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Everything posted by NJS

  1. If there is new medical evidence then fair enough. If its just the testimony of people who've said nowt for 10 years then I'm suspicious. Still a bit disappointing that he's all but admitted it.
  2. Wonderful mix of true common sense and insults there Stevie.
  3. Can't see it when Wenger was bemoaning lack of creative edge against the mackems - not exactly Tiote's game.
  4. It's a fair cop but: a. He'd better not get more than Wenger did. b. That Henry Winter who got on his high horse about it during that Sky Supplement shite can fuck right off - taped any murder victims phones lately Henry? (I know it wan't him or his paper but any Journalist preaching "ethics" is automatically on dodgy ground as far as I'm concerned)
  5. NJS


    It would be towards the top end of the range 2.0 probably used - apparently they don't make the 3.2 any more.
  6. NJS


    Starting to get the new car itch - wandered into the local Audi dealer today to look at TTs - anyone had one? Are they a woman's car?
  7. They are also "designed" by breeding to display exactly the traits people want. I accept that people will feel sad and miss dead pets but its about degrees.
  8. It's not the being upset at a pet dying that I don't get - its having a personal relationship with something non-human and considering it "equal" as a member of your family in the first place. I thiink it relegates how you feel about your real family - hearing people saying "it was like losing a child" - fuck off man. And its not just the familial/genetic bond angle - its just not a human. I have respect for animals in their own right (despite the food hypocrisy) but morphing them into extended family members and mistaking their pack loyalty as "love" is just not right imo. Without wanting to trivialise other peoples feelings I'm willing to bet that those who have mourned pets haven't lost someone really important like their parents - if they have and still insist pets are worthy of proper grief then I feel sorry for them.
  9. I've never had any pets and can't empathise grief for animals at all - I don't think I'm naturally un-empathic as despite not having kids, I can't imagine anything worse than losing one.
  10. Stupid doing it in a church - gives him the excuse to be stupid about it.
  11. I got a Royal Mail SD card through the door yestaerday and knew I hadn't ordered anything but picked up the package anyway. Correct name, full address and from a local shop I've passed but never been to - a pair of size five woman's tap shoes I think even if I'd sleep walked and taken some subconsious desire to be a tranny dancer online with no memory, I'd have least got a pair that would come within a million miles of fitting. I'll ring them tomorrow - as it happens its just round the corner from wher I'm going for a haircut on Friday - mabe I should get them to fit me a wig instead.
  12. Bit of a fiddle but if you take out Shipman, the number of murders is virtually zero compared with 100 years ago. The idea of some nostalgic paradise is as usual bollocks.
  13. I've always thought of it in terms of near future Sci-fi rather than current female hormone based drugs - something like nanobots which prevent fertilization by destorying sperm which could be sent a "sease and desist" order by wi-fi if necessary.
  14. Well they could make a small start by using that sanction against twats who get their daughters FGM'ed abroad.
  15. Chemicals in the water/food supply with the antidote as part of the licence has always been my view. I think we sort of had this discussion before and Manc-Mag swayed me from my position based on IQ towards a more open maturity clause - say 27/28. I know I said the other day that evolution suggests a lot earlier than this but for the sake of society it has to be considered. Of course I recognise that there are many, many excellent parents who have kids early but on the whole I think a bit of breathing space for everone would be for the best. You'd also have to be vigilant against people going abroad but that would fit in with my other plans to abolish private education and healthcare and strip anybody who goes abroad for anything like this of their citizenship and right of residency. (Yes I know I sound like a fascist)
  16. I've worked the last two Saturdays and yesterday so I've chucked in a request to take this Friday and next Monday off. A four day week will be just about doable without meltdown.
  17. Try and find any article he's written about NUFC - the man is a cunt. (Sorry Cath I don't usually apologise I know, but when it comes to people like him it needs to be stated loud and absolutely clear with no apologies)
  18. Aye - soz for sticking my nose in as well - it doesn't irritate me by the way (though I stand by my comments on Muamba).
  19. Thing is patriotism is more complicated than that. Immigrant Somalians will think of him as Somali and take pride in that without considering him British. In general Muslims will say "Good, a Muslim won" before they would consdier any British angle. I'm a great believer in keeping religion private - if a footballer wants to make the sign of the cross or Muamba thinks God saved him and says so or Farah wants to identify himself by his faith then fair enough but I think they leave themselves open to comment on it.
  20. It's an interesting facet of the way society has changed - biologically women have evolved to give birth as soon as possible and they certainly have done over the ages (and still do in some cultures) but the way it is now it certainly suits a more mature situation for people in the developed world at least.
  21. I met a woman last year who was 57 who had a 40 yr old daughter and a 23 yr old grand-daughter which is obviously a 17 year double generation - the grand-daughter had broken the mould up to that point.
  22. I know the Viz top tip about arresting the biggest crier at the press conference is a tad dark but sadly it seems to be correct too often - its no comfort for families involved in stuff like this but I suppose the "positive" is that it shows that the sometimes paranoia about monsters lurking around every corner in wait for strangers is mostly bollocks - sadly monsters seem to look close to home. Of course if this bastard actually went for the Gran as a route to the bairn it makes it even worse.
  23. He got a lot of stick off their fans for leaving as I think they interpreted his desire to play elsewhere as saying he was going to a bigger club. They love Dalglish more because he bought into the club more the same way Keegan bought into us.
  24. A lot of the ones I was going to put have been mentioned like Pompey so I'll try some new ones. Cole's third against Liverpool in 93 - I know they had slipped a bit by then but they were still the team to beat for me and when we absolutely destroyed them I had a "this is it, we've arrrived" moment when that goal went in. Shearer's record breaking goal - I've said before I'm not his biggest fan compared to some but that was special. Cole's 40th agsint Villa. I could probably do a few by categories like not actual football, "good moments when we were shit" and daft ones like Steve Carney flattening a Boro bastard completely off the ball and behind the refs back or Kenny Wharton sitting on the ball but those will do for now.
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