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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I still reckon if Cantona had scored Mathie's goal it would have been shown on sky every day for at least a year.
  2. Anyone who uses "average" and "should" in a set of rules is a bit dodgy as well.
  3. It's sad that a defence in a rape trial is still "she's a slag". They might argue they are trying to prove she's a liar but the undercurrent is still the same old victim blaming.
  4. So it's about Saturday pay then? What's good about that is its very "practical" and avoids the politics of the whole thing which I think is a huge factor but can be left out and still present a winning case.
  5. The Sun are using the line that the lies were police driven which is absolutely true but doesn't excuse the relish they were printed with.
  6. The process has already started and was continued under Blair - all they have to do now is make the NHS unattractive and allow the ads which already exist which say "be seen straight away" etc free reign to go further. I don't think they'll go as far as having an Irish style GP consultation fee as that would be too obvious even for the stupidest but allowing companies to "rescue" failing hospitals the way they applied the same process to schools will be massively extended as the next step.
  7. I'd charge BUPA and the rest for the training of any recruits including nurses and the rest. That would stop the cunts' tidy £30 a month plans.
  8. See spurs in the cup as the perfect example where fans escaping a crush were truncheoned. One of the worst things about Hillsborough for me was watching fans running across the pitch with people on "stretchers" having to pass a line of coppers on the halfway line obviously with one eye on expecting bother.
  9. Nobody's mentioned Jack Straw who promised a public inquiry but bottled it for fear of upsetting the police federation.
  10. Use the power you have while you have it - nothing wrong with that. I realise they probably won't have jobs in ten years time but that's acceptable progress in my view.
  11. The classic is the moaning that greets tube drivers strikes - "50k for that!" - well maybe if you stood together like they do instead of stabbing your colleague in the back for an extra 1% you could have that as well. "What have unions ever done? " - every single employee right you now have is down to unions, you fucking imbecile - and when you have none left it will serve you right.
  12. There's no alternative though that's the tory mantra.
  13. The chief Constable where the buck truly stops is dead - I wouldn't be surprised if Duckenfield avoids trial the same way.
  14. I think it will only be "justice" when those responsible are prosecuted. Sadly it either won't happen or it will be too late.
  15. Ruined it by singing YNWA outside the court.
  16. I thought they'd find that but also mention misbehaviour - I'm surprised it's a complete exoneration of the fans combined with a complete blame of everybody else.
  17. As I understand it a lot of junior doctors work 70 hours a week now but there is inbuilt flexibility that allows those with families to take the odd weekend off and also rules that try and prevent them working a ridiculous number of hours in a row. The new contract not only removes the long hours rule but it also means weekends are pretty much mandatory. As there is no extra money this means quality of life changes for no gains. If I was in their position I'd be leaving the country pronto.
  18. It's a classic tory provocation aimed at destroying the "industry" from a public pov. They did it in the past with miners, steel workers and other public sectors. Ben Goldacre pretty much disproved the stats they used regarding weekend death rates which were simply a vehicle.
  19. NJS

    Holidays 2024

    It's a nostalgia thing to a certain degree - went to Benitses in 84 on my first holiday abroad so fancied going back to see how it's changed. Of course there are no hotels near there good enough for the soft, reasonably well off old cunt I've become so I'm going to Kommeno this time.
  20. NJS

    Holidays 2024

    Just booked a week in Corfu at the end of June /start of July. Hopefully they won't have had the time to close the borders in the week after the vote.
  21. Everton, Watford and Stoke are all games I'd be surprised to see them lose.
  22. All the cunts from the NW who sing it, claiming to be because they hate the manc cunts when it's surprising how many of them follow Oldham etc as well as "United" as their second team. YNWA obviously as well as that Irish shite them cunts sing. I hate that "We love it, we love it" shite that screams small club.
  23. I contacted EasyJet to change the flight by means of a device called a phone
  24. There should be a link to the Derby 4-1 game under "Defiance" in the dictionary.
  25. Still the best atmosphere I've experienced. I know it will be idealised by nostalgia but I remember a sense of every fan being 100% behind the team for 90 minutes.
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