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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Ketamine as well - it's been shown to be useful treating alcoholism recently.
  2. So because he opposed Blair's excesses he should never whip his MPs? Not a strong leader/dictatorial over use of the whip.
  3. Nobody apart from the liberals is having the courage to say it's the wrong choice. The tories know their approach will damage the country as a whole more but are going for it for political reasons as they usually do. It's hard to see what Corbyn can do - a free vote would probably be split as Gloom says with the London MPs voting against and those wary of UKIP voting for - shit sandwich either way really.
  4. The dividend route is still better than paye but not as good as it used to be. There are alternatives for contractors which have emerged in the last few years which I looked at when I was last looking for a job just in case but I found some of them very dubious morally.
  5. Supposedly after some German left back (though called Diego something) from a French club. (Sorry for the lack of details - caught the report on SSN in passing).
  6. Yes but I'd worry about "affect you". As I've said before there should be an element of voting for what you think is the greater good beyond your individual lot.
  7. I read something which said the useless Democrats got 3 or 4 million illegal votes together but couldn't put 77000 of those into the states which would have won it for Clinton.
  8. John Oliver did an estimate which came out at about 27bn including maintenance.
  9. I'd like to think he has some semi-competent people with balls around him to point out shit like that.
  10. He's just a spoilt, petulant brat above all else.
  11. You're too much of an ideallist, Rayvin regarding violence - I'm quite proud of the fact that when Moseley's fascists tried to march in S. Shields in the 30s, they had the shit kicked out of them by a union led mob.
  12. I think his main reason was Morgan's shitty women's March comments rather than his Trump worship.
  13. Can't get twitter URL links at work - what's the child rapist bit about?
  14. Again shows what a fuckwit Cameron was/is - passes an act to hold an advisory referendum which he then claims he'll trigger himself if necessary without taking the required legal advice. Best in our lifetimes.
  15. A more mental KSA.
  16. NJS


    I think it's "common knowledge" he used a bankruptcy 20 years ago which has meant no taxes since - all legal of course. The bankruptcy is the thing that should be scrutinised - it smacked to me of convenience.
  17. That's because cunts like him don't know what football's all about - tribal loyalty to your club know matter how good they are - he thinks "big" clubs and the glory hunting bastards they attract are all that matters.
  18. I think it's a basic humanity test - if you're decent you're willing to accept that a proportion of claimants are false/liars on the basis that you know genuine people are getting the help they need. On the other hand if you're happy that genuine people suffer just to get at the wasters then you're vermin.
  19. Because it makes tories happy that "scroungers" are punished. They're opportunists - the financial crisis allowed them to use austerity to shrink the state and attack the poor. Brexit is now going to allow them to revoke rights and regulations and create a tax haven for their paymasters. I'm beginning to think of them as the aliens out of Independence Day.
  20. NJS

    Gigs 2024

    Just read that Gail Greenwood was diagnosed with cancer six weeks before the tour started, had an op just before it then underwent chemo throughout the US leg. What a fucking heroine.
  21. NJS

    Gigs 2024

    The Manics have a new album out this year but they're usually sensible when playing festivals or big gigs to play greatest hits sets so I'll still be tempted if they do a similar gig down here. I just failed to get tickets for Sabbath for the Never Say Die tour (old cunt card) but my first two gigs were them with Dio on the Heaven and Hell tour and then Ozzy with the Blizzard of Oz - both were great. I had to wait till an Ozzfest at Milton Keynes in 2000 before seeing the full original line-up - that was also great. It's a shame Bill isn't playing but when blokes get to their age it's understandable - of course Sharon Osborne being a mega cunt doesn't help.
  22. Depends whether he used his public office to enhance the company.
  23. NJS

    Gigs 2024

    Forgot to mention I'm seeing Sabbath at the O2 on the 29th.
  24. And Henry in Eureka - which was an enjoyable piece of fluff.
  25. My grudge will never diminish no matter what he does - his treatment of Keegan is the thing.
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