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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Being Tory lite has failed twice against a pudding of a cunt - electing another fucking pudding is a waste of time.
  2. Also in reply to Chez I think another narrative which is central to that which labour have lost track of is the idea that private/profit is ALWAYS best.
  3. Yes but the starting point was abolishing the retail/investment banking division and that was Thatcher/Reagan.
  4. Was out so haven't seen any of it but I'm both gratified andconcerned that he mentioned the 75 minutes in the build-up which shows he's on the ball but at the same time its his resposnsibility to ensure it wasn't a problem - using travelling to the US was a weak excuse imo. On the positive side everyone seems to have recognised promise.
  5. NJS


    Ensure the passenger area is completely shrink-wrapped inluding the floors with a disposal/replacement mechanism - a robot with a souse knife and plastic relaying mechanism comes to mind.
  6. Burnham has said he'd nationalise railways which remains a popular policy with the public. Also the biggest intervention in the "free market" in history took place under New Labour which shows clause 4 is a symbol more than anything and one I'd welcome the return of. It was a bad day when the Tory bastard removed it.
  7. I've got one PC on 8.1 which is just an automation controller/media PC which I think I'll try 10 on this weekend. Main machine can wait.
  8. I thought his first few novels were good but they got shitter as he went on so I stopped reading them. A bit like his sitcoms really.
  9. "Celebrating" no rise in council tax and then whinging about the lack of gritters would be CT's style.
  10. There's two nasty sides to the cover up in my view especially with MI5 involvement - firstly the info would be more valuable for blackmail purposes and secondly I'd guess there's a public school based attitude that a bit of buggery never harmed anyone. Both completely dismiss victims' trauma.
  11. Well I know everyone would "like" the allegations to be true, but that's basically been Cliff Richard's self-definition.
  12. I was talking to someone last week saying I saw an interview with a journalist call Anthony Howard a few years ago who was a good friend of Heath's and he reckoned the bloke was asexual. This was in response to him never having being associated with a woman but at the same time not thought of as a closet gay. I thought Howard was quite convincing and sincere in his description of Heath so despite the general cynicism around the subject, I'm still a bit surprised by the allegations now.
  13. Osborne isn't an idiot, he's a criminal - selling shares deliberately low to his best man and the rest of the Tory backers.
  14. Fair point - personal opinions and all that. I certainly wouldn't count her in the good riddance category or anything like that but I think in the face of universal tributes to hers and most other deaths, I'd like to see more honest views.
  15. For me she had a speaking voice like fingernails down a blackboard and presented two of the most excruciatingly moronic TV shows ever produced which it could be said ushered in the entire reality TV oeuvre. Add in an appearance at a Tory conference fawning over the bitch and she ticked all the Tarby boxes for me.
  16. Turned out well for the cunt. Moving away is fine, living on your image as a professional scouser while never visiting the place is as grating as Cilla's voice. (Auto-correct kept trying to make scouser accuser which is amusing - try accused instead Mr Google).
  17. No, they spent 5 years meekly accepting the Tory narrative on the economy in the hope that the swing voters who voted for Blair would return. They didn't because as you yourself pointed out, there was so little difference between their plans and the Tories, people just voted on milliband.
  18. Exactly JJ - stop trying to appeal to the wrong people and try to appeal to the right ones for the right reasons.
  19. Or just a huge split over the referendum. No kids harmed apart from the ones in poverty obviously.
  20. That's what I was getting at and I think that's where a lot of his support is coming from, especially young people fucked over by the Tories. Ridiculously hopeful of course, but it would be great if all those telegraph cunts who supposedly signed up to vote for him to fuck labour, actually elected someone who could win. I think as Andrew said, it would be good if a labour party could win over people "properly" instead of demeaning themselves to chase mail/sun readers like Blair did and Brown tried to do.
  21. As opposed to the image of the others as less than faux Tory bastards?
  22. The swing voters who voted for Blair and didn't vote for Milliband probably wouldn't vote for Corbyn (and then again might not vote for the others anyway) but people who are more left wing who voted green might be tempted. There's also more than enough people who didn't vote at all to make a huge difference.
  23. If you're keeping score I'd suspect British people have killed the most like. Fuck knows what's wrong with these people's lives that they think this shit makes them bigger men. Micro-penised cowards.
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