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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Only really talked to the French lad who was actually born in Cambodia but moved to France when he was a kid to escape Pol Pot! - he's been in the UK 11 years and has thought about citizenship previously but didn't want to spend the 3k it takes. He doesn't know what he's going to do now.
  2. We have Dutch, French and Polish members in our team. Two of them have kids born here who are more than 5 and know nothing else. The way they've been described as bargaining chips is cuntish even for tories.
  3. Going all Essemmbee, I always found it funny that when they rebranded as the black cats they used some kind of panther and not the good luck moggie it was obviously meant to be.
  4. No more so than the native peoples of just about the entire American continent or the aboriginal peoples of Australasia
  5. To an extent, yes. I can understand the desire to create a safe place after the holocaust but I don't think transplanting so many people from around the world to the middle east helped. Maybe a better solution could have been found at the time but I accept there was rejection of that.
  6. And Muslim in one way or another for about 900 years and not "Jewish" for centuries before that. It's the "promised land" rhetoric that gets me - funny how that argument is dismissed in every other case of displaced people or occupied region of the world.
  7. Arrival. I think I must have been going through a senile spell when I read the story as I realised after watching the film that I didn't "get it" when I read it. I got the non-linear time thing and her brain starting to think like that because of the language but missed the whole life story thing. I'm now really glad I watched the film as I enjoyed it despite it making me doubt my intelligence
  8. It's when they call him a liar for saying he watched us as a kid because nobody from Lanchester would do that, that seals it for me.
  9. Their "thoughts" on Bobby is why I'd have no qualms nuking the place.
  10. Mackems will love this. I received an invite for a do my sister's having in June for her wedding anniversary at Trinity House in the town and if I search for hotels on Expedia, the one that comes at the top of the list is the Marriott​ in fucking Seaburn. I wonder how many poor bastards have fallen for that one.
  11. He's going to announce his tax cuts next week supposedly - the people Chez mentioned who are well off and voted for him won't give a flying fuck how mental he is once the dollars drop.
  12. I read a bit where someone asked him about anti-semitism and started by stating that he knew Trump wasn't an anti-semite as proved by his family but could he comment on anti-semitic violence - the imbecile spent two minutes "proving" he wasn't an anti-semite, the main pillar of which was that Netanyahu had said he wasn't. Then he called out the reporter for asking a nasty question. I know we've taken the piss out of his supporters but I'm sure the "sensible" ones must surely br horrified and even the morons must think WTF do we have here. I've seen positive comments on it though - those people really should have theri sanity checked.
  13. He's admitted himself it was a "false claim". On him being there, his dad has backed him up but others including uncles have said its doubtful and people who knew him say he never mentioned it which is suspicious to say the least.
  14. Obviously performances will vary but just going by the radio commentary and the highlights chances, we played a hell of a lot better last night than at wolves and tbh the other away games recently. Maybe Norwich are more open than other teams but I was encouraged by the step-up especially as the three "scary" fixtures are all against teams who are similarly open as far as I can see.
  15. There's a BBC interview he gave where he's directly quoted.
  16. Sounds like we pissed the second half but missed the chances - a point and a better performance is pretty positive though. I know it's rare but I hate it when keepers get the things they practice all day wrong.
  17. It'll be dodgy for him as a scouse cunt to have been outed over this - won't go down well at all.
  18. I think they would have turned on the club big style in it wasn't for the six in a row - those 3 cunts (mainly Pardew) have a lot to answer for.
  19. Housing, privatisation, Union stifling and the promotion of immoral couldnt give a fuck entrepreneurship along side demonisation of the poor were the worst things the tories did. Blair did absolutely fuck all about any of them and the continuation of them over what is now approaching 40 years has shaped the society we have now. A few new hospitals and schools paid for by a corrupt method of finance which continues to blight the NHS don't make up for that. The UK is a good place to live if you're doing well, it should be a good place for a lot more.
  20. I think it's worth mentioning that despite all the shite about Lambert turning them around, they're still only 6 points off a relegation place. Same applies when we play them boring cunts next Monday.
  21. I thought there was no hope in the 80s and 90s but I think fatigue with the tories and Blair building on Smith's good work allowed a return. Unfortunately from my pov the party was dominated by people who just weren't /aren't left wing to any degree. The failure to undo the many tory crimes defined new labour for me despite a few good things. Now we have a party who have some really good ideas which I think could be sold even in a mail/sun led country but not by Corbyn. I don't want to see a Blairite centrist take charge because again, no tory crimes would be undone even if they did win so I suppose from my pov again they're screwed until a decent left wing leader emerges - that may be Lewis or Starmer but I'm not convinced yet.
  22. Compared with 92/93 this is more of a grinding team but I don't think it's that different to 09/10 - the latter had a few games where Barton, Nolan or Carroll won games almost single-handedly and it wasn't pretty. I have doubts with Colback still getting a game and I'm still not convinced by Diame in that position but I think we'll be alright as long as Gayle comes back properly fit. Still think we should have strengthened though.
  23. Thing is there were a couple of breaks in the second half that came to nothing where Gayle would have been in - I think we'll be laughing when he gets back.
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