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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Thing is the odd point that Labour are gaining is coming from the libs or from UKIP - the Tory share is pretty solid - and that's before you count the fuckers who are too ashamed to say thery're going to vote for them. I don't think there's any more shitter they can get in a week to prevent a majority - but you never know.
  2. 36% is a shocking amount of unskilled workers voting tory - what the fuck do they think they'll do for them? It's like those fuckers in the US rust belt voting convfefe.
  3. I was talking to someone at the weekend about the lack of tory "talent" - when you look at Johnson, Hammond and the rest and the fact that May only had to beat Leadsom and compare it with Thatchers day when there was a cabinet full of full on proper tory twats , it makes me hopeful about the future. As I said I think they'll win but May is finished imo - just have to hope the next one is just as shit.
  4. NJS


    Because it worked so well in NI. Best recruitment driver ever.
  5. We'll see I guess - I've consistently said I think he's a decent bloke but poor leader but he's impressed me in this campaign. If Labour loses which I still think they will, then yes, Corbyn's perceived weaknesses will be a factor and I'll say so. My hope now however is that a decent campaign on a decent manifesto won't lead to a Kendall-esque (or whoever) retreat to the centre after the defeat.
  6. I did mean Bill - he and his wife started the speak where you claim to be left leaning but are actually centrist at best because they're "ashamed" to call themselves left wing or heaven forbid use the "S" word - as admitted by Blair. Dozens of policies? Really? If the polls are broadly right and Corbyn actually does better than Miliband you'll put it down to May being shit and won't consider the possibility that people want something else. You'll also forget that the first big jump in those polls was when the manifesto was published not when May fucked up hers.
  7. Every time I see the word "progressive" I think of either Clinton, Blair or Nick fucking Clegg. It's a toxic piece of shite which implies anything but progress for the majority.
  8. If Smith had won, it would have been another Miliband austerity lite manifesto.
  9. If you can't say stuff which is undeniably right just because people don't want to hear it then we're fucked. Maybe he should just have put May's "cry wolf" speech on repeat and not spoken at all.
  10. There's been fuck all worth fighting for since WW2.
  11. I think when Renton and I have had this argument with HF we've sort of agreed that it's all part of the deal - the middle east has been shit on and adding a toxic ideology and shit lives into the mix produces sick people. Different people probably have different mixes. As for cause and effect I'd put forward Spain - they were a happy member of the war on terror until Alcotcha and then publicly backed off - as a result they have had nor more shite.
  12. They also say the tory manifesto is full of shit. They're gambling on the tuition fees thing getting young people to vote which isn't a bad idea - though I'd rather the money was spent reversing cuts.
  13. NJS


    Could mention Cameron's part in the destruction of Libya as well.
  14. NJS


    Well in that scenario "murderer" would have sufficed - "extremist" implies religious or political terrorist.
  15. NJS


    Fair question. Rest was wrong but imo you can still agree with the defiance and togetherness narrative but still be able to mention Islam in a way that's less "personal" than attacking Muslims.
  16. NJS


    I think I've said before that the thing that made me despair at the time was the second attempted tube attack a month after July the seventh - I really thought it was going to get "every other day". I think we reluctantly cope with occasional incidents as long as they're rare but anything beyond that would be almost unsurmountable.
  17. NJS


    He waited till the end then entered through the exits.
  18. Also the notion that she goes around the country talking to people is another fucking lie.
  19. I'm finding it funny how much she's melting down. Cameron was a cunt but polished - May is just shit. I think Corbyn's ran a decent campaign so far but they will lose. I wouldn't then be surprised if May is replaced within a couple of years as even cunts realise what a shit show she is.
  20. Had a tory canvasser knock at my door yesterday. I hadn't realised the sitting cunt announced 6 months after the last election he was stepping down so they've got a new twat. I almost regretted the venom with which I replied "no" to her "Can we count on your support?" as an argument might have been fun - as it was she sidled off.
  21. Finished Stranger Things today - really enjoyed it. I can see the view that it should have just been one season with a semi-happy ending but I liked the bridge to the second season - topically very reminiscent of Twin Peaks.
  22. Or Jon Goodman. I wonder if Trump ever bothered watching The West Wing?
  23. Pence is another Bush - with extra nasty religiosity. I think Bush (the younger obviously) was a semi-decent person for a Republican with some extremely dodgy fuckers around him. I think Pence would be similar.
  24. If Pence isn't involved in any shite he'll be president - see Ford with Nixon. If Pence is impeached as well then it'll be Ryan as leader of the house.
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