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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I'm sure TyneValleyBlackCat admitted he started following them when he was a kid to get back at his brother who (quite rightly) supported us. A heartwarming origin story if ever there was.
  2. That's some proper existential philosophy right there
  3. Presumably the same loophole they used until Johnson actually went to prison.
  4. Why weren't either attempt from Pope's double save counted as a "big chance"?
  5. I agree theres an extra edge which is historical to the dislike of Jews and Israel but the ANC were opressesd and killed people, Mogabe's lot who I can't remember the name of were opressesd and killed people,. There are many other examples as well. Opressed people have committed horrible crimes against their oppressors throughout history in response to horrible crimes against them - the British Empire filling that role on many, many occasions. The reason I find Israel to be a worse case is that they are funded, armed, excused and encouraged by the US and the rest of the west amid rank hipocrisy such as calling out Putin's crimes in Ukraine but ignoring Israel's currently. I also find it really sad that Israelis have become such horrible oppressors especially because of Jewish history as the oppressed and persecuted.
  6. Triumphant return of Joelinton the striker? Might be needs must.
  7. Two positives: Might be a wake up call we aren't great (yet). Willock getting on the pitch. They were good like.
  8. NJS

    Holidays 2024

    Eurgh, now listening to Richard Keys stick his hairy tongue up Bobby's fresh corpse's arse in a bar newly crawling with fat mancs. Exit beckons.
  9. NJS

    Holidays 2024

    I arrived in Ayia Napa today and I'm staying at the other end of town from where I usually do and I've just sat down in the bar I was in in 2017 when we played the scouse cunts and Joselu scored and Amanda was in the box They're advertising the Dortmund match and also apparently the mackems are getting hopefully bummed by Leicester later tonight.
  10. Never thought I'd say it but hats off to Merson there.
  11. NJS

    Yes Gemmill...

    He was a fantastic player but I never liked the man - he only had eyes for his "United" and I know he spent his entire life there but as i mentioned when Jack died, the latter though also a one club man knew where his heart really was.
  12. By a man who's kept by his rich wife, invented his CV and has never had a job outside of being a tory MP.
  13. The thing that got me was always the "on the dole with a plasma tv" trope. Of course it inferred anyone on the dole had never worked so the idea of someone doing okay, having a nice telly and then losing their job wasn't considered. Even then as being on the dole is obviously a life sentence and not the pause it should be given the excellent help of the job centres in helping find new jobs, the TV must be sold immediately lest ye be judged as dole scum.
  14. They're a microcosm for how little englanders see England compared to the rest of the world
  15. They'll never allow any return - the right of return of those kicked out of their homes post-1947 is a non-negotiable no which has affected every attempt at peace. It's also the position as far as I'm aware that the creation of Jordan, Syria and Lebanon in their current form is meant as a Palestinian "homeland" by those who oppose peace in Israel.
  16. Or the shoeshine bloke in Police Squad...
  17. Fair enough up to a point but it suggests that anyone on here does know anything about football/films/music/arse wiping.
  18. Any suggestion of de-escalation, ceasefire, diplomacy and peacekeeping in any conflict has now been classified as insane communist lunacy which must be crushed. Just because someone suggested some mild left of centre policies for 5 minutes.
  19. I can't help comparing Braverman and the tories stance on the boats to Netanyahu and the right wing Israel's (and for that matter Hamas"s as well) attitude to the conflict. If any of them could snap their fingers and solve the issues in an instant none of them would do it as their reason for being and route to power would not exist.
  20. How big a cunt would you be to think the tories are still too soppy and vote Reform?
  21. Gloom you keep using "carved out the land" as if it was empty and ready to be allocated - Palestinians/Muslims had lived their for centuries and then were politely expected to move to Egypt, Jordan or Lebanon leaving their homes and lives behind. Those who stayed lost those anyway. To me making a homeland for Jews (based on divine right-ism) was no different to New South Wales being gifted to the Aborigines or the mid-west US states being gifted to native Americans - all very noble but too late and completely erasing "nartural" occupation and immigration.
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