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Everything posted by NJS

  1. I thought Westworld was intriguiging but ultimately dull. I realise it was setting things up a bit but still expected more from the hype. Needs to get moving.
  2. According to Ready to Groom, the EasyJet incident was prompted by an altercation with a stewardess who objected to them being "cheeky" because she was a Mag.
  3. "It's going to be great" - remind you of anyone CT?
  4. Find a winning manifesto since 79 that has promised house building.
  5. Would rather they didn't bother and just have more Jessica Jones - another year or two wait is fucking ridiculous.
  6. In fear of Stevie's now hypocritical abuse I've always shied away from saying I've always thought of it as haway and assumed it was one of those region within a region things which suggested ST was mackem-esque to a degree.
  7. It was also Thatcher that allowed banks to use customer deposits as play money via fractional reserve lending.
  8. Can't do that every game but then again by the sounds of it they should have been 3 or 4 up after half an hour. Still question marks over the defence though - better sides seem to be able to score quite easily against us - needs fixing.
  9. Was the comparison at the start or the end of the campaign/after nomination? I always thought that the optimistic result because of Sanders was an influence on her policies - of course implementing them is another matter.
  10. I quite like Ken in some ways but it's obvious he's the wrong side of the anti-zionism/anti-Semite line.
  11. NJS

    Yes Gemmill...

    Usual stains on his record like Qana but that's the country rather than the man who I think did genuinely want peace.
  12. I think there's a feeling she only included a lot of stuff as a sop to Sanders supporters without really having an intention of following them as they weren't in there when she started her campaign. We'll see - but she'll be facing the same obstacles less in Congress you mention as well.
  13. She should be disqualified on the email server alone on the grounds of stupidity. I know that would apply to others but she sells herself on competence. She's flipped on several key issues like gay marriage and trade agreements and won't release her Wall St speeches presumably because they consist of "do what you like, I'll look after you". The access given to Clinton Foundation donors also stinks. Overall though I guess people see her as having strived "too hard" for power and I'm sure there is some sexism in that view but I think it's pretty true as well.
  14. I was just saying that your view of policies seems more NL than Sanders or Corbyn which suggests a "Blairite" like Clinton would be your preference - nowt personal, just views.
  15. Every bunch of terrorists the UK has ever dealt with have eventually sat around a table and had a peace brokered. The possible exception is Israel which worked out well. Maybe if we'd done that at the start of the conflicts, less people would have died on all sides.
  16. And by the way polls showed Sanders beating Trump by more than Clinton. No surprise to see you supporting the corrupt centrist rather than a genuine left winger.
  17. Little imperialism. Why should the UK "sit down" with ISIS?. They've got fuck all to do with us at that level as they're a grubby bunch of terrorists in a region that's got nothing to do with us. I'd imagine Putin thinks the same of the UK as he does about Germany and their nonexistent nuclear weapons - absolutely fuck all. I find left wing imperialistic cock waving as nauseating as working class royalism - you need to stop thinking it's the 20th century and wake the fuck up.
  18. I have a quite expensive Technics turntable in a box in my garage (not a DJ one).
  19. 2/16- smart TV and vinyl - the latter more because I'm an old cunt than owt else.
  20. If I said I could help you evade tax without actually saying how, you'd still have the right to be suspicious that I'd done it before. Of course twats like him are braggards by nature but its still worth some thought.
  21. Well if he was willing to advise on how to get around the third party ownership rules the first thing they should do is revisit every foreign signing the cunt ever made. I know that might affect us but so be it.
  22. "But managing a country's economy is just like running a household budget"
  23. You couldn't take capital out of the UK before the bitch eased controls the day after she was elected. History eh?
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