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Everything posted by NJS

  1. They bleated on for ages about how Carr assessed character so now Carver's either saying that was all lies or they were spectacularly bad at it.
  2. With 30 different changes to the calculation method - when it was 3 million the true figure was 4.5m. Of course nobody has had or will have the guts to reinstate the old method as the public are too thick to understand. Another lie is that it was labour who encouraged unemployed people to move to disability - of course it was the Tories. I could understand someone who didn't live through these times believing the lies - CT doesn't have that excuse.
  3. I've always thought and said it was an illegal war and that Blair is a tory cunt - doesn't fit your view but never mind. And the middle east was fucked by religion, the british empire and the us oil companies decades/centuries before Blair arrived.
  4. Everyone around Westmister and especially Privy councillors would have known the claims were bollocks but they played along because they always back wars. And the "moderates" Camron wanted to supply used chemical weapons before Assad so the idea they were "nice" blokes who were suddenly radicalised is a strech even for someone with your level of undertanding. Then again if you think had Camreron won that it wouldn't have ended up with UK ground troops in Syria then I've ovewestimated that level.
  5. It's incredible how Cameron's got away with that one - who were those lads you were supporting again David?
  6. I got a few looks the other day when I burst out laughing when Rita said "There's nothing you could do that would scare me" to Dexter.
  7. It'll take a while to get there - I'm watching them at work during my dinner hour and after eating I could fit a 42 minute ep of non-hbo shows but 53/54 mins means splitting them.
  8. Finally got back to Dexter after finishing a couple of others things. Approaching the end of the first series and got a little pissed off as I guessed who the killer was and thought I'd have 4 or 5 episodes of grace before a big reveal at the end but they outed him almost instantly.
  9. Well Milliband is either an ineffectual wimpy nerd or he's a backstabbing cunt. And of course Tory "heroes" like Hesteltine and Howe who knifed their saint plainly in the front are okay.
  10. I remember how big cinemas seemed when I was a kid and later realising how false that was, firstly when the ABC on Ocean road was knocked down to make way for a car park for about ten cars and then when what was the Gaumont when I was a kid was turned into a wine bar with the interior more or less intact and looked tiny.
  11. A basic human instinct which has only existed for a few hundred years and only available to a miniscule number of people. Sums the cunts up - but hopefully the millions who'll never own a house will see through them.
  12. I think I've said before that my Mam told me how her Dad used to turn up at the shipyards in the 20s to try and be picked out of a crowd to work for that day. That's why the unions were born and also why the Tory hated concept of demarcation came about in an effort to provide stable work for skilled men. Its taken the bastards 80 years but they've undone all of that and we're now back there for millions of people. I'd also point out to CT that his two million new jobs have led to no increase in tax revenues - I wonder if he can figure out why?
  13. You'd think a government with that record would be strolling the election or at least would be basing their campaign on it. Instead their main tactic today is to attack Milliband for having been out with another lass before meeting his current one. Why do you think that is?
  14. Freezing energy prices which affects everyone is tantamount to communism and armageddon., freezing rail ST prices which mainly affects the south east is fine.
  15. Might have been said but even if the crowd is 40k, it'll be sold as that many loyal fans who "have no problem" with the club (which you could argue is tacitly true). IMO a better option would be a full house with 90 minutes of vitriol and abuse a la Cardiff match last year. Of course a boycott for this one could be followed by an abusive games on the next one but I still feel this is going to be spun as a damp squib.
  16. I didn't see the debate but from what I read I think its easy to see why Cameron was so reluctant to have multiple chances for people to see that maybe Milliband isn't quite the joke they're trying to establish.
  17. NJS

    Kids tv

    A Jonathan King produced show iirc - I wonder if he fucked the cockney - probably too old for him.
  18. My first regular VCR use was to tape Friday night c4 comedy during my early drinking years. Dream On was a favourite of mine - quality comedy and some great guests. I remember Julie Carmen was in it for a few episodes - top, top totty.
  19. NJS

    Kids tv

    Banana splits was great - I've got a few downloaded somewhere. I liked the Gerry Anderson stuff and remember thinking in hindsight that whoever thought of putting stubble on Captain Black to signify he was a villain was an absolute genius - especially so given he was a puppet.
  20. The standard was a classic yesterday stating how the non-dom thing would almost destroy London. Tbh I don't really care whether it raises or costs money - it's about stopping cunts taking the piss.
  21. NJS

    Kids tv

    I remember Skippy - though it did share a lot with the Lassie premise of "What's that Skippy, Timmy is trapped down a well?" Etc etc.
  22. NJS

    Kids tv

    The boomerang was sort of electric I think which makes it more dodgy and they chewed "oxygum" to enable them to breathe underwater.
  23. When I was nine, on the Friday everyone broke up for the six weeks holiday, we were playing cricket in the back lane when my mate advanced down the wicket trying to hit the ball and succeeded in whacking me in the mouth with the bat. It split my lip and I had to have two stiches but thinking back it couldn't have been that hard as I didn't lose any teeth or need an xray for a broken jaw. Pisser was I wasn't allowed out for two weeks of the six weeks holiday (for no logical reason I can remember) - seemed like a lifetime at the time.
  24. NJS

    Kids tv

    I suppose if I mention a Japanese produced cartoon called Marine Boy it will be beyond the memory limit for everyone else (apart from TP, Rob W and Noelie who are proably just too old)
  25. Going to the beach and actually swimming in the sea during the summer with scant regard for weather/sea conditions. Challenging other groups of lads to a game of football, sometimes never to meet again, sometimes becoming mortal enemies and sometimes making friends you've still got decades later.
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