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Everything posted by NJS

  1. It bugs me when people have a go at Billy Bragg for "living in a big house in Dorset" as if his politics demand a shit flat in Barking. They should look up what he did with Go records for starters.
  2. When a ref spots a dive the "wronged" player eg Nolan vs Barclay should be given a free kick at the diver - probably limited to their arse to prevent real malice.
  3. Ended up stopping in the Hamilton Hall (the one you mention at Liverpool street) and getting a late tube which was late getting there so missed the KO - proper old school London style. Turned out to be a bit of a reunion - about 15 of us all from Shields. Some still go for the main part and a couple had just about given up like me. Sad to hear of a couple of tragedies - a mate's son died during his gap year and a lad I used to play football with had a heart attack and died this summer aged 46. Turns out even some lads who all still live in the NE had lost touch a bit over the last couple of years but football still binds us at heart. I also now have an invitation to go to the derby from a mate who has platinum club tickets so this comeback tour may have more legs.
  4. He hesitated fatally for the goal imo.
  5. Two shit teams, one shit keeper.
  6. Liverpool st for starters then might do Mile End later - last time I was there we did go to that Edinburgh one. Been in the Queens a few times - it always symbolised how the place had changed as the first few (very dodgy) times I went there I didn't even notice there was a bar let alone consider going in there.
  7. Probably the wrong place for this but shock horror I'm going to the match today. First one since February 2009. It's more of a chance to see some mates I haven't seen for ages but I'm strangely looking forward to the match. Knowing my look we'll get thrashed and I'll get caught up in this supposed bother but what the hell.
  8. I think people's lives have got to the point where saving £20 quid is a "victory" that gives them a boost. Sad really.
  9. Thing is once you have a "forced" choice on your shortlist you'll get shit whether you give him the job or not. Ince would have a field day.
  10. Stop making new ones, stop selling them and stop making and selling bullets. Issue them in the sticks at a local level with minimal ammo under local police/sheriff control to known locals only. Make possession outside sticksville a crime. The constitution can be amended. Then again if the thick twats read the whole sentence referring to guns instead of stopping short it wouldn't need changing at all.
  11. If there are fewer violent crimes in the US then I assume only dismemberment counts as violent.
  12. He must have upset someone powerful as it was pretty much established the coppers lied.
  13. I've seen polls which suggest slim majorities favour it but if all the moron states keep returning senators who don't then it isn't going to happen. Given the incidents that have happened its hard to imagine something that would change it.
  14. "Should" is the problem though. I'm not for one moment saying it serves him right or anything like that - just that caution isn't a bad idea if you do know your police force is fucked up. I remember my sister arguing with someone when her kids were young that using a policeman as a bogeyman was wrong as if they get into trouble that's who they have to go to for help. Imagine trying to teach a black kid that in the US. Of course we should debate it and suggest ways to improve it but in the meantime reality sucks.
  15. There's a harsh reality sometimes. I remember during the troubles in NI there were a spate of incidents where joyriders were shot by the army and my reaction was that they know the context of their situation so there's an element of responsibility. The reality for black kids in the US should mean that they should take an extra moment before playing with toy guns. Of course its not right but sadly its how the world is. Having said that I think 12 is a bit old for toy guns anyway so there might have been some element of posing.
  16. Aye - I checked out an iPhone 6 plus to get a feel for the size of a nexus 6 and was sort of okay with it but the pricing is a bit of a shock.
  17. I've had a Samsung s3 for nearly two years but the power drain since the last os update has been horrific. As my contract is nearly up I was starting to look around to see what's out there. Anyway I bought a first gen Nexus 7 a few weeks ago with the intention of watching stuff at work in my dinner hour and I was stunned at how well it works. I always thought Android was a half decent os but I had no idea how crippled all the devices I've had are. Because of that I bought a Nexus 5 with lollipop off eBay and its fantastic. I might look at a six next year but in the meantime I can't recommend "pure" Android more highly.
  18. I'd argue its that cooperation combined with the brain development that sets us apart from the rest of the natural world. All the successful civilisations have had a social conscience as you put it.
  19. We only became the dominant species due to cooperation. Nothing unnatural about it. Of course we may have gone beyond the truly natural limits as Chez is suggesting but I like to think we've evolved further as well.
  20. This is a "privlleged" whinge but IT in the city is now populated quite highly with Indians - no problem working with them but they've held salaries down over the last few years imo.
  21. Obviously a politician can't say it but someone with a house covered in England flags five months after the WC and who doesn't know there's a bye-election on is a thick cunt. All sides need to pander to thick cunts of all types but it would be refreshing for someone to just say "fuck 'em".
  22. Strangely I'm working with a white South African at the moment who can't understand why coloured is not pc as its seen as being a positive term in SA at least within his lifetime (he's about 30).
  23. But grammar schools... and fewer immigrants.... and no single mothers (at least in public)....
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