new players come from? If the club is making a loss then that's the hard truth. As I've said before even restoring 10m in "lost" revenues wouldn't make that much difference.
  4. I think I've said before the one tiny chink of light in my extremely dark hatred of the mackems is that thing where once a year they take time at a game to remember the fans who've died in the year. At least that's sort of personal rather than being asked to care about someone you either have no connection with or even dislike.
  5. Other countries took a longer view - including of course the Germans but also the Scandanvian countries. Of course 30 years on I can see that a lot of those industries aren't viable but the big mistake was to kill them stone dead with no plan for an alternative. There are two views (well probably more) - one that it was a deliberate move to destroy union power - now possibly there was too much but again I would have favoured reform over a longer period. Another view was that she needed mass unemployment to drive down wages and control the money supply - of course this has now been taken up across other parts of the world and persists today. The argument then goes where better to take so much unemployment than areas that never vote for you - sound familiar? I can see with the benefit of hindsight that reform of manufacturing was necessary. However as I said other countries adapted, retrained and modernised whereas the Tories had the attitude of "the private sector will prevail" - I think the North East naturally turned to the public sector for security but have now been shit on again by the idealogy. The embrace of the service sector (of course Blair/Brown were just as bad) has added to the problem. Most of all the thing that got me at the time was the absolute relish she showed while destroying lives - backed up by the upper class cunts cheering her on whose sons are now in charge. It's tough that another generation have had to be shown what they are like but when the "opposition's" best plan is to be just slightly less bastard like I see no hope.
  6. Also bear in mind that she shut down the mines and decimated every pit village in the region. South Tyneside was always top of the mainland charts for unemployment thanks to one of her early almost un-noticed contributions - destroying the ship repair business. On the armed forces she may have raised salaries but given that the Falklands happened at what is regarded as a "just in time" moment to stop her cuts rendering the Navy unable to fight such a campaign, I assume the extra money came from those chucked out.
  7. I'm quite worried about the recent free speech cases - the latest being Celtic - I think fining them for the pro-IRA stuff is probably right but following that up with a fine for having a banner with "Fuck UEFA" (even if was related) is wrong. On Thatcher I think the passing of time has probably reduced the chances of a silence anyway but I think that someone would have the sense to not try it in the north. Despite what I think of her I wouldn't "actively" disrupt a silence - but I would do what I did during the ones for the queen mother and princess margaret - I'd sit down.
  8. Cheers. As has become sort of normal I had a few days holiday left over which have to be taken by the end of March so I've got into the habit of taking the week off which makes for a more pleasant day even if I do nothing.
  9. Daft question but I have to send something first class and I have a few gold-ish first class stamps with no price on which must be a good 5 or 6 years old - can I still use them?
  10. Project managers = box-ticking bastards - put them together with internal auditors and they're a death knell for the IT business and I'd imagine anything else you'd care to add.
  11. Thousands of pink seats have turned up before the end.
  12. Mackems losing it en masse.
  13. Not really "stand-up" but I'd like to nominate David Vaughn.
  14. When I had the shits just after new year, I lost about 7 pounds in 2.5 days. All came back when I started to keep it down so be prepared to win fat cunt of the week next time.
  15. My Asus tablet has upgraded itself to 4.0 - slightly funkier font but fuck all else that I can see so far.
  16. I'm in a good mood - have the week off and have made good progress in all the things around the house I need to get done.
  17. The 4-3-3 looks better when it does involve Ben Arfa and it doesn't involve Shola and Best.
  18. It should be pointed out that he was only a few inches away from being the one who put the first goal in.
  19. That's my view - all instinct and better when he dosen't have time to think (though Coley did improve). I'll feel happier when I see him score a one-on one though.
  20. Hope Chesterfield hang on - anyone else see Di Canio saying when he wins the champions league winning this trophy today will still be special as it will be his first. Arrogant fascist cunt.
  21. NJS


    The only downside is the increased birthrates in the third world which the religious try and sell as a positive for their particular brand. The only real hope is education as Chez says.
  22. Never going to happen but an admission that the only way to growth is an increase in demand sourced by government. For example Cameron is talking of a new airport but he'll want it to be private - that and other schemes like it would get things going better than giving a few quid out which won't. I would also say that this shows what I've always said - if a Tory government had had the tax boons from growth that Labour had, they would have given it all to the rich as tax cuts - the idea they would have kept it for for when the shit hit the fan is absolute shite.
  23. NJS


    Getting back to the start of the topic, I just remembered I read this earlier so thought I'd pinch it - one for Luke and Cath:
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