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Everything posted by NJS

  1. From the comments on one of the links: At least we can establish Parky has a web presence.
  2. I wouldn't want to be involved with a recruiter if that's how they work. At the end of the day they are using you to make money so if they think they can get you the job I would imagine that's the main thing.
  3. I found regeistering with individual recruiters on their websites to be generally a waste of time - if you are looking for work then I still think Jobserve is the best.
  4. Well I'm an unsociable bastard in general but if you are someone who isn't afraid to "network" properly and chase down all the links then it can work for you. I know people who have used it to find jobs. It also helped me to get back in touch with a good mate I hadn't seen for years - I know FB serves that same purpose but I'd rather not have twats from school knocking on my door as it were.
  5. I'm not on Facebook and never intend to be - I'd suggest using Linkedin for "professional" networking.
  6. I dropped my car off today to get the AC gassed and for its MOT. I take it to a garage I've always used do work - they don't do the MOT themselves but will arrange it and obviously get the work if theres any. Last year it needed some welding which cost a fucking small fortune. So the bloke phoned me to tell me they did the AC then took it to the MOT place but got a call that it had failed to start during the test so they took it back and found the starter motor has gone. He then tells me they can sort it out no problem and the price isn't the end of the world but I have to ask him that it seems strange it just happened to go today when I've never had a problem with it. He didn't really pick up on what I was saying so I thought about the hassle it would be to get it towed home, arrange someone else to check it out and then fix it if has gone so I just told him to go ahead. The thing is part of me can't see how it would be worth be worth their while to "arrange" the problem as the other garage is only getting the MOT test fee anyway and the amount to buy and fit a new one isn't something I would bother for if I was them. Now I'm thinking of asking for them to keep the old one so I can get it checked out - am I being a paranoid idiot or what?
  7. Accusing you of passing his IP to N-O also suggests he still tries to get on there despite calling them all worse than shite as well. (Just saying)
  8. He was reasonably vocal with a "I can't believe how daft I was" type article I think.
  9. Ennis' was the first medal cermenony I've seen - how shit are the podiums?
  10. The fucker should be hanged for "Passengers" alone.
  11. At work in a sauna of an office - you have to pay for AC at weekends. On the good side what was a two day plan will probably get done today by the looks of things.
  12. Most popular does not equal greatest. I can't believe how overrated they actually are - everybody takes to piss out of Starr's drumming and implies the rest of them were technical genuises which is bullshit. When Jon Lord died a few weeks ago I read a few articles on Deep Purple and clicked on a link to a Rolling Stome crtics list of the top 100 guitarists of all time. They had Richie Blackmore at number 50 and Harrison at number 10 - this is like having a top footballers list and having Shola 40 places above Messi, I honestly don't see how people rate them so highly - I recognise they were among a number of bands who broke the mould in terms of writing their own songs but are people really telling me that I wanna hold your hand is some kind of musical highpoint? As for the later drug-addled shite they produced - do me a favour. The so called "one of the greatest albums of all time" Sgt Pepers has When I'm 64 on it FFS. Also one thing about U2 leaving opinions abut music aside, they and other bands like the Stones and The Who did not give up touring at the hight of their popularity - have we ever had a decent explanation for that or was it just cowardice? They are the ultimate in Emporers new clothes - I'm just glad a few more people now have the guts to point this out.
  13. The Beatles. My brother is a fan and I grew up overexposed to them. I recognise their influence on some bands I like but I still see them as a shit scouse boy band.
  14. I started taking music seriously in about 76 or 77 and soon settled on HM. I thought that was the only music that could satisfy my taste for good guitar driven stuff so I pretty much ignored punk. At the start of the 80s I started to expand my taste into indie and other guitar based stuff and in punk learned to love The Clash and SLF. Also as I became a big fan of U2 I bought into their rivalry with the Bunnymen and actively disliked them. I've since become a huge fan of theirs.
  15. A lot of what you might think were glory hunters, Stevie are actually people with connections. I've known lads from all over whose families had moved away but they'd still been raised properly. I also knew a fee randoms who started supporting us when we were shit for no good reason.
  16. From my personal experience I'm for it. I spent nearly a week watching my Mam die knowing she had a DNR order and seeing her connected to a morphine feed wondering why we couldn't just turn the dial and help her over the line. My sister and I agreed if either of us were ever in the same situation the other would ship them off to Swizerland but I'm hoping its legal before it applies. Of course its another thing which is controlled by religion - another reason (if needed) to put that crap behind us.
  17. There are days when I would quite happliy see the town nuked - generally when they take their obsession beyond "healthy" into the nasty like calling Robson or singing songs about Milburn. Other times I do think that despite the accent we're all pretty similar really. It's strange what Stevie said about the difference between those of us from mixed areas and the "pure" like him. In some ways I could see people who don't know any Mackems who never go there apart from match days would probably hate them more because of the "mystery" factor in the same way propaganda in wartime demonised the Germans. He's right that I do have mates who support them which should "soften" the hatred but I always felt it made it worse. Over the years I've heard a lot of lads from Newcastle or north of the river who've said what a few in this thread have said - that they don't really think about them that much or at most just feel sorry for them. I've never known anyone from South of the river or Durham say that so I guess mixing with them actually inflames the passion.
  18. I've seen the lunar modules/tech in the space museum in Washington and if you do accept reality it massively increases your admiration for the astronauts as they look low tech to say the least. I think the missions were about 90% determination and bravery and 10% science.
  19. NJS

    Leazes Mag

    I have no problem with vehement arguing which can lead to personal slanging matches but I think LM has now got too many nasty personal grudges with too many people. He almost stopped posting on topic and just roamed around attacking his enemies with his stock phrases ad nauseum. I also think the reason he appeared better lately was more to do with nothing negative happening to do with the club rather than any effort on his part. As mentioned any sales in the next month would have just unleashed him again. I don't like banning as a concept but understand this.
  20. I watched a 3 minute run though of the openeing ceremony - can't comment on the musical elements but the concept of forging the Olympic rings as a reference to the industrial revolution and Britain's place in world history was absolute fucking genius.
  21. Defintely 72 - I remember Spitz as well as Mary Peters and Valery Borzov.
  22. They should be allowed to "reclaim" a trophy for every 10m they pay back to the creditors.
  23. He should also want to develop the "football" side of his game which should rule out working for Allardyce.
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