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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Not necessarily but its a good example of a good day/bad day disease. My sister took early retirement last year but still does some part time work to help out. She has MS and on some days she just can't go in. Now she doesn't need the money to make a living but if she did it would certainly limit her earnings. At the moment it isn't that bad but of course it can and probably will get worse.
  2. Not quite - ready is 1080i which is what sky use. 1080p only applies to blu-ray and games.
  3. Thing is CT the official figures for benefit fraud suggest 1% at the very most but if you try and tell a mail reader that it falls on deaf ears. That isn't just because thy are cunts either - its because as Chez pointed out there is a deliberate policy in place to scapegoat the poor with the help of the media. All it takes is a few "I know this one bloke......" tales for it to succeed. Our only hope is that the one bloke most people know becomes one of those being shat on.
  4. The thing is people with diseases like MS have good days where a test would suggest they were fine for work followed by 4 days where they can't get out of bed. That would be hard to prove but I'd be inclined to give diagnosed people the benefit of the doubt. It's not all people with "bad backs". As HF said its numerical targets not based on actual cases that's wrong.
  5. Traffic shaping? Could have a virus as well.
  6. Anyone who thinks he adds anything should check out the current thread he's in on Skunkers - "Your man" "Anyone but Fred" "no club goes bust" etc etc ad asbsolute infinitum. He's fucking mental.
  7. WWII was fair enough but should have been the end - every conflict/use/presence since has been a complete waste of time money,effort and lives. Farmers get huge subsidies. Then the bastards vote Tory by and large and absolutely so decry any kind of subsidy of manufacturing industry or anything else - hypocritical twats. Public schools are bastions of priviledge and the fact they can still produce the Windsors, Osborne and Cameron proves that they don't have some magic wand when it comes to education - thick twats are thick twats and the higher minds you mention would prevail anywhere.
  8. I'd tell the armed forces, the farmers, the public schools, the monarchy and a few million other sponging rich cunts to fuck off before I got anywhere near people with terminal cancer.
  9. People are dying every week who are deemed fit for work - a private company given contract targets to get a certain percentage back to work. If people get help from the CAb or the like they nearly always win as the medical basis is iffy to say the least but they hope people are scared into accepting it. The thing about the wonderful medical profession is that you can pay a doctor to say someone is fit just as you can pay one to say tou aren't. And before you say it they were brought in under "Labour" which doesn't excuse it as I've said many times, Blair was aTory PM as far as I'm concerned.
  10. So all the stuff about ATOS sponsoring the Paraolympics just went completely over your head? Google the cunts.
  11. God would be a giver surely? (And with a biblical sized cock)
  12. Bastards did it again - rang them and went straight for the "I want to complain" - just about got past the fucker and he promised that his manager was going to ring me but they haven't so far. I fancy another rant tomorrow.
  13. NJS


    Nobody - its 4.55 billion Why not?
  14. Logic surely dictates this must work in training for them to keep trying which having seen the repeated failures I just can't believe.
  15. CL was worth it for the chance to go to ridiculous places following the team - now that I've done that and even though I'd love to go to more places, winning a cup would absolutely dwarf that experience. Regardless of where we are in the league, if Pardew plays a weak team in January in the FA cup, I'll be seriously pissed off.
  16. NJS


    Can't find it in the brief time before I go to bed but there was that paper in the last couple of years where bacteria were "taught" to consume Vitamin C over several generations.
  17. We're getting fuck all off the local coward and his cronies here - will probably be that that costs us.
  18. He occasionally tries his luck on Skunkers to universal abuse.
  19. Going by my niece/nephew the biggest factor is their mates rather than any adults even parents.
  20. When I was at the hospital waiting for my Mother to pass there was a bit of a light moment when she got a confused look on her face and asked where she was. My sister asked her where she thought she was and she replied "Mrs S's front room" using our surname. We realised she'd had a flashback to before she married my Dad and was referring to my Dad's Mam. Thinking back I did bite back "So who do you think we are?" so maybe I'm as wicked as Ant
  21. She's nice but I prefer to perve over Ms Coren on Only Connect
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