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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Compared to the "bad old days" of the 70s all three of those are now acceptable. I know about absolute poverty but I also know how rich the wealthy are in this country and the gap has widened enormously.
  2. So did socialism or capitalism cause the global financial crisis?
  3. Yes and the country we have now is exactly what you and her wished for. Demonised poor with slave labour wages and no rights, global tax evaders taking the piss and a huge increase in inequality - what a victory.
  4. Just confirms my definition of him above. "Opposite sides"? There is no Thatcher policy he wouldn't have introduced and virtually none of his she wouldn't have. Twat.
  5. How would someone who was 4 to 14 understand what mess the country was in more than someone who wasn't born? She won 3 elections mostly because of a divided opposition and a savage media campaign along with a dose of war fever - as I said she never got anywhere near the majority of the country behind her.
  6. Because the notion that the unions "ruled the roost" is nonsense so I can't say what the outcome would be. Let's say we agree that industry in the 80s needed massive changes - would it have been beter to do that with co-operation and negotiation and a plan involving phased replacement or by destroying entire towns with one blow and writing their populations off which is exactly what she did to your/our town.
  7. He gave a little support over the Falkands which matters more than 30000 lives - I've always wanted to know how many he would have to have killed before it was a problem - 300k? 3M?
  8. You haven't explained why they needed to strike if they were running the country. Some of the practices in industry in the UK were outdated in hindsight but you don't know the reasons behind them. My grandfather used to work in the shipyards in the 20s and 30s when workers were hired on a day to day basis picked out of a crowd by a foreman so union power evolved to ensure a bloke had a trade and so would have job security. How would you support your family if your car was allocated to one of a few blokes out of a crowd depending on the mood/bribe received of a foreman? Of course this is exactly what they now want a return to - will you be happy then?
  9. No I only voted for Kinnock in 93 after a history lecture/bollocking off my Mam. I might have voted for John Smith but not Blair. He also did something within 3 days of getting into power that ensured my decision - topically inviting a certain bitch to no 10 for tea.
  10. So why did they need to strike?
  11. Just like with welfare now, you believe the propaganda of the time. I'm guessing you were 13/14 when the 70s ended. \did you have a keen interest in current affairs then?
  12. Do you think 70s Britain was really worse than Germany/France etc?
  13. I've never voted Labour since he abolished clause 4.
  14. If the unions were running the country why did the winter of discontent happen? surely they just needed to ring up and get 50% rises but no they had to strike Which way do you want it? Thatcher is lauded for standing up to the miners but Callahan is pilloried = do you think she would have given the public sector workers what they wanted?
  15. Farming and Banking - the most subsidised industries in history.
  16. I don't know anyone vaguely left wing including myself who doesnt regard him as a tory cunt.
  17. You should know by now that when you try and use "facts" you lose/ More days were lost to strikes under her. the top rate was 60% - the 98 included investment income which only applied to the mega rich. Like she would have worked with the unions. I asked you yesterday to expain how other countries did it better with less pain - Im guessing I'll not get any answers.
  18. We need some HF graphs - unemployment by the old count reached nearly 5m under Thatcher. And if you're questioning the entire invention of the welfare state then you are even more right wing than her.
  19. It was her who first put so many on incapacity to reduce the total but think about how your argument fits with the bankers Played the patriot card shamelessly while as you say telling everyone to sod everyone except your family.
  20. Most she ever got was 41% /i think - geographically divided as now. Liberals are just as culpable for her reign imo.
  21. Obama is as much an enemy of freedom as she was. And you're kidding yourself if you think hatred is minimal.
  22. Typical Thatcherite - doesnt comprehend empathy for family, friends, community, society. Me, Myself, Now - that should be one of her epithets.
  23. I've always summed it up by saying that the ecstasy of victory is eclipsed by the agony of defeat. I'd have the fuckers in the conference.
  24. Pol Pot changed his country too. She didn't "defeat" me but she used the power of the state to destroy the lives of millions. She was a cunt.
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