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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Surely no matter which side of the manufacturer debate you fall on, its worth waiting for 4g before next upgrading? That's my plan anyway.
  2. Don't like paper tissues. The hanky is usually alone in its own pocket and would get replaced on a heavy use day.
  3. Wallet, keys, travelcard, hanky and phone all fit in pockets very easily. If you're going to the gym at work then I have no problem with a sports bag being used. Apart from that I just don't see that much else you would ever need. Okay if I do decide to take a sandwich to work I tend go use a carrier bag which I accept is a bit crass but that's it. Also you can tell with a lot of these soft leather bags that some carry that they are almost empty which suggests to me its a pose thing so any abuse is deserved imo.
  4. Murdoch must be moving into private healthcare.
  5. It's the idea that you have to carry stuff that doesn't fit in your pockets that I find as gay as the actual bags. Women "need" all the stuff they carry - I just don't get what a bloke needs in the same context.
  6. I agree Stevie but LM's mantra was "backing the manager" and Pardew claims he's happy with the window - you can't have it both ways without admitting that the idea of a manager being given x million to do with what he likes is gone. As I said in the position thread the pennies saved on Debuchy are fucking trivial.
  7. This is why I'm looking forward to Charles taking over - I think he'll do a shit load of damage to the institution when all his interference becomes more open and blatant. And CabayAye if ypu think the Queen is above corruption you should look up the deal she did over tax when her mother died.
  8. It's the idiocy of not stregthening at all that pisses me off - just seems like a waste after last year.
  9. I've gone 10th because not improving the squad is an absolute disgrace and epitomises Ashley at his worst. DEals were not done for the sake of fucking pennies. Even losing an important squad player on the last day made no diference to the fucking idiots. As I've said many, many times any season when Shola Ameobi is first choice or just outside as he is now and will be in January is a complete fucking write-off.
  10. Not something I can articulate easily but I always felt that working class people made the best of life despite being "poor" to whatever extent and concentrated on building loving families more than anything whereas I see middle class values as being a bit more materialistic - especially the obsession with property values. Middle class people value people by their wealth imo whereas working class people value more human qualities. Of course this could be generalised, biased bollocks because I came from a "good" working class background where especially my Mam always saw the good in other people. As an aside I always find it funny now how politicians and media go on about the "middle income families" as if there are great numbers of them usually defined as not much above higher tax band. In fact only 11% pay 40% or more which means there are a lot of people on pretty average/modest earnings who still see themselves as middle class - maybe that's just a result of wanting to put distance between themselves and the underclass.
  11. Kids should go with their dads relatively civislised until about 12/13/14 - then they should be going with their mates and start getting imbued with anger, bitterness, passion and hatred.
  12. As I've said before as well, too many posh cunts, women and students. (Sorry Cath, pissed again)
  13. Class is a two mind thing - I know my parents were working class and consider myself the same depsite a pretty good life because of how I was brought up but think if I had had kids they'd probably think of themsleves as middle class (see my niece/nephew as good examples). It's a mixture of inheritance, attitude, pride and then lifestyle as an adult. I would like to think I'd have tried to instill good working class values (community/humility/work ethic) if I'd had the chance but I see a lot of people who forget their legacy. I'm not saying we should all want to shit in an outside bog going forward but I think remembering that past is worthwhile (possibly metaphorically but perhaps literally). One thing I do despise though is working class respect for the aristocracy - as I've said before the first time I went to London when I was sixteen, I would have loved to have had access to a time machine and transported proper working class mililtants back to a point in history when we could have done what the French did and have a revolution - How anyone can wander around the place and not think fuck me this is wrong is beyond help imo.
  14. NJS


    I've been thinking for a while after seeing that South African (Pistorious?) that those blades are a bit disturbing for some reason - I realised today that they make me think of the aliens out of District 9.
  15. The fiddle is there's no VAT on "hire purchase" in various forms so they pocket 20% of the price.
  16. How does saving say £1bn on the benefits bill really affect a total debt of £800bn or a structural defecit of £120bn? Idealoogy of bigotry driven small beer solution.
  17. So why was your list of solutions based on stopping benefits and deporting immigrants - how will that change banking?
  18. Says the idiot who thinks the economy was fucked by the poor and immigrants.
  19. Seen the clip of Nicholas' tan - fucking Cuprinol man.
  20. I think if theres a chance of rehabilitation then its worth trying - I don't like writing people off as a matter of course. Having said that some people are inherent write-offs and in those cases I have no problem with simple punishement.I think Breivik is an example of the latter. I also think this case makes for an interesting debate about insanity or indeed "evil". The basis for finding him "sane" was that he had planned this and could explain his reasoning in a "reasonable" fashion however warped the actual logic is. Personally I've always felt if there was a definition of "evil" other than the supernatural crap its someone who knows exactly what they are doing and does it anyway - unlike fully unhinged people.
  21. Just trying to avoid any "You think football started in 1992" comebacks. I think they played a Polish team (open to correction) and I can't imagine any more than 47 being allowed to travel there in the 70s.
  22. If Pardew thinks a team similar to last nights will see us through when games are played in tough periods then he's mistaken imo.
  23. If there is new medical evidence then fair enough. If its just the testimony of people who've said nowt for 10 years then I'm suspicious. Still a bit disappointing that he's all but admitted it.
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