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Everything posted by NJS

  1. How the fuck can someone who lived through the 80s say the tories manage finances well? Jesus wept.
  2. So if its all inevitible why do you worship the idiots in charge and support their war on the poor and disabled? You also ignore the fact that the rich aren't being asked to adjust their living standards - i'd suggest we adjust them for them.
  3. I thought it was something to do with the LM fallout which I thought was the only downside of the whole thing - if its just one of those "I think I got a life" things then it would be great to see him back.
  4. Why did he disappear Cath if you don't mind me asking?
  5. They could always try what's working for the US. They could also tax the increase in wealth enjoyed by the rich just since 2008 which would clear the deficit at a stroke. One thing I do agree with you on is that Labours are meek cowards - but that's because they are running scared of the ignorant who make up too many people in this country.
  6. I was thinking quite early in the game that regardless of the result, someone should kick the shit out of that cheating cunt at the end which has now been made worse by this news. I fucking hate diving snide shitbags like Christaldo - in fact he reminded me of Suarez.
  7. Take your special Anfield night and fuck right off.
  8. Funny things is between them their owners probably have enough money to bankroll them if they just put it in.
  9. NJS

    Weird dreams

    Quite often I have what I think of a "multiverse" dream where I'm suddenly in an alternative version of my life (but still me) and I have to figure out what the situation is - things like being married or in a world that's a bit different. I've also had recurring dreams all my life about tidal waves hitting S. Shields - unabated by not living there any more.
  10. Of course the prick commented without reading the context of the remarks proving what an idiot he is.
  11. Funiily enough I thought of that - as in I could trump all the moisturisers/hair straighteners in one go - when I mentioned it it was dismissed a lasses car which I get but thought fuck it I still want one.
  12. This far in and no mention of man bags?
  13. Relieved. I mentioned a few months ago I fancied buying an Audi TT and on Saturday I took the plunge, needing to wait until Wednesday to order it when I get paid so I can put the deposit down. I'm part-exing my current car and this morning it wouldn't start - I thought the bastard had sussed me Thing is they haven't offered that much for it and in the worst case scenario I could make up with cash but it would still be a hassle to sort out if it had needed fixing or more likely if I decided it wasn't worth it in terms of getting rid of it. Anyway I called the breakdown bloke out and he figured it out - the immobiliser had got into a state where it needed a reset in its socket in the glove box and that sorted it out
  14. She worked in a supermarket when she was a student so wasn't afraid of work as they make out - she just naively thought that graduating would lead to more.
  15. I fucking Loathe Duncan Smith and all he stands for. The cunt has no qualifications or experience and got into politics via marrying a rich woman then has the nerve to say that stacking shelves is more important than science. I didn't think the Tories could get much lower but this has been the worst thing one of the fuckers has said for ages. Also he said she was being paid job seekers allowance - note what its called - how the fuck was she supposed to look for work if she was "working" all week?
  16. NJS

    Ed Miliband

    If it means coming up with half decent stuff like this he should "panic" more often. Its also good that he stated Brown made a mistake - actually honest.
  17. I used go have a dentist plan at my previous place and it was worth it for things like crowns as the nhs ones are basic in terms of materials/look. I always opted for the nhs price on extractions as theres no benefit.
  18. Got a toothache so pissed off/apprehensive about the pain to come. I accept I haven't done that good a job of looking after them as there are a few gaps at the back but if this is the one I think I'll need a bridge or a denture. Could do with implants but that will have to go on hold pending my intended return to contracting this year.
  19. Looks like the cunt has been to a tanning salon.
  20. Its a shit verdict as they said its okay to force people to work for nowt as long as you get the wording right. Theyll change the terms and carry on.
  21. 3% of estates pay IHT. When the cunt talked about thousands of people losing their homes (supposedly robbing expectant children of their inheritance) somebody should have politely pointed out he was full of shit. This care home thing used to worry my Mam though in the end it didnt matter. Funny how Scotland has no such provision as care is guaranteed.
  22. Saw the last fifteen minutes of Nashville last night and it looked canny - any views?
  23. Didnt say we were good before - just saying he was another stopgap before the proper players were/are fit to return.
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