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Everything posted by NJS

  1. "Out of character" Fact is they are both worky gobshites.
  2. I thought I said 63 but actually said 61 so not Stevie level but close. Probably not the thread but when I do an "ifs and buts" type analysis the 5 points dropped from Wolves, the Mackems and Arsenal in a short space of time really bug me.
  3. I wondered about that - maybe 22 a shift?
  4. I really want Chelseas to win next week now - the thought of that saggy faced twat whinging about the rules makes me very happy.
  5. One positive - Marveaux looks like a canny player.
  6. It's a pisser who's benefiting but I'm still enjoying the shadenfreunde of watching Man City fuck it up.
  7. What - a ball boy who doesn't give the ball to a player when he asks for it - fucking smack rat.
  8. Shits singing "by far rhe greatest team" as wel" - I fucking hate these twats Ref's a cunt as well.
  9. Handball game over - might as well just chin the burglar/car thief ball boy and go home.
  10. I would find it interesting if it was true - he played a lot on being a Newcastle fan which despite everything else I always believed so being involved with someone else would be a bit strange. I would presume he would be in it for the money and I could only see that being quite a long term thing with Rangers.
  11. Well Apple fans are already willing to pay a "premium" for the logo so I don't think its complete rubbish. The point is people like CT think that the more companies make profits the better it is. But since most shareholders are rich and don't trickle down the dividends anyway, it all ends up being pointless. As I mentioned before British compamies are supposed to now hold £750bn in cash reserves - money just sitting there which can't be for a rainy day because its biblically pissing down at the moment. If Apple did say halve their profits (to just the 1 or 2 billion) by manufacturing in the US the knock on for their economy would be fucking massive. It's the woirship of profit above all else thats become so prevalent in the last 30 years and for which Thatcher bears a lot of the "blame" that is the main problem in the world.
  12. NJS


    Or ask you to take one or the others side in an argument.
  13. I find the idea of it being "easy" and all of a group finding work to be a bit implausible - most of my mates did get jobs (though not easily) and one or two did not for a long period. You may have been lucky enough on a small peer group level but not noticing how it was in general suggests more of a dreamy nostalgia on your part than overly bleak on mine. (BTW I still think you're okay in general - its just when it comes to politics that you're an arse )
  14. NJS


    Depends on the species/family - we should only really compare us with other great apes and primates. Gorillas tend to have a small number of "wives" though more than one whereas chimps are a lot more free within a "tribe".
  15. NJS


    Studies suggest we are generally monogamous but that that instinct is skewed by wealth and power - ie if you have either or both we tend to see polgyamy as more "natural".
  16. If you left school in 81 in ST and thought it was a land of opportunity then you are even more of a head in the clouds, blind, selfish cunt than I thought - which is some achievement.
  17. Supposedly 50% are in favour and obviously a lot of those against will be Republicans. However it might backfire with a lot of his black Christian supporters which is why he's treading carefully.
  18. Blair is more or less her son in political terms but on the prospects front he provided 100% employment compared with her. "Old woman" implies humanity so doesn't apply.
  19. It happens to me too - mentioned it a couple of times - definitely one click.
  20. This is so far beyond even a sad level of geekiness but I still remember a BBS reader we used at work 20 years ago called QModem Pro which just worked with absolutely no hassle whatsoever - something which set it apart from so much software around at the time (including fuck off expemsive stuff) by a huge margin. Now I'd say VLC is pretty good.
  21. Useless Smoggie twat
  22. Well barring miracles it looks like its 5th at worst.
  23. 1-0 - Nah - still wrong.
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