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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Never done it on principle but it's very much just like gambling. I suspect its rigged against amateurs as well - companies thst make money do so with a lot of backup like research departments and of course networking.
  2. Was supposed to have a job interview after work today but it was postponed until tomorrow - pain in the arse having to wear a suit and have a shave two days in a row.
  3. I remember saying in 96 when Hall was really trying to put us on the map that he should have offered Dario Gradi a shit load to leave Crewe and oversee our youth setup -another facet of the same dream team notion.
  4. I think there was quite an improvement before the outlay though I take your point.
  5. Well I'd look at the difference the bloke at southampton made as another example of positive change being possible.
  6. It's about attitude imo -my main problem with pardew and his ilk is that their first thought is not to lose whereas a Keegan type's aim is to win Thats why I think moyes would fail here as well.
  7. Everyone thought Moyes did a great job at Everton until they saw the improvement this year. He's another Allardyce/McLeish/O'Neill or indeed Pardew - dull football and limited.
  8. While looking at contracts recently I've seen a few for "DV" clearance (thought it was a porn ref at first) which were very lucrative - looked up the various levels on Wiki and it looks like they are very useful though a pain in the arse to get so even if you decide on a new path it looks like a good thing to maintain if that's possible.
  9. Man of Steel I re-read the reviews from this thread and general agree that the proper "drama" bits were better than the cgi. Would rather have had a full film on that and save a fuller war with Zod for another film which I think is what Fish suggested. Still can't see how a fight against Batman can be fair one like.
  10. I remember hearing the team for the derby where Gullit dropped Shearer and thinking he'd written a resignation note - I hope that team is Pardew's.
  11. I know its because of where they are but at least the cunts had a go at them - contrast that with you know who's attitude to going there.
  12. Fulham was the most mental game ever - should have been 17-4
  13. NJS


    When I was a contractor I was excused jury duty -though they've massively reduced the option now - because I basically argued if I was given a long trial I'd lose my house and be destitute. I would imagine it would be a pisser for small employers to have staff called up.
  14. I don't blame Elliot for towing the party line but he dissed KK so he can fuck off and die as far as I'm concerned.
  15. Which "senior players" have the right to have a go at him over Ben Arfa? Anyone has the right in general but I can't think of any of them bar maybe Tiote who have any kind of high ground.
  16. They're the third highest net spenders over the last five years - "underdogs" my arse.
  17. Don't think I've mentioned this before but in 1992 at about the time the Telegraph started doing fantasy football one of my mates bought a book called Dream League which was a rival thing where you could have local leagues among a few people and also enter a national competition for a small fee. About 10 of us did it which was an excuse to meet in someones house once a month for an update/auction (involving beer of course). Anyway we did it in 93/94 as well and due to my retention of Arsenal's defence from the previous year and the acquisition of a certain Mr A. Cole I won the national title The lads who wrote the book/ran the league were a group of IT geeks (surprise surprise) who also liked football and they also did a couple of other sports as well like baseball. The usual prize was a trip to an England away game but this was at the time England were banned so I had to wait a while for my prize. The next available game was a certain game in Dublin in 95 Now the reason watching/travelling with England never appealed to me was the association with the creme de la creme of other teams's scum known as England fans so the events didn't exactly surprise me. There was a group of about 12 of us with 3 organisers I think plus the winners of the cup competitions they ran as well covering two seasons. Thing was I was the only "streetwise" football fan who'd seen bother before so when it all kicked off (we were in the seats) I managed to calm the others down and then chose the exact moment to slink away before the riot coppers arrived upstairs to cart everyone off to be deported so we ended up back in our hotel as just about the only un-nicked "England fans". Still my only experience of Ireland but overall I enjoyed it (apart from the scum of course).
  18. Anyone else read the Kazim-Richards story? - it might be just me but it looks like the wanker gesture has been deemed homophobic - do only gays wank like? If so there will be a lot of coming out parties.
  19. In the middle of "By blood we live" by Glen Duncan. Ive been struggling for two or three years to find decent horror stuff and have drifted towards Sci-fi (mainly enjoyable) but this book which is the last of a trilogy has reminded me of why horror has always been my favourite genre. He did have a couple of excellent books out a few years ago like I, Lucifer but this trilogy is his best work.
  20. Apart from in the run-up to England games before he retired from internationals.
  21. I love the "if only the players had backed Di Canio/they'd all been fucked off and he'd stayed" angle that seems popular.
  22. I expect at least another 10 from Arsenal and Liverpool - probably 3 or 4 from Stoke as well.
  23. How do those figures compare with the rest of the wotld especially Canada where they have a shit load of guns too?
  24. TBF I have happy memories of when we beat Forest in 97 to ensure CL qualification and then the announcement that Coventry had won at Tottenham with a delayed kick-off thus relegating the fuckers came through with perfect timing just before the lap of honour. I'd have no shame in celebrating but in their slight defence we;re used to them going down but our releagtion was a rarity.
  25. Well I've ran the numbers on the Luxembourg thing and decided they fall short - it would leave me with more money than now in my pocket but not as much as contracting in London would so I'll bide my time.
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