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Everything posted by NJS

  1. Without going all Dave, I've been going out with a lass for a while who's a veterinary nurse and practice manager in a posh part of London which means a lot of her customers are "celebs" of one kind or another. She doesn't name drop often but will mention someone if they come up in conversation. Anyway she's dealt with the entire Johnson clan and reckons they're all the same - anyone who "serves" them in any sphere of life is considered to be worthless and treated as such. I just can't understand why anyone thinks he's okay - his initial loveable buffoon HIGNFY act has worn thin by now and there's a nastiness level that's unusual even for a tory and that's before you mention his incompetence. If he's what people think of as good PM material then this country is even more fucked than I thought it was.
  2. Explain the economics behind rising interest rates causing an economy to rise.
  3. If city passporting is ended then mine and the jobs of thousands of well paid, easily transferable , huge tax contributing people will be at risk. Funnily it hasn't been mentioned since before the talks started.
  4. When asked this, Farage's first declaration was blue passports. Seriously.
  5. If the mail, express and telegraph can't find positive stories, have you considered the possibility that there aren't any?
  6. I got the impression they were genuinely pissed off about Yedlin and the less bitter/more honest ones did rate him. Manquillo however was greeted with universal amusement which I took as a bad sign. I accept the decent coach/manager view of course.
  7. I'm still not convinced Manquillo isn't as shit as the Mackems reckoned though.
  8. Aye, it was - don't know what their lies story was though.
  9. They did nowt when someone walked into an infants school - I won't hold my breath.
  10. There have been white murders which are clearly terrorism which go unlabelled as that though - Oklahoma/McVeigh and the cunt with the car in charlottesville for two where the right downright refused to call them that.
  11. What like being able to spend all spare earnings or talk of new contracts - those truths?
  12. No difference in the circumstances legally though.
  13. I don't have a problem with calling this bloke a nutter rather than a terrorist but that also applies to the bloke who went for it the gay nightclub in florida as well but he was categorised as a Muslim terrorist quickly and universally.
  14. Just need those who called the nfl protestors to state their support for the only amendment that does matter.
  15. And probably rich enough to hunt the cunt who pawned it down....
  16. On both trips to Barcelona for Newcastle matches I saw the civil guard or whatever they're called use batons again random fans who were just walking along doing nowt. Cowards and from what I've read very much part of the Franco/fascist past of Spain.
  17. Or say it was okay when we ruled the waves which we can do again apparently.
  18. NJS

    Yes Gemmill...

    Wonder if he paid for his funeral out of his future earnings. RIP.
  19. Have to hope she's reverted to type and is just flogging her book.
  20. He wasnt on the bench and Rafa mentioned him along with Dummet as being injured - not sure if its a reaction or as usual, he was declared fit too soon.
  21. He was also whinging about the rule changes they've brought in to reduce brain injuries ("lower ratings" in his original speech) - he honestly wants to see more people injured to make the sport "better".
  22. I'm surprised people don't make more of his draft dodging whenever he plays the military/patriotism/flag card - I know paying a doctor was standard rich people behaviour but still ....
  23. Wonderfully poisonous reaction from the fans won't help. No sympathy whatsoever.
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