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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I love watching utter cunts like Benitez bleat - just fuck right off you pseudo scouse prick.
  2. You choose as your examples the worst kind of monopolist/globalised bastards who are known for driving down workers pay - see signing up for the workfare slavery scheme - as if thats the ideal everyone should aspire to instead of the decent firms which should be the way forward. As Ive said before you're a dream for the bullshit spreaders - embracing the idea that workers deserve shit.
  3. CT should fuck off to the US or even Russia - I know at our place the people who work in Moscow always work on a Saturday unpaid if there is a bank holiday Monday as they feel that they "owe" a day. Of course the fact that countries like Germany which piss on the UK economically and productivity wise have shit loads more holidays and a much higher emphasis on worker's life balance never enters the capitalist fuckwit brain.
  4. Loved the fact that he booked a player for showing him the scrapes on his calf resulting from a foul he ignored.
  5. Too many games like that under Pardew - before the signings I said his instinct to back pedal would cost us and it still might.
  6. I kow its sad to be a bitter twat after that much relief but Dean did his best as usual - and we should get Weimman done as well. Also I simply can't imagine how Ameobi could be any shitter.
  7. Aye - hated the "on their way to victory" when 30 minutes have gone.
  8. Also Debuchy needs to man-up a bit - I know he's French but still.
  9. I love it when we sign footballers - not enough in recent years. If Pardew had always intended to play Sissoko in this role which is why there's no urgency to sign a striker then he deserves praise.
  10. I'm a big supporter of public transport but in 30 years time I'd guess the only passengers will be for leisure - I can't see much business use by then as the need to meet face to face will be even less than it is now. Should have been done years ago but not convinced its worth it now.
  11. It wont happen in my lifetime but it will be funny when the number of Arabs theyve killed reaches 6m. (Though nuking Iran would certainly bump the number nicely)
  12. You'd think people with Newcastle associations would have taken note of recent history by now - it'll end in tears.
  13. The multi-million dividend in 2003 when we only signed Bowyer is one thing.
  14. Thing is before his big injury he and Reid had a Cabaye/Tiote kind of deal where Reid was very much the ball winner and Bracewell the footballer/creator. It was only post injury that he became more defensive. Similar to how Rob Lee went "backwards" in his last couple of years when he couldnt do the running anymore.
  15. You have to have paid 12 months NI to get benefits btw.
  16. "Finished" is a bit harsh. Certainly he wasnt the player he was before he fucked himself against us but he still did a job for us in the first season up.
  17. Watching a stream for Leeds which I think is a Middle Eastern channel and Richard Keys is presenting the show - still shit though.
  18. Expect to be charged 20% VAT - the sender has to put a value on which commercial senders I'm guessing would be correct. Also if they use any form of the US post office it will come via Parcel Force who will charge you a tenner "admin charge" (Fine for daring to buy from abroad).
  19. NJS

    Colo Gogo

    I think leaving him as captain is designed to encourage him to stay beyond the summer which isnt a bad idea tbh.
  20. Twice - 84/85 and 93/94. From 80 to 95 I missed at most 2 or 3 games a season. 96 - 09 that went up to about 10.
  21. Then why is there a boom in food banks? Or do only those who work count? BTW do you think the rich have accepted that their lifestyle will stagnate which of course it wont.
  22. I see the propaganda is still working. Theyve convinced you that were fucked and to expect misery for years while the rich just rake it in. If they just imposed a 25% tax on INCREASE in the wealth of the one percent since the crunch it would clear the deficit.
  23. Just watched it and he actually waved a card Le Beouf style. Barton is right -he should have kicked him harder.
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