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Everything posted by NJS

  1. He said Labour establishment. I've fully admitted my hypocrisy on that before - I like being reasonably well paid too much and don't think that in itself is against my principles. Working for a bank, albeit one of the less evil ones, is "dodgy" I acknowledge. As I've also said before, my Dad taught me that in your day to day life you look after yourself and your family and when it comes to an election you vote to look after everyone else. I try to include not fucking anyone over in the first aim.
  2. Because they did nowt in 13 years to counteract Thatcherism and allowed the myth of crashing the economy to become enshrined. (Yes I count Milliband as NL).
  3. The establishment of Watson, Munich, Benn, Johnson and the Kinnocks. The working classes you mention were betrayed by Blair in pursuit of the centrist voters. Those voters even if they elected Corbyn would demand payback in the form of NL policies which again exclude the working class. Only way forward is alliances of anti-tory parties.
  4. A sensible chap whose organisation conspired with the banks to rate utter shit as triple A and massively contribute to the crisis as a result.
  5. From what you've said about policies you support which I can see is very much new labour, I think Farron's stance of offering a refuge for centrist voters might appeal - of course you'd run the risk of supporting tory enablers as well.
  6. Must be quite Britain based - they've been filming near my workplace near St Paul's for a couple of weeks.
  7. Brighton did have a shit load of draws - a few runs of 5 or 6 wins with one defeat would see us through.
  8. There was an inferior sequel to Westworld called Futureworld which showed more "worlds" within the park. Wouldn't have fancied a go with a sexbot if they short circuited halfway through and their face came off - or they decided to kill you.
  9. Hate to say it but if stokoe took them down then Benitez relegated us.
  10. See economists, chefs, IT workers.....
  11. Might regret picking a no mark as running mate if people think she's dodgy health wise.
  12. Why the fuck do refs put up with that obnoxious little scouse cunt? He books him and he blatantly tells him to fuck off as he walks away and that just brings a talking to? Fucking cowardice.
  13. Don't know about threads but Shure and Sennheiser are the top dogs.
  14. I'm working from home today so took the oppoertunity to phone Virgin. A couple of weeks ago they informed me my email had been hijacked as it was being used to spam people so I changed my password then did it again. I'm still getting undelivered messages related to a spammer so phoned to ask about it. Clueless Indian (their people in Wigan are spot on) then told me they only support webmail and Outlook and/or Aquamail were probably to blame - I said that was a cop-out and he then accused me of using profanity Asked for his boss and now awaiting a callback.
  15. Are schools more likely to be single sex in NI? I think that has a positive Impact on results.
  16. It does depend on what the secondary schools are. Before abolition there was very much a write-off notion as I mentioned with an acceptance that those who went to secondary moderns would be either the plumbers and electricians or the office workers at best. I remember when the 11plus results were given at my school and the teacher tried to cheer up the failers by using my sister as an example who'd failed but who'd still qualified as a radiographer which is not a bad job but shouldn't be the pinnacle of ambition. Of course you can argue that not everyone should go to uni as mentioned above and we still need plumbers etc but stamping that on people's forehead at 11 is too soon. I went to a grammar school which changed to a comp the year I started which meant I benefited from good teachers but it also meant I mixed with all kinds of kids background and intelligence wise within streams which I think really worked and meant those who developed at different speeds still did alright.
  17. Is that including the written off pupils/schools? Flexible streaming within a comprehensive is the best imo.
  18. NJS

    New Phone

    Naive question but can you copy mp3s to an iPhone and use a non iTunes app to play them? My cynical assumption was that they plan to remove/ban such apps if they exist and then restrict bluetooth/lightning audio output to iTunes only.
  19. My view. The people who want grammars don't consider two points: What if their kids don't get in. If they do what happens to the failers . Selfish cunts ie tories in other words.
  20. NJS

    New Phone

    The only chance of everyone not losing them within two days will be to supply a pouch which attaches to either the phone or a nose ring of the owner.
  21. Recruiter - shoot the fucker anyway.
  22. NJS

    New Phone

    Are you saying they only allow apps or will only allow apps which play music through iTunes? Fuck me, they're even bigger cunts than I thought. I honesly don't know how people put up with them.
  23. NJS

    New Phone

    I still use a Nexus 7 first gen to watch things at work without any problems.
  24. NJS

    Yes Gemmill...

    Just watched half of Blazing Saddles the other day. - so un-pc - so funny. RIP.
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